MosheBerman added a comment.

In D123352#3439390 <>, @steakhal wrote:

> tldr; static-analyzer fixits are not completely implemented.

Where can I learn more about this?  Would it be possible and 
idiomatically/architecturally sounds to write a clang-tidy that processes 
output from this checker?

> When I passed the `apply-fixits`, it modified the input source file - as I 
> expected.

Did you test this diff, or an existing checker? Would you please share the 
command you used to test?

> Then I tried the `-analyzer-output=text` and suddenly it inserted the fixit 2 
> times xD, which is less than ideal and we should fix this.
> And I'm expecting many more bugs with this feature.

This is why it's gated. xD.

> There is a `clang/test/Analysis/` script which could 
> be invoked by a RUN line like this:
>   // RUN: %check-analyzer-fixit %s %t -analyzer-checker=core
> At least, the comment of that script says so.
> ---
> I'm quite skeptical about inserting such fixits in general - regarding 
> path-sensitive analysis.
> For fixits, we should be confident that some property holds, but the static 
> analyzer might conclude erroneously that a given pointer is null resulting in 
> a **bad** fixit.
> Thus, relying on this might be dangerous.

Understood, and I don't disagree (both because of lack of expertise, and 
because false-positives is a logical concern.) The intention here is to enable 
us to add `NS_ASSUME`  macros to a bunch of files, then use the nullability 
return checkers to catch the functions/methods which violate the new contract. 
This assumes that the existing code is the source of truth, as opposed to, say, 

> You can read more about false-positive cases regarding null pointers in the 
> `clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.def`, namely 
> `suppress-null-return-paths`, `avoid-suppressing-null-argument-paths`, 
> `suppress-inlined-defensive-checks`. These options were introduced for 
> mitigating such false-positive null pointer deref reports.

I'll take a look at that, thanks! Would those suppressions interact with the 
nullability checkers? They seem to have a lot of defenses against false 

> Let me invite @Szelethus for his expertise in the null pointer checker.


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