aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D122895#3512341 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D122895#3512341>, @aaron.ballman 

> I think the current behavior today makes sense but we should see if we can 
> improve it to make *more* sense. With `-Wstrict-prototypes`, we should 
> complain about the block without a prototype, but the use at the call site is 
> not declaring a conflicting declaration nor is it a call to a function 
> without a prototype but passes arguments (both of those are 
> `-Wdeprecated-non-prototype` warnings). Instead, it's a new kind of situation 
> that we may want to consider adding additional coverage for under 
> `-Wdeprecated-non-prototype` based on the same reasoning we used for 
> diagnosing calls to a function without a prototype but pass arguments. This 
> is not specific to blocks, consider:
>   void func(void (*fp)());
>   void do_it(int i);
>   int main(void) {
>     func(do_it); // It'd be nice to diagnose this too, but we don't today
>   }

Mostly as a note to myself (but others can definitely chime in if they think 
I'm wrong here), I *think* the correct way to handle both blocks and function 
pointers is to add new `AssignConvertType` enumerators for 
`IncompatibleC2xFunctionPointer` and `IncompatibleC2xBlockPointer` to represent 
an assignment conversion that is compatible today but will be incompatible in 
C2x. Then functions like `checkPointerTypesForAssignment()` and 
`checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment()` can return the new value, which 
`DiagnoseAssignmentResult()` can use to determine whether to diagnose a 
potential behavior change or not.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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