bcl5980 added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp:5128
+    // to the function itself; it points to a stub for the compiler.
+    // FIXME: We also need to emit an entry thunk.
+    SmallString<256> MangledName;
efriedma wrote:
> bcl5980 wrote:
> > A headache thing here.
> > We need to get the function definition with triple x64 to define entry 
> > thunk. For now the function definition here is aarch64 version.
> > For example the case in Microsoft doc "Understanding Arm64EC ABI and 
> > assembly code":
> > 
> > ```
> > struct SC {
> >     char a;
> >     char b;
> >     char c;
> > };
> > int fB(int a, double b, int i1, int i2, int i3);
> > int fC(int a, struct SC c, int i1, int i2, int i3);
> > int fA(int a, double b, struct SC c, int i1, int i2, int i3) {
> >     return fB(a, b, i1, i2, i3) + fC(a, c, i1, i2, i3);
> > }
> > ```
> > 
> > x64 version IR for fA is:
> > ```
> > define dso_local i32 @fA(i32 noundef %a, double noundef %b, ptr nocapture 
> > noundef readonly %c, i32 noundef %i1, i32 noundef %i2, i32 noundef %i3) 
> > local_unnamed_addr #0 { ... }
> > ```
> > aarch64 version IR for fA is:
> > 
> > ```
> > define dso_local i32 @"#fA"(i32 noundef %a, double noundef %b, i64 
> > %c.coerce, i32 noundef %i1, i32 noundef %i2, i32 noundef %i3) #0 {...}
> > ```
> > Arm64 will allow any size structure to be assigned to a register directly. 
> > x64 only allows sizes 1, 2, 4 and 8. 
> > Entry thunk follow x64 version function type. But we only have aarch64 
> > version function type.
> > 
> > I think the best way to do is create a x64 version codeGenModule and use 
> > the x64 CGM to generate the function type for entry thunk. But it is hard 
> > for me to do here. I tried a little but a lot of issues happen.
> > 
> > One other way is only modify `AArch64ABIInfo::classifyArgumentType`, copy 
> > the x64 code into the function and add a flag to determine which version 
> > will the function use. It is easier but I'm not sure it is the only 
> > difference between x64 and aarch64. Maybe the classify return also need to 
> > do this. And it is not a clean way I think.
> Oh, that's annoying... I hadn't considered the case of a struct of size 
> 3/5/6/7.
> Like I noted on D126811, attaching thunks to calls is tricky if we try to do 
> it from clang.
> Computing the right IR type shouldn't be that hard by itself; we can call 
> into call lowering code in TargetInfo without modifying much else.  (We just 
> need a bit to tell the TargetInfo to redirect the call, like D125419.  Use an 
> entry point like CodeGenTypes::arrangeCall.)  You don't need to mess with the 
> type system or anything like that.
> The problem is correctly representing the lowered call in IR; we really don't 
> want to do lowering early because it will block optimizations.  I considered 
> using an operand bundle; we can probably make that work, but it's 
> complicated, and probably disables some optimizations.
> I think the best thing we can do here is add an IR attribute to mark 
> arguments which are passed directly on AArch64, but need to be passed 
> indirectly for the x64 ABI.  Then AArch64Arm64ECCallLowering can check for 
> the attribute and modify its behavior.  This isn't really clean in the sense 
> that it's specific to the x64/aarch64 pair of calling conventions, but I 
> think the alternative is worse.
It looks not only 3/5/6/7, but also all size exclusive larger than 8 and less 
than 16 are difference between x86 ABI and Aarch64 ABI.
Maybe we can emit a function declaration here for the x86ABI thunk, then define 
it in Arm64ECCallLowering.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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