mizvekov added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateDeduction.cpp:5455-5456
     if (!ClangABICompat15) {
-      // Consider this a fix for CWG1432. Similar to the fix for CWG1395.
       auto *TST1 = T1->castAs<TemplateSpecializationType>();
       auto *TST2 = T2->castAs<TemplateSpecializationType>();
+      const TemplateArgument &TA1 = TST1->template_arguments().back();
ychen wrote:
> ychen wrote:
> > mizvekov wrote:
> > > This is a bug, T1 and T2 are not in general canonical types for this 
> > > function, and this castAs can pick up an alias template, and these should 
> > > never participate in deduction.
> > > 
> > > (Also, can you please add a test for that?)
> > > 
> > > You should not need to keep sugar here, everything being tested below is 
> > > present on the canonical type, so this is simple to solve, as suggested.
> > I see. I'll add a test.
> Looking more closely, `T1`/`T2` is mostly returned by 
> `ASTContext::getTemplateSpecializationType` and for injected template 
> specialization, always unqualified   
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/52dce8900c46d5842a021619537ede598983dfde/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h#L5431-L5432
>  , it does not seem possible to have aliase template involved? I could've 
> missed something though.
Yeah you are right, I missed that all the uses of this function, those types 
either come from an Injected TST, or a dependent TST created on the spot.

But yeah, the change to a simple `cast` instead of `castAs` makes this more 

Otherwise, if there could have been any sugar node on top of the TST, that 
sugar could have easily been an alias TST,
and I think it's very unlikely one wouldn't care, as they are very different 

So I tend to view these as potential bugs, a simple `getAs` and `castAs` on 
TSTs, which does not check or keeps digging through alias templates is highly 
suspicious :)

Thanks for taking a look at this though!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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