jhuber6 created this revision.
jhuber6 added reviewers: jdoerfert, yaxunl, JonChesterfield, saiislam, ronlieb.
Herald added a subscriber: guansong.
Herald added a project: All.
jhuber6 requested review of this revision.
Herald added subscribers: cfe-commits, sstefan1, MaskRay.
Herald added a project: clang.

Currently we require the `-fopenmp-targets=` option to specify the
triple to use for the offloading toolchains, and the `-Xopenmp-target=`
option to specify architectures to a specific toolchain. The changes
made in D124721 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D124721> allowed us to use 
`--offload-arch=` to specify multiple
target architectures. However, this can become combersome with many
different architectures. This patch introduces functinality that
attempts to deduce the target triple and architectures from the
offloading action. Currently we will deduce known GPU architectures when
only `-fopenmp` is specified.

This required a bit of a hack to cache the deduced architectures,
without this we would've just thrown an error when we tried to look up
the architecture again when generating the job. Normally we require the
user to manually specify the toolchain arguments, but here they would
confict unless we overrode them.

Depends on: D124721 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D124721>

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-infer.c
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-infer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
+// RUN:   %clang -### --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -fopenmp \
+// RUN:          --offload-arch=sm_52 --offload-arch=gfx803 \
+// RUN:          --libomptarget-amdgpu-bc-path=%S/Inputs/hip_dev_lib/libomptarget-amdgpu-gfx803.bc \
+// RUN:          --libomptarget-nvptx-bc-path=%S/Inputs/libomptarget/libomptarget-nvptx-test.bc %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck %s
+// verify the tools invocations
+// CHECK: "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"{{.*}}"-emit-llvm-bc"{{.*}}"-x" "c"
+// CHECK: "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"{{.*}}"-target-cpu" "gfx803"
+// CHECK: "-cc1" "-triple" "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" "-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"{{.*}}"-target-cpu" "sm_52"
+// CHECK: "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"{{.*}}"-emit-obj"
+// CHECK: clang-linker-wrapper{{.*}}"--"{{.*}} "-o" "a.out"
+// RUN:   %clang -### --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -ccc-print-bindings -fopenmp \
+// RUN:     --offload-arch=sm_70 --offload-arch=gfx908:sramecc+:xnack- \
+// RUN:     -nogpulib %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU
+// CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" - "clang", inputs: ["[[INPUT:.+]]"], output: "[[HOST_BC:.+]]"
+// CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU: "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" - "clang", inputs: ["[[INPUT]]", "[[HOST_BC]]"], output: "[[AMD_BC:.+]]"
+// CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU: "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "clang", inputs: ["[[INPUT]]", "[[HOST_BC]]"], output: "[[NVIDIA_PTX:.+]]"
+// CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU: "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Assembler", inputs: ["[[NVIDIA_PTX]]"], output: "[[NVIDIA_CUBIN:.+]]"
+// CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" - "clang", inputs: ["[[HOST_BC]]", "[[AMD_BC]]", "[[NVIDIA_CUBIN]]"], output: "[[HOST_OBJ:.+]]"
+// CHECK-NVIDIA-AMDGPU: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" - "Offload::Linker", inputs: ["[[HOST_OBJ]]"], output: "a.out"
+// RUN:   %clang -### --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -ccc-print-bindings -fopenmp \
+// RUN:     --offload-arch=sm_52 --offload-arch=sm_70 -nogpulib %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" - "clang", inputs: ["[[INPUT:.*]]"], output: "[[HOST_BC:.*]]"
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "clang", inputs: ["[[INPUT]]", "[[HOST_BC]]"], output: "[[DEVICE_BC_SM_52:.*]]"
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Assembler", inputs: ["[[DEVICE_BC_SM_52]]"], output: "[[DEVICE_OBJ_SM_52:.*]]"
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "clang", inputs: ["[[INPUT]]", "[[HOST_BC]]"], output: "[[DEVICE_BC_SM_70:.*]]"
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" - "NVPTX::Assembler", inputs: ["[[DEVICE_BC_SM_70]]"], output: "[[DEVICE_OBJ_SM_70:.*]]"
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" - "clang", inputs: ["[[HOST_BC]]", "[[DEVICE_OBJ_SM_52]]", "[[DEVICE_OBJ_SM_70]]"], output: "[[HOST_OBJ:.*]]"
+// CHECK-ARCH-BINDINGS: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" - "Offload::Linker", inputs: ["[[HOST_OBJ]]"], output: "a.out"
+// RUN:   %clang -### --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -ccc-print-bindings -fopenmp \
+// RUN:     --offload-arch=sm_70 --offload-arch=gfx908 --offload-arch=native \
+// RUN:     -nogpulib %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-FAILED
+// CHECK-FAILED: error: failed to deduce triple for target architecture 'native'; specify the triple using '-fopenmp-targets' and '-Xopenmp-target' instead.
