bmharper added a comment.

I've taken some time to investigate those two issues, and these are my thoughts:

1. Constructor alignment: I think this is a good thing to do, but if 
`isFunctionDeclarationName`, and it's caller 
`TokenAnnotator::calculateFormattingInformation` are anything to go by, adding 
support for detection of constructors is going to be pretty hairy. I think I 
can see a way to do it, but it involves adding yet more complexity to 
`TokenAnnotator::calculateFormattingInformation`, and I'm not sure it's worth 
the effort. See TokenAnnotator.cpp 
 for reference.

2. friend functions: I don't really understand why the current behavior is what 
it is, but I think it's reasonable to argue that it actually improves 
readability by drawing attention to the fact these are friend functions, which 
ought to be quite rare in most code


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