RKSimon updated this revision to Diff 427913.
RKSimon edited the summary of this revision.
RKSimon added a comment.

Use \code{.operation} ... \endcode

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang/lib/Headers/uintrintrin.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/uintrintrin.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/uintrintrin.h
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CLUI </c> instruction.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///   UIF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _clui (void)
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> STUI </c> instruction.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///   UIF := 1
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _stui (void)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 /// \returns The current value of the user interrupt flag (UIF).
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///   CF := UIF
 ///   ZF := 0
 ///   AF := 0
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 ///   PF := 0
 ///   SF := 0
 ///   dst := CF
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _testui (void)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 ///    Index of user-interrupt target table entry in user-interrupt target
 ///    table.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///   IF __a > UITTSZ
 ///     GP (0)
 ///   FI
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 ///       SendOrdinaryIPI(tempUPID.NV, tempUPID.NDST[15:8])
 ///     FI
 ///   FI
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _senduipi (unsigned long long __a)
Index: clang/lib/Headers/keylockerintrin.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/keylockerintrin.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/keylockerintrin.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> LOADIWKEY </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// IF CPL > 0 // LOADKWKEY only allowed at ring 0 (supervisor mode)
 ///   GP (0)
 /// FI
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_loadiwkey (unsigned int __ctl, __m128i __intkey,
                __m128i __enkey_lo, __m128i __enkey_hi) {
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> ENCODEKEY128 </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// InputKey[127:0] := __key[127:0]
 /// KeyMetadata[2:0] := __htype[2:0]
 /// KeyMetadata[23:3] := 0 // Reserved for future usage
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_encodekey128_u32(unsigned int __htype, __m128i __key, void *__h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_encodekey128_u32(__htype, (__v2di)__key, __h);
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> ENCODEKEY256 </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// InputKey[127:0] := __key_lo[127:0]
 /// InputKey[255:128] := __key_hi[255:128]
 /// KeyMetadata[2:0] := __htype[2:0]
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_encodekey256_u32(unsigned int __htype, __m128i __key_lo, __m128i __key_hi,
                      void *__h) {
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESENC128KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[383:0] := MEM[__h+383:__h] // Load is not guaranteed to be atomic.
 /// IllegalHandle := ( HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[383:0]) ||
 ///                    (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesenc128kl_u8(__m128i* __odata, __m128i __idata, const void *__h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesenc128kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata, (__v2di)__idata, __h);
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESENC256KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[511:0] := MEM[__h+511:__h] // Load is not guaranteed to be atomic.
 /// IllegalHandle := ( HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[511:0]) ||
 ///                    (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesenc256kl_u8(__m128i* __odata, __m128i __idata, const void *__h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesenc256kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata, (__v2di)__idata, __h);
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESDEC128KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[383:0] := MEM[__h+383:__h] // Load is not guaranteed to be atomic.
 /// IllegalHandle := (HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[383:0]) ||
 ///                  (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesdec128kl_u8(__m128i* __odata, __m128i __idata, const void *__h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesdec128kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata, (__v2di)__idata, __h);
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESDEC256KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[511:0] := MEM[__h+511:__h]
 /// IllegalHandle := (HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[511:0]) ||
 ///                   (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesdec256kl_u8(__m128i* __odata, __m128i __idata, const void *__h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesdec256kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata, (__v2di)__idata, __h);
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESENCWIDE128KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle := MEM[__h+383:__h]
 /// IllegalHandle := ( HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[383:0]) ||
 ///                    (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesencwide128kl_u8(__m128i __odata[8], const __m128i __idata[8], const void* __h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesencwide128kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata,
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESENCWIDE256KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[511:0] := MEM[__h+511:__h]
 /// IllegalHandle := ( HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[511:0]) ||
 ///                    (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesencwide256kl_u8(__m128i __odata[8], const __m128i __idata[8], const void* __h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesencwide256kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata,
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESDECWIDE128KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[383:0] := MEM[__h+383:__h]
 /// IllegalHandle := ( HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[383:0]) ||
 ///                    (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesdecwide128kl_u8(__m128i __odata[8], const __m128i __idata[8], const void* __h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesdecwide128kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata,
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> AESDECWIDE256KL </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// Handle[511:0] := MEM[__h+511:__h]
 /// IllegalHandle = ( HandleReservedBitSet (Handle[511:0]) ||
 ///                   (Handle[127:0] AND (CPL > 0)) ||
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
 /// AF := 0
 /// PF := 0
 /// CF := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ unsigned char __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _mm_aesdecwide256kl_u8(__m128i __odata[8], const __m128i __idata[8], const void* __h) {
   return __builtin_ia32_aesdecwide256kl_u8((__v2di *)__odata,
Index: clang/lib/Headers/hresetintrin.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/hresetintrin.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/hresetintrin.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> HRESET </c> instruction.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    IF __eax == 0
 ///      // nop
 ///    ELSE
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ///        FI
 ///      ENDFOR
 ///    FI
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
 _hreset(int __eax)
Index: clang/lib/Headers/avxvnniintrin.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/avxvnniintrin.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/avxvnniintrin.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := __S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m256i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
