KazNX updated this revision to Diff 432159.
KazNX added a comment.

Updated to address feedback.

- Typo corrections.
- Additional declarations.
- Changed source reference URL.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/readability-identifier-naming.rst
--- clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/readability-identifier-naming.rst
+++ clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/readability-identifier-naming.rst
@@ -2742,3 +2742,468 @@
     double   dValueDouble = 0.0;
     ULONG    ulValueUlong = 0;
     DWORD    dwValueDword = 0;
+Resolution order
+The full set of identifier classifications listed above includes some overlap,
+where an individual identifier can fall into several classifications. Below
+is a list of the classifications supported by ``readability-identifier-naming``
+presented in the order in which the classifications are resolved. Some
+classifications appear multiple times as they can be checked in different
+contexts. The check returns as soon as the first valid classification is
+matched. This occurs when the semantics of the identifier match and there is a
+valid option for the classification present in the active configuration - e.g.,
+ - Typedef  ``[typedef]``
+ - TypeAlias  ``[using Alias = ...]``
+ - InlineNamespace ``[inline namespace]``
+ - Namespace ``[namespace]``
+ - <enum-members>
+   - ScopedEnumValue ``[enum class member]``
+   - EnumConstant  ``[enum member]``
+   - Constant
+   - Invalid
+ - <user-record-types>
+   - AbstractClass ``[class, struct, pure-virtual present]``
+   - Struct ``[struct]``
+   - Class ``[class, struct]``
+   - Struct ``[class]``
+   - Union ``[union]``
+   - Enum ``[enum, enum class]``
+   - Invalid
+ - <member-variables> - does not cover ``[static, constexpr]``
+   - ``[const]``
+     - ConstantMember
+     - Constant
+   - PrivateMember ``[private]``
+   - ProtectedMember ``[protected]``
+   - PublicMember ``[public]``
+   - Member
+   - Invalid
+ - <parameters>
+   - ConstexprVariable ``[constexpr]``
+   - ``[const]``
+     - ConstantPointerParameter ``[*]``
+     - ConstantParameter
+     - Constant
+   - ParameterPack ``[...]``
+   - PointerParameter ``[*]``
+   - Parameter
+   - Invalid
+ - <variable>
+   - ConstexprVariable ``[constexpr]``
+   - ``[const]``
+     - ClassConstant ``[const, static]``
+     - <file-level-variable>
+       - GlobalConstantPointer ``[const *]``
+       - GlobalConstant ``[const]``
+     - StaticConstant ``[static, const]``
+     - <local-variable>
+       - LocalConstantPointer ``[const *]``
+       - LocalConstant ``[const]``
+     - Constant ``[const]``
+   - <class-level>
+     - ClassMember ``[static]``
+   - <file-level-variable>
+     - GlobalPointer ``[*]``
+     - GlobalVariable
+   - <local-variable>
+     - StaticVariable ``[static]``
+     - LocalPointer ``[*]``
+     - LocalVariable
+   - <function/method-local-variable>
+     - LocalVariable
+   - Variable
+ - <class method>
+   - <ignore-base-class-method-overrides>
+   - ``[constexpr]``
+     - ConstexprMethod
+     - ConstexprFunction
+   - ClassMethod ``[static]``
+   - VirtualMethod ``[virtual]``
+   - PrivateMethod ``[private]``
+   - ProtectedMethod ``[protected]``
+   - PublicMethod ``[public]``
+   - Method
+   - Function
+   - Invalid
+ - <functions>
+   - <ignore ``main()``>
+   - ConstexprFunction ``[constexpr]``
+   - GlobalFunction ``[static method, static function, in any namespace]``
+   - Function
+   - Invalid
+ - <template parameter>
+   - <template-type-parameter>
+     - TypeTemplateParameter
+     - TemplateParameter
+     - Invalid
+   - <template-non-type-parameter>
+     - ValueTemplateParameter
+     - TemplateParameter
+     - Invalid
+   - <template-template-parameter>
+     - TemplateTemplateParameter
+     - TemplateParameter
+     - Invalid
+ - Invalid
+Labels listed in ``<>`` brackets are semantic qualifiers and attempt to
+illustrate the semantic context within which Clang-tidy resolves the
+classification. These are not formal semantic labels, rather labels which
+attempt disambiguation within the context of this document. For example,
+``<member-variables>`` identifiers that clang tidy is currently looking only at
+member variables.
+Items in ``[]`` brackets provide C/C++ keywords and/or decorations relevant to
+that particular classification. These must be present in the declaration for
+Clang-tidy to match the classification.
+List nesting is used to collate classifications which share some semantic
+identification - either a logical grouping using ``<>`` or ``[]`` qualifiers -
+and are each validated within that same semantic context. That is, all the
+classifications listed under ``<parameters>`` are each attempted in turn
+against anything identified as a parameter.