Index: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
--- clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
@@ -7003,20 +7003,13 @@
   // For all the host OpenMP offloading compile jobs we need to pass the targets
   // information using -fopenmp-targets= option.
   if (JA.isHostOffloading(Action::OFK_OpenMP)) {
-    SmallString<128> TargetInfo("-fopenmp-targets=");
-    Arg *Tgts = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_fopenmp_targets_EQ);
-    assert(Tgts && Tgts->getNumValues() &&
-           "OpenMP offloading has to have targets specified.");
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Tgts->getNumValues(); ++i) {
-      if (i)
-        TargetInfo += ',';
-      // We need to get the string from the triple because it may be not exactly
-      // the same as the one we get directly from the arguments.
-      llvm::Triple T(Tgts->getValue(i));
-      TargetInfo += T.getTriple();
-    }
-    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(TargetInfo.str()));
+    SmallString<128> Targets("-fopenmp-targets=");
+    SmallVector<std::string, 4> Triples;
+    auto TCRange = C.getOffloadToolChains<Action::OFK_OpenMP>();
+    std::transform(TCRange.first, TCRange.second, std::back_inserter(Triples),
+                   [](auto TC) { return TC.second->getTripleString(); });
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(Targets + llvm::join(Triples, ",")));
   bool VirtualFunctionElimination =
Index: clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
--- clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -781,76 +781,120 @@
   // OpenMP
   // We need to generate an OpenMP toolchain if the user specified targets with
-  // the -fopenmp-targets option.
-  if (Arg *OpenMPTargets =
-          C.getInputArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_fopenmp_targets_EQ)) {
-    if (OpenMPTargets->getNumValues()) {
-      // We expect that -fopenmp-targets is always used in conjunction with the
-      // option -fopenmp specifying a valid runtime with offloading support,
-      // i.e. libomp or libiomp.
-      bool HasValidOpenMPRuntime = C.getInputArgs().hasFlag(
-          options::OPT_fopenmp, options::OPT_fopenmp_EQ,
-          options::OPT_fno_openmp, false);
-      if (HasValidOpenMPRuntime) {
-        OpenMPRuntimeKind OpenMPKind = getOpenMPRuntime(C.getInputArgs());
-        HasValidOpenMPRuntime =
-            OpenMPKind == OMPRT_OMP || OpenMPKind == OMPRT_IOMP5;
+  // the -fopenmp-targets option or used --offload-arch with OpenMP enabled.
+  bool IsOpenMP =
+      C.getInputArgs().hasFlag(options::OPT_fopenmp, options::OPT_fopenmp_EQ,
+                               options::OPT_fno_openmp, false) &&
+      (C.getInputArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_fopenmp_targets_EQ) ||
+       C.getInputArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_offload_arch_EQ));
+  if (IsOpenMP) {
+    // We expect that -fopenmp-targets is always used in conjunction with the
+    // option -fopenmp specifying a valid runtime with offloading support, i.e.
+    // libomp or libiomp.
+    OpenMPRuntimeKind RuntimeKind = getOpenMPRuntime(C.getInputArgs());
+    if (RuntimeKind != OMPRT_OMP && RuntimeKind != OMPRT_IOMP5) {
+      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_expecting_fopenmp_with_fopenmp_targets);
+      return;
+    }
+    llvm::StringMap<llvm::DenseSet<StringRef>> DerivedArchs;
+    llvm::StringMap<StringRef> FoundNormalizedTriples;
+    llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 4> OpenMPTriples;
+    // If the user specified -fopenmp-targets= we create a toolchain for each
+    // valid triple. Otherwise, if only --offload-arch= was specified we instead
+    // attempt to derive the appropriate toolchains from the arguments.
