ChuanqiXu added a reviewer: dblaikie.
ChuanqiXu added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:31
+This document was intended to be a manual first and foremost, however, we 
consider it helpful to
+introduce some language background here for readers who are not familiar with
dblaikie wrote:
The `was` here is intended. I want to say I **thought** to not add the all 
other information and just write it like a manual, which might look like:

  -unwindlib=<value>      Unwind library to use
  -U <macro>              Undefine macro <macro>
  --verify-debug-info     Verify the binary representation of debug output
  -verify-pch             Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is 
not stale
  --version               Print version information
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Wa,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the 
  -Wdeprecated            Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define 
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the 
  -working-directory <value>
                          Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
  -Wp,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the 
  -W<warning>             Enable the specified warning
  -w                      Suppress all warnings
  -Xanalyzer <arg>        Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
  -Xarch_device <arg>     Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP device compilation
  -Xarch_host <arg>       Pass <arg> to the CUDA/HIP host compilation
  -Xassembler <arg>       Pass <arg> to the assembler
  -Xclang=<arg>           Alias for -Xclang
  -Xclang <arg>           Pass <arg> to clang -cc1
  -Xcuda-fatbinary <arg>  Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
  -Xcuda-ptxas <arg>      Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -Xoffload-linker<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the offload linkers or the ones 
idenfied by -<triple>
  -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
                          Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain 
identified by <triple>.
  -Xopenmp-target <arg>   Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
  -x <language>           Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:70-76
+* Primary module interface unit.
+* Module implementation unit.
+* Module partition interface unit.
+* Module partition implementation unit.
ruoso wrote:
> ChuanqiXu wrote:
> > ruoso wrote:
> > > The terminology here is a bit different than what we've been building the 
> > > consensus on. Please take a look at [[ 
> > >
> > >  | sourcefiles.tex ]] (or section `[source.types]` in the [[ 
> > >
> > >  | rendered version ]] 
> > > 
> > > 
> > If there is a consensus already, we should follow. 
> > 
> > (BTW, I thought we'll discuss module things in SG2 but it looks like we're 
> > discussing them in SG15... my bad)
> Yes, please consider joining us for the sg15 meetings, we've been working 
> through quite a few things related to C++ modules.
(Yeah, I've subscribed the sg15 mailing list.)

I've followed the terminology in the link except `importable unit`. In that 
link, `importable unit` may contain header units. But in this documentation, we 
want to split modules and header units. So  I take `importable module unit` 
here. I guess it might not be a big deal.

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:225
+It is possible to generate a module file for an importable module unit by 
specifying the ``--precompile`` option.
ruoso wrote:
> ChuanqiXu wrote:
> > ruoso wrote:
> > > Likewise, here the term "Built Module Interface file", with the acronym 
> > > "BMI" is what we're generally using when talking about the generated file.
> > Yeah, this is what I was confused in the chat. In my mind, "BMI" describes 
> > a compatible interface format like ABI (like Itanium ABI). In another 
> > words, a BMI could be compiled by compiler which follows the BMI standard 
> > (like clang and gcc both accepts Itanium ABI). But currrently, a module 
> > file couldn't be compiled by clang in different versions.
> > 
> > So from my point of view, the term `module file` is more appropriate than 
> > `BMI` now.
> BMI is definitely not as compatible as the ABI. I think there's some 
> confusion here of what the term BMI is. In this case the `pcm` file is the 
> BMI.
Oh, it confuses me. In my mind, BMI is corresponding to ABI (although the 
format of BMI is not standardized) and the `.pcm` file is corresponding to `.o` 
files naturally (to me). So generally, we don't say a `.o` file is the ABI. And 
similar, it is weird to me to say the `.pcm` files is the BMI.

I've added a sentence in the terminology section of module file to explain the 
term 'BMI'. I tried to copy it from the module-ecosystem-technical-report but I 
failed to find one. So I just put the simple explanation.

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:312-321
+Note that **currently** the compiler doesn't consider inconsistent macro 
definition a problem. For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+  $ clang++ -std=c++20 M.cppm --precompile -o M.pcm
+  # Inconsistent optimization level.
+  $ clang++ -std=c++20 -O3 -DNDEBUG Use.cpp -fprebuilt-module-path=.
dblaikie wrote:
> this sort of aside might be best left for a separate part of the document - 
> an FAQ/side-notes (a footnote, perhaps?), etc to keep the rest of the 
> document more focussed?
I guess it is better to remain them here. Since the sentences tries to say the 
macro definitions are not language options, which is consistent to the above 
paragraphs to me.

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:347
+  $ clang++ -std=c++20 M.cppm --precompile -o M.pcm
+  $ rm -f M.cppm
+  $ clang++ -std=c++20 Use.cpp -fmodule-file=M.pcm
dblaikie wrote:
> Could probably skip the `-f`?
In my system, when I run `rm M.cppm`, it asks `rm: remove regular file 
‘M.cppm’?` and I need to enter `y` then it would remove the file actually. So 
it looks better to add `-f` to me.

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:395-396
+Roughly, this theory is correct. But the problem is that it is too rough. 
Let's see what actually happens.
+For example, the behavior also depends on the optimization level, as we will 
illustrate below.
dblaikie wrote:
> I'm not sure I'm able to follow the example and how it justifies the rough 
> theory as inadequate to explain the motivation for modules - could you 
> clarify more directly (in comments, and then we can discuss how to word it) 
> what the motivation for this section is/what you're trying to convey?
Let me answer the motivation first. The motivation comes from my personal 
experience. I feel like when most people heard modules, they would ask "how 
much speedup could we get"? And there are some other questions like "why does 
modules speedup the compilation?". So I guess the readers of the document may 
have similar questions and I try to answer it here.

The complexity theory is correct but it may be too abstract to our users. Since 
the complexity theory is about the scaling. But for certain users, the scales 
of their codes are temporarily fixed. So when they try to use modules but find 
the speedup doesn't meet their expectation in O2. They may feel frustrated. And 
it doesn't work if I say, "hey, you'll get much better speedup if the your 
codes get 10x longer." I guess they won't buy in. So what I try to do here is 
to manage the user's expectation to avoid any misunderstanding.

Following off is about the explanation. For example, there are `1` module 
interface and `10` users. There is a function `F` in the module interface and 
the function is used by every users. And let's say we need a `T` time to 
compile the function `F` and each users without the function `F`.
In O0, the function `F` will get compiled completely once and get involved in 
the Sema part 10 times. Due to the Sema part is relatively fast and let's say 
the Sema part would take `0.1T`. Given we compile them serially, we need `12T` 
to compile the project.

But if we are with optimizations, each function `F` will get involved in 
optimizations and IPO in every users. And these optimizations are most 
time-consuming. Let's say these optimizations will consume `0.8T`. And the time 
required will be `19T`. It is easy to say the we need `20T` to compile the 
project if we're using headers. So we could find the speedup with optimization 
is much slower.

BTW, if we write the required time with variables, it will be `nT + mT + 
T*m*additional_compilation_part`. The `additional_compilation_part ` here 
corresponds to the time percentage of `Sema` or `Optimizations`. And since `T` 
and `additional_compilation_part ` are both constant. So if we write them in 
`O()` form, it would be `O(n+m)`.
So the theory is still correct.

Comment at: clang/docs/CPlusPlus20Modules.rst:610
+Another difference with modules is that we can't compile the module file.
+It makes sense due to the semantics of header units, which are just like 
dblaikie wrote:
> Might need some more words here - I guess this means "there is no .o for a 
> .pcm from a header unit" basically?
>  I guess this means "there is no .o for a .pcm from a header unit" basically?



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