+The label ``Invalid`` indicates that valid classifications have been exhausted
+for a particular ``<semantic-context>`` and no further attempts will be made to
+classify the identifier in any other context. For example, in the 
+``<parameters>`` semantic context, clang tidy will abort matching after failing
+to resolve the ``Parameter`` classification and a parameter will *not* be
+classified as a ``Variable``.
+Example classification
+The code snippet below[1]_ serves as an exhaustive example of various
+identifiers the ``readability-identifier-naming`` check is able to classify.
+Each identifier is documented with the list of classifications that apply to
+that identifier, listed in order of resolution. For example, a local pointer
+variable is commented ``// LocalPointer, LocalVariable, Variable`` indicating it
+is first classified as a ``LocalPointer``, then a ``LocalVariable`` and finally
+as a ``Variable``.
+.. code-block:: c++
+    #include <array>
+    #include <functional>
+    #include <iostream>
+    #include <string>
+    // MacroDefinition
+    #define MACRO_DEFINITION 42
+    // MacroDefinition
+    #define MACRO_FUNCTION(x) (void)x
+    // Typedef
+    typedef int MyArchaicInt;
+    // TypeAlias
+    using MyContemporaryInt = int;
+    // Namespace
+    namespace some_namespace
+    {
+    // InlineNamespace, Namespace
+    inline namespace version_1
+    {
+    }  // namespace version_1
+    }  // namespace some_namespace
+    // AbstractClass, Class, Struct
+    class AbstractClass
+    {
+    public:
+    // Not checked - constructors and destructors must match class name.
+    inline AbstractClass() = default;
+    // Not checked - constructors and destructors must match class name.
+    inline virtual ~AbstractClass() {}
+    // PublicMethod, Method, Function
+    void notAbstract();
+    // VirtualMethod, PublicMethod, Method, Function
+    virtual void abstractMethod() = 0;
+    };
+    // Class, Struct
+    class ClassNaming
+    {
+    // ----------------------
+    // Class member variables
+    // ----------------------
+    public:
+        // ConstexprVariable, ClassConstant, Constant, ClassMember,
+        // GlobalConstant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+        constexpr static int public_constexpr_member = 0;
+        // ConstantMember, Constant, PublicMember, Member
+        const int public_constant_member = 0;
+        // PublicMember, Member
+        int public_member = 0;
+        // ClassMember, Member, Variable
+        static int public_static_member;
+        // ClassConstant, Constant, GlobalConstant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+        static const int public_static_constant_member = 0;
+    protected:
+        // ConstexprVariable, ClassConstant, Constant, ClassMember,
+        // GlobalConstant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+        constexpr static int protected_constexpr_member = 0;
+        // ConstantMember, Constant, ProtectedMember, Member
+        const int protected_constant_member = 0;
+        // ProtectedMember, Member
+        int protected_member_ = 0;
+        // ClassMember, Member, Variable
+        static int protected_static_member;
+        // ClassConstant, Constant, GlobalConstant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+        static const int protected_static_constant_member = 0;
+    private:
+        // ConstexprVariable, ClassConstant, Constant, ClassMember,
+        // GlobalConstant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+        constexpr static int private_constexpr_member = 0;
+        // ConstantMember, Constant, PrivateMember, Member
+        const int private_constant_member_ = 0;
+        // PrivateMember, Member
+        int private_member_ = 0;
+        // ClassMember, Member, Variable
+        static int private_static_member;
+        // ClassConstant, Constant, GlobalConstant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+        static const int private_static_constant_member = 0;
+    // ----------------------
+    // Class methods
+    // ----------------------
+    public:
+        // ConstexprMethod, ConstexprFunction, PublicMethod, Method, Function
+        constexpr int publicConstexprFunc() { return 0; }
+        // ClassMethod, PublicMethod, Method, Function
+        static int publicStaticFunc() { return 0; }
+        // VirtualMethod, PublicMethod, Method, Function
+        virtual int publicFunc() { return 0; }
+    protected:
+        // ConstexprMethod, ConstexprFunction, ProtectedMethod, Method, Function
+        constexpr int protectedConstexprFunc() { return 0; }
+        // ClassMethod, ProtectedMethod, Method, Function
+        static int protectedStaticFunc() { return 0; }
+        // VirtualMethod, ProtectedMethod, Method, Function
+        virtual int protectedFunc() { return 0; }
+    private:
+        // ConstexprMethod, ConstexprFunction, PrivateMethod, Method, Function
+        constexpr int privateConstexprFunc() { return 0; }
+        // ClassMethod, PrivateMethod, Method, Function
+        static int privateStaticFunc() { return 0; }
+        // VirtualMethod, PrivateMethod, Method, Function
+        virtual int privateFunc() { return 0; }
+    };
+    // Static definitions provided for completeness.