+    if (Arg *OpenMPTargets =
+            C.getInputArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_fopenmp_targets_EQ)) {
+      if (OpenMPTargets && !OpenMPTargets->getNumValues()) {
+        Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_empty_joined_argument)
+            << OpenMPTargets->getAsString(C.getInputArgs());
+        return;
+      }
+      llvm::copy(OpenMPTargets->getValues(), std::back_inserter(OpenMPTriples));
+    } else if (C.getInputArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_offload_arch_EQ) &&
+               !IsHIP && !IsCuda) {
+      const ToolChain *HostTC = C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>();
+      auto AMDTriple = getHIPOffloadTargetTriple(*this, C.getInputArgs());
+      auto NVPTXTriple = getNVIDIAOffloadTargetTriple(*this, C.getInputArgs(),
+                                                      HostTC->getTriple());
+      if (!AMDTriple || !NVPTXTriple) {
+        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_failed_to_deduce_targets);
+        return;
-      if (HasValidOpenMPRuntime) {
-        llvm::StringMap<const char *> FoundNormalizedTriples;
-        for (const char *Val : OpenMPTargets->getValues()) {
-          llvm::Triple TT(ToolChain::getOpenMPTriple(Val));
-          std::string NormalizedName = TT.normalize();
-          // Make sure we don't have a duplicate triple.
-          auto Duplicate = FoundNormalizedTriples.find(NormalizedName);
-          if (Duplicate != FoundNormalizedTriples.end()) {
-            Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_omp_offload_target_duplicate)
-                << Val << Duplicate->second;
-            continue;
-          }
+      // Attempt to deduce the offloading triple from the set of architectures.
+      // We can only correctly deduce NVPTX / AMDGPU triples currently.
+      llvm::DenseSet<StringRef> Archs =
+          getOffloadArchs(C, C.getArgs(), Action::OFK_OpenMP, nullptr);
+      for (StringRef Arch : Archs) {
+        if (IsNVIDIAGpuArch(StringToCudaArch(
+                getProcessorFromTargetID(*NVPTXTriple, Arch)))) {
+          DerivedArchs[NVPTXTriple->getTriple()].insert(Arch);
+        } else if (IsAMDGpuArch(StringToCudaArch(
+                       getProcessorFromTargetID(*AMDTriple, Arch)))) {
+          DerivedArchs[AMDTriple->getTriple()].insert(Arch);
+        } else {
+          Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_failed_to_deduce_target_from_arch) << Arch;
+          return;
+        }
+      }
-          // Store the current triple so that we can check for duplicates in the
-          // following iterations.
-          FoundNormalizedTriples[NormalizedName] = Val;
-          // If the specified target is invalid, emit a diagnostic.
-          if (TT.getArch() == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch)
-            Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_omp_target) << Val;
-          else {
-            const ToolChain *TC;
-            // Device toolchains have to be selected differently. They pair host
-            // and device in their implementation.
-            if (TT.isNVPTX() || TT.isAMDGCN()) {
-              const ToolChain *HostTC =
-                  C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>();
-              assert(HostTC && "Host toolchain should be always defined.");
-              auto &DeviceTC =
-                  ToolChains[TT.str() + "/" + HostTC->getTriple().normalize()];
-              if (!DeviceTC) {
-                if (TT.isNVPTX())
-                  DeviceTC = std::make_unique<toolchains::CudaToolChain>(
-                      *this, TT, *HostTC, C.getInputArgs(), Action::OFK_OpenMP);
-                else if (TT.isAMDGCN())
-                  DeviceTC =
-                      std::make_unique<toolchains::AMDGPUOpenMPToolChain>(
-                          *this, TT, *HostTC, C.getInputArgs());
-                else
-                  assert(DeviceTC && "Device toolchain not defined.");
-              }
-              TC = DeviceTC.get();
-            } else
-              TC = &getToolChain(C.getInputArgs(), TT);
-            C.addOffloadDeviceToolChain(TC, Action::OFK_OpenMP);
+      for (const auto &TripleAndArchs : DerivedArchs)
+        OpenMPTriples.push_back(TripleAndArchs.first());
+    }
+    for (StringRef Val : OpenMPTriples) {
+      llvm::Triple TT(ToolChain::getOpenMPTriple(Val));
+      std::string NormalizedName = TT.normalize();
+      // Make sure we don't have a duplicate triple.
+      auto Duplicate = FoundNormalizedTriples.find(NormalizedName);
+      if (Duplicate != FoundNormalizedTriples.end()) {
+        Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_omp_offload_target_duplicate)
+            << Val << Duplicate->second;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Store the current triple so that we can check for duplicates in the
+      // following iterations.
+      FoundNormalizedTriples[NormalizedName] = Val;
+      // If the specified target is invalid, emit a diagnostic.