 _mm256_dpbusd_avx_epi32(__m256i __S, __m256i __A, __m256i __B)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(__S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m256i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
 _mm256_dpbusds_avx_epi32(__m256i __S, __m256i __A, __m256i __B)
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := __S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m256i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
 _mm256_dpwssd_avx_epi32(__m256i __S, __m256i __A, __m256i __B)
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(__S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m256i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
 _mm256_dpwssds_avx_epi32(__m256i __S, __m256i __A, __m256i __B)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := __S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
 _mm_dpbusd_avx_epi32(__m128i __S, __m128i __A, __m128i __B)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(__A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(__B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(__S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
 _mm_dpbusds_avx_epi32(__m128i __S, __m128i __A, __m128i __B)
@@ -184,14 +184,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := __S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
 _mm_dpwssd_avx_epi32(__m128i __S, __m128i __A, __m128i __B)
@@ -205,14 +205,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(__A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(__B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(__S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
 _mm_dpwssds_avx_epi32(__m128i __S, __m128i __A, __m128i __B)
Index: clang/lib/Headers/avx512vlvnniintrin.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/avx512vlvnniintrin.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/avx512vlvnniintrin.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm256_dpbusd_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m256i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpbusd256((__v8si)(S), (__v8si)(A), (__v8si)(B)))
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm256_dpbusds_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m256i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpbusds256((__v8si)(S), (__v8si)(A), (__v8si)(B)))
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm256_dpwssd_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m256i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpwssd256((__v8si)(S), (__v8si)(A), (__v8si)(B)))
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:256] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm256_dpwssds_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m256i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpwssds256((__v8si)(S), (__v8si)(A), (__v8si)(B)))
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm_dpbusd_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpbusd128((__v4si)(S), (__v4si)(A), (__v4si)(B)))
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPBUSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j]))
 ///      tmp2.word := Signed(ZeroExtend16(A.byte[4*j+1]) * SignExtend16(B.byte[4*j+1]))
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm_dpbusds_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpbusds128((__v4si)(S), (__v4si)(A), (__v4si)(B)))
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm_dpwssd_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpwssd128((__v4si)(S), (__v4si)(A), (__v4si)(B)))
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPDPWSSDS </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 ///    FOR j := 0 to 3
 ///      tmp1.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j])
 ///      tmp2.dword := SignExtend32(A.word[2*j+1]) * SignExtend32(B.word[2*j+1])
 ///      DST.dword[j] := Saturate32(S.dword[j] + tmp1 + tmp2)
 ///    ENDFOR
 ///    DST[MAX:128] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm_dpwssds_epi32(S, A, B) \
   ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vpdpwssds128((__v4si)(S), (__v4si)(A), (__v4si)(B)))
Index: clang/lib/Headers/avx512fintrin.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/avx512fintrin.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/avx512fintrin.h
@@ -9601,7 +9601,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VGATHERDPD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
@@ -9609,7 +9609,7 @@
 ///   dst[i+63:i] := MEM[addr+63:addr]
 /// dst[MAX:512] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_i32logather_pd(vindex, base_addr, scale)                        \
   _mm512_i32gather_pd(_mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex), (base_addr), (scale))
@@ -9621,7 +9621,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VGATHERDPD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
@@ -9633,7 +9633,7 @@
 ///   FI
 /// dst[MAX:512] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_mask_i32logather_pd(src, mask, vindex, base_addr, scale)        \
   _mm512_mask_i32gather_pd((src), (mask), _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex),      \
                            (base_addr), (scale))
@@ -9644,7 +9644,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPGATHERDQ </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
@@ -9652,7 +9652,7 @@
 ///   dst[i+63:i] := MEM[addr+63:addr]
 /// dst[MAX:512] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_i32logather_epi64(vindex, base_addr, scale)                     \
   _mm512_i32gather_epi64(_mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex), (base_addr), (scale))
@@ -9663,7 +9663,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPGATHERDQ </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
@@ -9675,7 +9675,7 @@
 ///   FI
 /// dst[MAX:512] := 0
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_mask_i32logather_epi64(src, mask, vindex, base_addr, scale)     \
   _mm512_mask_i32gather_epi64((src), (mask), _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex),   \
                               (base_addr), (scale))
@@ -9686,14 +9686,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSCATTERDPD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
 ///   addr := base_addr + SignExtend64(vindex[m+31:m]) * ZeroExtend64(scale) * 8
 ///   MEM[addr+63:addr] := v1[i+63:i]
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_i32loscatter_pd(base_addr, vindex, v1, scale)                   \
   _mm512_i32scatter_pd((base_addr), _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex), (v1), (scale))
@@ -9705,7 +9705,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSCATTERDPD </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
@@ -9714,7 +9714,7 @@
 ///     MEM[addr+63:addr] := a[i+63:i]
 ///   FI
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_mask_i32loscatter_pd(base_addr, mask, vindex, v1, scale)        \
   _mm512_mask_i32scatter_pd((base_addr), (mask),                               \
                             _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex), (v1), (scale))
@@ -9725,14 +9725,14 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSCATTERDQ </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
 ///   addr := base_addr + SignExtend64(vindex[m+31:m]) * ZeroExtend64(scale) * 8
 ///   MEM[addr+63:addr] := a[i+63:i]
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_i32loscatter_epi64(base_addr, vindex, v1, scale)                \
   _mm512_i32scatter_epi64((base_addr),                                         \
                           _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex), (v1), (scale))
@@ -9744,7 +9744,7 @@
 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSCATTERDQ </c> instructions.
-/// \operation
+/// \code{.operation}
 /// FOR j := 0 to 7
 ///   i := j*64
 ///   m := j*32
@@ -9753,7 +9753,7 @@
 ///     MEM[addr+63:addr] := a[i+63:i]
 ///   FI
-/// \endoperation
+/// \endcode
 #define _mm512_mask_i32loscatter_epi64(base_addr, mask, vindex, v1, scale)     \
   _mm512_mask_i32scatter_epi64((base_addr), (mask),                            \
                                _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex), (v1), (scale))
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