awarzynski added a comment.

In D128333#3613696 <>, @MaskRay wrote:

> True. If it is difficult to override the -pie default from flang side, I am 
> fine with the code change.

Thanks! The proper/long-term fix will require extending Flang's frontend driver 
so that it supports `-mrelocation-model`, `-fpic` and `-fpic-level` (and 
probably a few more). But I don't want to rush that.

>>> (Why does flang use clang/lib/Driver? For clang developers, it seems that 
>>> `check-clang check-clang-tools` is not sufficient. `check-flang` needs to 
>>> be used as well.)
>> Otherwise, we'd have to re-implement clang/lib/Driver for LLVM Flang. This 
>> design was proposed and discussed here 
>> <>.
> OK, so you did bring this up. I guess I'll have to accept...

With clangDriver 
 being effectively shared between Clang and Flang, it would make a lot of sense 
to lift `clangDriver` out of Clang so that it's an independent sub-project. 
We've proposed that and folks have been mostly in favor. Relevant RFCs:

- RFC: refactoring libclangDriver/libclangFrontend to share with Flang 
- RFC: refactoring clangDriver - diagnostics classes 

Not much is really happening in this area ATM, but I'm hoping that could unblock 
some progress.

Comment at: flang/test/Driver/no-pie.f90:3
MaskRay wrote:
> The `! RUN COMMANDS` and `EXPECTED OUTPUT` comments seem rather redundant. 
> I'd remove them.
This style is quite common in this directory, see e.g.
 I'm hoping that this makes these tests easier to follow for folks less 
familiar with LIT in general.

If that's OK, I'll leave this here (but I don't expect others to follow similar 
approach, IMO it's a matter of personal preference).

Comment at: flang/test/Driver/no-pie.f90:11
+! CHECK-NOT: fpie
+! CHECK-NOT: fpic
MaskRay wrote:
> This NOT pattern can easily get stale. You need a test that driver `-pie` 
> forwards `-pie` to the linker and by default `-pie` does not pass the the 
> linker.
Good point, will update!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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