+      if (TT.getArch() == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch)
+        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_omp_target) << Val;
+      else {
+        const ToolChain *TC;
+        // Device toolchains have to be selected differently. They pair host
+        // and device in their implementation.
+        if (TT.isNVPTX() || TT.isAMDGCN()) {
+          const ToolChain *HostTC =
+              C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>();
+          assert(HostTC && "Host toolchain should be always defined.");
+          auto &DeviceTC =
+              ToolChains[TT.str() + "/" + HostTC->getTriple().normalize()];
+          if (!DeviceTC) {
+            if (TT.isNVPTX())
+              DeviceTC = std::make_unique<toolchains::CudaToolChain>(
+                  *this, TT, *HostTC, C.getInputArgs(), Action::OFK_OpenMP);
+            else if (TT.isAMDGCN())
+              DeviceTC = std::make_unique<toolchains::AMDGPUOpenMPToolChain>(
+                  *this, TT, *HostTC, C.getInputArgs());
+            else
+              assert(DeviceTC && "Device toolchain not defined.");
-        }
-      } else
-        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_expecting_fopenmp_with_fopenmp_targets);
-    } else
-      Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_empty_joined_argument)
-          << OpenMPTargets->getAsString(C.getInputArgs());
+          TC = DeviceTC.get();
+        } else
+          TC = &getToolChain(C.getInputArgs(), TT);
+        C.addOffloadDeviceToolChain(TC, Action::OFK_OpenMP);
+        if (DerivedArchs.find(TT.getTriple()) != DerivedArchs.end())
+          KnownArchs[TC] = DerivedArchs[TT.getTriple()];
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (C.getInputArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_fopenmp_targets_EQ)) {
+    Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_expecting_fopenmp_with_fopenmp_targets);
+    return;
@@ -4210,29 +4254,36 @@
-/// Returns the canonical name for the offloading architecture when using HIP or
-/// CUDA.
+/// Returns the canonical name for the offloading architecture when using a HIP
+/// or CUDA architecture.
 static StringRef getCanonicalArchString(Compilation &C,
                                         const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
                                         StringRef ArchStr,
-                                        Action::OffloadKind Kind,
-                                        const ToolChain *TC) {
-  if (Kind == Action::OFK_Cuda ||
-      (Kind == Action::OFK_OpenMP && TC->getTriple().isNVPTX())) {
-    CudaArch Arch = StringToCudaArch(ArchStr);
-    if (Arch == CudaArch::UNKNOWN || !IsNVIDIAGpuArch(Arch)) {
-      C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_cuda_bad_gpu_arch) << ArchStr;
-      return StringRef();
-    }
+                                        const llvm::Triple &Triple) {
+  // Lookup the CUDA / HIP architecture string. Only report an error if we were
+  // expecting the triple to be only NVPTX / AMDGPU.
+  CudaArch Arch = StringToCudaArch(getProcessorFromTargetID(Triple, ArchStr));
+  if (Triple.isNVPTX() &&
+      (Arch == CudaArch::UNKNOWN || !IsNVIDIAGpuArch(Arch))) {
+    C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_offload_bad_gpu_arch)
+        << "CUDA" << ArchStr;
+    return StringRef();
+  } else if (Triple.isAMDGPU() &&
+             (Arch == CudaArch::UNKNOWN || !IsAMDGpuArch(Arch))) {
+    C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_offload_bad_gpu_arch)
+        << "HIP" << ArchStr;
+    return StringRef();
+  }
+  if (IsNVIDIAGpuArch(Arch))
     return Args.MakeArgStringRef(CudaArchToString(Arch));
-  } else if (Kind == Action::OFK_HIP ||
-             (Kind == Action::OFK_OpenMP && TC->getTriple().isAMDGPU())) {
+  if (IsAMDGpuArch(Arch)) {
     llvm::StringMap<bool> Features;
-    // getHIPOffloadTargetTriple() is known to return valid value as it has
-    // been called successfully in the CreateOffloadingDeviceToolChains().
-    auto Arch = parseTargetID(
-        *getHIPOffloadTargetTriple(C.getDriver(), C.getInputArgs()), ArchStr,
-        &Features);
+    auto HIPTriple = getHIPOffloadTargetTriple(C.getDriver(), C.getInputArgs());
+    if (!HIPTriple)
+      return StringRef();
+    auto Arch = parseTargetID(*HIPTriple, ArchStr, &Features);
     if (!Arch) {
       C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_bad_target_id) << ArchStr;
@@ -4241,6 +4292,7 @@
     return Args.MakeArgStringRef(
         getCanonicalTargetID(Arch.getValue(), Features));
   // If the input isn't CUDA or HIP just return the architecture.
   return ArchStr;
@@ -4258,12 +4310,11 @@
   return getConflictTargetIDCombination(ArchSet);
-/// Returns the set of bound architectures active for this compilation kind.
