awarzynski added a comment.

Thanks for taking a look, @peixin! Just to clarify - I'm not really looking 
into `-Os`, `-Ofast` or `-Oz` at the moment. But I'm always happy to review 
driver patches :)

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/
+def O_flag : Flag<["-"], "O">, Flags<[CC1Option,FC1Option]>, Alias<O>, 
 def Ofast : Joined<["-"], "Ofast">, Group<O_Group>, Flags<[CC1Option]>;
 def P : Flag<["-"], "P">, Flags<[CC1Option,FlangOption,FC1Option]>, 
peixin wrote:
> Will enabling Ofast require more changes in the flang frontend? If yes, it is 
> OK to support it in another patch later.
I would much prefer to have it implemented it in a dedicated patch.

For every option, one has to consider the semantics in the compiler driver 
(`flang-new`) vs frontend driver (`flang-new -fc1`) and then, in case of 
code-gen flags, the difference between middle-end and back-end pass pipelines. 
So quite a few things :)

In general, I'm in favor of doing this incrementally, in small patches. This 
makes reviewing and testing easier and more self-contained. Is that OK?

Comment at: flang/include/flang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.def:30
+VALUE_CODEGENOPT(OptimizationLevel, 2, 0) ///< The -O[0-3] option specified.
peixin wrote:
> I saw `clang/include/clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.def` has the following:
> ```
> VALUE_CODEGENOPT(OptimizationLevel, 2, 0) ///< The -O[0-3] option specified.
> VALUE_CODEGENOPT(OptimizeSize, 2, 0) ///< If -Os (==1) or -Oz (==2) is 
> specified.
> ```
> Do `-Os` and `-Oz` need extra processing in flang drivers? If yes, it is OK 
> to support it in another patch later.
> Do -Os and -Oz need extra processing in flang drivers? 

These are code-size optimisation flags, so the logic will be a bit different.

Also, I'm very much in favor of small, incremental and self-contained patches. 
Splitting this into regular and size optimizations seemed like a natural split.

Comment at: flang/lib/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.cpp:8
+#include "flang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.h"
peixin wrote:
> Miss the following?
> ```
> //
> // Coding style:
> //
> //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
> ```
Good catch, thanks!

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