+    int ClassNaming::public_static_member = 0;
+    int ClassNaming::protected_static_member = 0;
+    int ClassNaming::private_static_member = 0;
+    // Struct, Class
+    struct StructNaming
+    {
+    };
+    // Union
+    union UnionNaming
+    {
+        // PublicMember, Member
+        int union_variable = 0;
+    };
+    // Enum
+    enum class EnumClass
+    {
+        // ScopedEnumConstant, EnumConstant, Constant
+        EnumClassValue
+    };
+    // Enum
+    enum OldEnum
+    {
+        // EnumConstant, Constant
+    };
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    // @param const_str_ptr PointerParameter, Parameter*
+    // @param str_const_ptr ConstantPointerParameter, ConstantParameter,
+    //                      PointerParameter, Parameter
+    // @param str ConstantParameter, Parameter
+    // @param ptr_param PointerParameter, Parameter
+    // @param param Parameter
+    int func(const std::string *const_str_ptr, std::string *const str_const_ptr,
+             const std::string &str, int *ptr_param, int param)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // ---------
+    // Templates
+    // ---------
+    // Class, Struct
+    // @tparam Type TypeTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    // @tparam Size ValueTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    template <typename Type, int Size>
+    class ArrayTemplate
+    {
+    public:
+        // PublicMember, Member
+        Type bytes[Size];
+    };
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    // @tparam Param TypeTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    // @param val Parameter
+    template <typename Param>
+    void templatePrint(const Param &val)
+    {
+        std::cout << val;
+    }
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    // @tparam Param TypeTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    // @tparam Args TypeTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    // @param val Parameter
+    // @param args ParameterPack, Parameter
+    template <typename Param, typename... Args>
+    void templatePrint(const Param &val, Args... args)
+    {
+        templatePrint(val);
+        std::cout << ' ';
+        templatePrint(args...);
+    }
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    // @tparam Callable TemplateTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    // @tparam Param TypeTemplateParameter, TemplateParameter
+    // @param callable Parameter
+    // @param arg Parameter
+    template <template <typename> class Callable, typename Param>
+    Param templateTemplateParam(const Callable<Param(const Param &)> &callable, const Param &arg)
+    {
+        return callable(arg);
+    }
+    // -------------------------------
+    // Non-class variable declarations
+    // -------------------------------
+    // File level variables (global)
+    //
+    // The categorisation of anonymous namespace and named namespace variables
+    // is the same as for the global variable declarations below.
+    // ConstexprVariable, GlobalConstant, Constant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+    constexpr int global_constexpr = 0;
+    // GlobalConstantPointer, GlobalConstant, Constant, GlobalPointer, 
+    // GlobalVariable, Variable
+    int *const global_const_ptr = nullptr;
+    // GlobalPointer, GlobalVariable, Variable
+    const int *global_const_int_ptr = nullptr;
+    // GlobalConstant, Constant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+    const int global_const = 0;
+    // GlobalConstant, StaticConstant, Constant, GlobalVariable, Variable
+    static const int global_static_const = 0;
+    // GlobalConstantPointer, GlobalConstant, StaticConstant, Constant,
+    // GlobalPointer, GlobalVariable, Variable
+    static int *const global_static_int_const_ptr = 0;
+    // GlobalPointer, GlobalVariable, Variable
+    static const int *global_static_const_int_ptr = 0;
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    //
+    // @param seed Parameter
+    int varFunc(int seed = 0)
+    {
+        // ConstexprVariable, LocalConstant, Constant, LocalVariable, Variable
+        constexpr int local_constexpr = 0;
+        // LocalConstant, Constant, LocalVariable, Variable
+        const int local_const = 0;
+        // LocalConstantPointer, LocalConstant, Constant, LocalPointer,
+        // LocalVariable, Variable
+        const int *const local_const_ptr = &local_const;
+        // LocalConstant, Constant, LocalVariable, Variable
+        const auto local_lambda = [](int value) { return value; };
+        // StaticVariable, LocalVariable, Variable
+        static int static_variable = 0;
+        // LocalVariable, Variable
+        int local_variable = seed;
+        // LocalPointer, LocalVariable, Variable
+        int *local_variable_ptr = &local_variable;
+        return local_lambda(local_constexpr + local_const + *local_const_ptr + static_variable + local_variable +
+                            *local_variable_ptr);
+    }
+    // -------------------------------
+    // Non-class function declarations
+    // -------------------------------
+    // ConstexprFunction, GlobalFunction, Function
+    constexpr int answer()
+    {
+        return 42;
+    }
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    static int staticFunc()
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    namespace
+    {
+    // Function
+    //
+    // Not a GlobalFunction since it is in a namespace.
+    int anonymousFunc()
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    }  // namespace
+    // GlobalFunction, Function
+    int otherFunc()
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+.. [1] Source https://github.com/KazNX/clang-tidy-naming/blob/main/ClangTidyNaming.cpp
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