-/// This function returns a set of bound architectures, if there are no bound
-/// architctures we return a set containing only the empty string.
-static llvm::DenseSet<StringRef>
-getOffloadArchs(Compilation &C, const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
-                Action::OffloadKind Kind, const ToolChain *TC) {
+Driver::getOffloadArchs(Compilation &C, const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
+                        Action::OffloadKind Kind, const ToolChain *TC) const {
+  if (!TC)
+    TC = &C.getDefaultToolChain();
   // --offload and --offload-arch options are mutually exclusive.
   if (Args.hasArgNoClaim(options::OPT_offload_EQ) &&
@@ -4276,15 +4327,20 @@
                 : "--no-offload-arch");
+  if (KnownArchs.find(TC) != KnownArchs.end())
+    return KnownArchs.lookup(TC);
   llvm::DenseSet<StringRef> Archs;
   for (auto &Arg : Args) {
     if (Arg->getOption().matches(options::OPT_offload_arch_EQ)) {
-      Archs.insert(getCanonicalArchString(C, Args, Arg->getValue(), Kind, TC));
+      Archs.insert(
+          getCanonicalArchString(C, Args, Arg->getValue(), TC->getTriple()));
     } else if (Arg->getOption().matches(options::OPT_no_offload_arch_EQ)) {
       if (Arg->getValue() == StringRef("all"))
-        Archs.erase(getCanonicalArchString(C, Args, Arg->getValue(), Kind, TC));
+        Archs.erase(
+            getCanonicalArchString(C, Args, Arg->getValue(), TC->getTriple()));
Index: clang/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
--- clang/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
@@ -297,6 +297,11 @@
   /// stored in it, and will clean them up when torn down.
   mutable llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<ToolChain>> ToolChains;
+  /// Cache of known offloading architectures for the ToolChain already derived.
+  /// This should only be modified when we first initialize the offloading
+  /// toolchains.
+  llvm::DenseMap<const ToolChain *, llvm::DenseSet<llvm::StringRef>> KnownArchs;
   /// TranslateInputArgs - Create a new derived argument list from the input
   /// arguments, after applying the standard argument translations.
@@ -450,6 +455,13 @@
                                  const InputTy &Input,
                                  Action *HostAction) const;
+  /// Returns the set of bound architectures active for this offload kind.
+  /// If there are no bound architctures we return a set containing only the
+  /// empty string.
+  llvm::DenseSet<StringRef>
+  getOffloadArchs(Compilation &C, const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
+                  Action::OffloadKind Kind, const ToolChain *TC) const;
   /// Check that the file referenced by Value exists. If it doesn't,
   /// issue a diagnostic and return false.
   /// If TypoCorrect is true and the file does not exist, see if it looks
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
   "compiler runtime routines will be linked">,
 def err_drv_cuda_bad_gpu_arch : Error<"unsupported CUDA gpu architecture: %0">;
+def err_drv_offload_bad_gpu_arch : Error<"unsupported %0 gpu architecture: %1">;
 def err_drv_no_cuda_installation : Error<
   "cannot find CUDA installation; provide its path via '--cuda-path', or pass "
   "'-nocudainc' to build without CUDA includes">;
@@ -317,6 +318,12 @@
 def err_drv_expecting_fopenmp_with_fopenmp_targets : Error<
   "'-fopenmp-targets' must be used in conjunction with a '-fopenmp' option "
   "compatible with offloading; e.g., '-fopenmp=libomp' or '-fopenmp=libiomp5'">;
+def err_drv_failed_to_deduce_targets : Error<
+  "failed to deduce target triples from '--offload-arch'; specify the triple "
+  "using '-fopenmp-targets' and '-Xopenmp-target' instead.">;
+def err_drv_failed_to_deduce_target_from_arch : Error<
+  "failed to deduce triple for target architecture '%0'; specify the triple "
+  "using '-fopenmp-targets' and '-Xopenmp-target' instead.">;
 def err_drv_omp_offload_target_missingbcruntime : Error<
   "no library '%0' found in the default clang lib directory or in LIBRARY_PATH"
   "; use '--libomptarget-%1-bc-path' to specify %1 bitcode library">;
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