sammccall created this revision.
sammccall added a reviewer: hokein.
Herald added subscribers: usaxena95, kadircet.
Herald added a project: All.
sammccall requested review of this revision.
Herald added subscribers: cfe-commits, alextsao1999, ilya-biryukov.
Herald added a project: clang-tools-extra.

Most GSS nodes have short effective lifetimes, keeping them around until the
end of the parse is wasteful. Mark and sweep them every 20 tokens.

When parsing clangd/AST.cpp, this reduces the GSS memory from 1MB to 20kB.
We pay ~5% performance for this according to the glrParse benchmark.
(Parsing more tokens between GCs doesn't seem to improve this further).

Compared to the refcounting approach in, this
is simpler (at least the complexity is better isolated) and has >2x less
overhead. It doesn't provide death handlers (for error-handling) but we have
an alternative solution in mind.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


Index: clang-tools-extra/pseudo/unittests/GLRTest.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/pseudo/unittests/GLRTest.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/pseudo/unittests/GLRTest.cpp
@@ -393,6 +393,29 @@
             "[  0, end)     └─IDENTIFIER := tok[0]\n");
+TEST(GSSTest, GC) {
+  //      ┌-A-┬-AB
+  //      ├-B-┘
+  // Root-+-C
+  //      ├-D
+  //      └-E
+  GSS GSStack;
+  auto *Root = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {});
+  auto *A = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {Root});
+  auto *B = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {Root});
+  auto *C = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {Root});
+  auto *D = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {Root});
+  auto *AB = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {A, B});
+  EXPECT_EQ(1u, GSStack.gc({AB, C})); // destroys D
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, GSStack.gc({AB, C})); // D is already gone.
+  auto *E = GSStack.addNode(0, nullptr, {Root});
+  EXPECT_EQ(3u, GSStack.gc({A, E})); // destroys B, AB, C
+  EXPECT_EQ(1u, GSStack.gc({E}));    // destroys A
+  (void)D;
 } // namespace
 } // namespace pseudo
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/pseudo/lib/GLR.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/pseudo/lib/GLR.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/pseudo/lib/GLR.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
@@ -65,6 +66,18 @@
   std::vector<const GSS::Node *> NewHeads = {
                   /*ForestNode=*/nullptr, {})};
+  auto MaybeGC = [&, Roots(std::vector<const GSS::Node *>{}), I(0u)]() mutable {
+    assert(NewHeads.empty() && "Running GC at the wrong time!");
+    if (++I != 20) // Run periodically to balance CPU and memory usage.
+      return;
+    I = 0;
+    Roots.clear();
+    for (const auto *Pending : {&PendingShift, &PendingReduce, &PendingAccept})
+      for (const auto &E : *Pending)
+        Roots.push_back(E.Head);
+    GSS.gc(std::move(Roots));
+  };
+  std::vector<const Node *> GCRoots;
   for (const ForestNode &Terminal : Terminals) {
     LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << llvm::formatv("Next token {0} (id={1})\n",
@@ -72,6 +85,7 @@
     for (const auto *Head : NewHeads)
       AddSteps(Head, Terminal.symbol());
+    MaybeGC();
     glrReduce(PendingReduce, Params,
               [&](const GSS::Node * NewHead) {
                 // A reduce will enable more steps.
@@ -373,5 +387,73 @@
+const GSS::Node *GSS::addNode(LRTable::StateID State, const ForestNode *Symbol,
+                              llvm::ArrayRef<const Node *> Parents) {
+  ++NodeCount;
+  Node *Result = new (allocate(Parents.size()))
+      Node({State, GCParity, static_cast<unsigned>(Parents.size())});
+  Allocated.push_back(Result);
+  Result->Payload = Symbol;
+  if (!Parents.empty())
+    llvm::copy(Parents, reinterpret_cast<const Node **>(Result + 1));
+  return Result;
+GSS::Node *GSS::allocate(unsigned Parents) {
+  ++NodeCount;
+  if (FreeList.size() <= Parents)
