jhuber6 added a comment.

In D134550#3812369 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D134550#3812369>, @aaron.ballman 

> This is a neat idea, but I think we should think about it carefully. In 
> general, `-Xclang` is not something we want to actively recommend users use, 
> so do we really want to make it easier for users to use?

Thanks for the feedback, I mostly figured I'd throw out this patch since it 
took a few minutes to make and I've forgotten a few times which arguments need 
the `-Xclang` during Clang development. If you think that users shouldn't be 
exposed to that then it's probably best to hide it from them.

> One potential problem that could be caused by this change is when we have a 
> driver option that the user typos but happens to match a -cc1 argument; I 
> could see inattentive users going "cool, I'll add -Xclang then" instead of 
> fixing the driver arg; but I've not looked through our existing options to 
> see if that situation is particularly *likely* or not.

The logic outlined here should only fire if there is no close match. We only 
check if the input is a `cc1` option right before outputting the normal 
`unknown argument` warning without a suggestion.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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