+    FreeList.resize(Parents + 1);
+  auto &SizedList = FreeList[Parents];
+  if (!SizedList.empty()) {
+    auto *Result = SizedList.back();
+    SizedList.pop_back();
+    return Result;
+  }
+  return static_cast<Node *>(
+      Arena.Allocate(sizeof(Node) + Parents * sizeof(Node *), alignof(Node)));
+void GSS::destroy(Node *N) {
+  unsigned ParentCount = N->ParentCount;
+  N->~Node();
+  assert(FreeList.size() > ParentCount && "established on construction!");
+  FreeList[ParentCount].push_back(N);
+unsigned GSS::gc(std::vector<const Node *> &&Queue) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  auto ParityMatches = [&](const Node *N) { return N->GCParity == GCParity; };
+  assert("Before GC" && llvm::all_of(Allocated, ParityMatches));
+  auto Deferred = llvm::make_scope_exit(
+      [&] { assert("After GC" && llvm::all_of(Allocated, ParityMatches)); });
+  assert(llvm::all_of(
+      Queue, [&](const Node *R) { return llvm::is_contained(Allocated, R); }));
+  unsigned InitialCount = Allocated.size();
+  // Mark
+  GCParity = !GCParity;
+  while (!Queue.empty()) {
+    Node *N = const_cast<Node *>(Queue.back()); // Safe: we created these nodes.
+    Queue.pop_back();
+    if (N->GCParity != GCParity) { // Not seen yet
+      N->GCParity = GCParity;      // Mark as seen
+      for (const Node *P : N->parents()) // And walk parents
+        Queue.push_back(P);
+    }
+  }
+  // Sweep
+  llvm::erase_if(Allocated, [&](Node *N) {
+    if (N->GCParity == GCParity) // Walk reached this node.
+      return false;
+    destroy(N);
+    return true;
+  });
+  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "GC pruned " << (InitialCount - Allocated.size())
+                          << "/" << InitialCount << " GSS nodes\n");
+  return InitialCount - Allocated.size();
 } // namespace pseudo
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/pseudo/include/clang-pseudo/GLR.h
--- clang-tools-extra/pseudo/include/clang-pseudo/GLR.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/pseudo/include/clang-pseudo/GLR.h
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
   struct alignas(struct Node *) Node {
     // LR state describing how parsing should continue from this head.
     LRTable::StateID State;
+    // Used internally to track reachability during garbage collection.
+    bool GCParity;
     // Number of the parents of this node.
     // The parents hold previous parsed symbols, and may resume control after
     // this node is reduced.
@@ -90,21 +92,24 @@
   // Allocates a new node in the graph.
   const Node *addNode(LRTable::StateID State, const ForestNode *Symbol,
-                      llvm::ArrayRef<const Node *> Parents) {
-    ++NodeCount;
-    Node *Result = new (Arena.Allocate(
-        sizeof(Node) + Parents.size() * sizeof(Node *), alignof(Node)))
-        Node({State, static_cast<unsigned>(Parents.size())});
-    Result->Payload = Symbol;
-    if (!Parents.empty())
-      llvm::copy(Parents, reinterpret_cast<const Node **>(Result + 1));
-    return Result;
-  }
+                      llvm::ArrayRef<const Node *> Parents);
+  // Frees all nodes not reachable as ancestors of Roots, and returns the count.
+  // Calling this periodically prevents steady memory growth of the GSS.
+  unsigned gc(std::vector<const Node *> &&Roots);
   size_t bytes() const { return Arena.getTotalMemory() + sizeof(*this); }
   size_t nodeCount() const { return NodeCount; }
+  // Nodes are recycled using freelists.
+  // They are variable size, so use one free-list per distinct #parents.
+  std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> FreeList;
+  Node *allocate(unsigned Parents);
+  void destroy(Node *N);
+  // The list of all allocated nodes - these are our candidates for gc().
+  std::vector<Node *> Allocated;
+  bool GCParity = false; // All nodes should match this, except during GC.
   llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
   unsigned NodeCount = 0;
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