dblaikie added a comment.

>>>> Again, I'm not advocating for the printing as-is, I think adding the top 
>>>> level name that disambiguates would be a good thing - and I think the GCC 
>>>> and MSVC examples somewhat show why adding all the other layers would be 
>>>> harmful to readability - there's a lot of text in those messages that 
>>>> doesn't directly help the user and gets in the way of identifying the 
>>>> important differences between the type names.
>>> I think this is a matter of taste. In the example that you've shown, I 
>>> personally prefer the verbosity of GCC and don't see it as "less readable", 
>>> but as "more informative". However, I do understand that some people may 
>>> prefer the output you suggested. What about making this configurable, i.e. 
>>> behind some clang flag, so that developers that prefer verbosity can enable 
>>> that?
>> I don't think that's the right choice for clang - though I'm not the only 
>> decider here. Be great to hear from @aaron.ballman at some point.
>> My perspective on this issue at the moment is that we should fix any case 
>> where we print an ambiguous type (so `template<auto A> struct t1;` should 
>> never produce `t1<{}>` and should instnead produce `t1<t2{}>`) - but I don't 
>> think extra {} should be added where the language doesn't require it and 
>> where it isn't necessary to disambiguate.
> My thinking is along a somewhat different line of approach. Clang has 
> `-ast-print` which is intended to pretty print the AST back to the original 
> source code without losing information. It is a `-cc1` option and not a 
> driver option (though we do document it a little bit here 
> https://releases.llvm.org/15.0.0/tools/clang/docs/HowToSetupToolingForLLVM.html),
>  so it's not something we expose trivially to users. This option has always 
> been aspirational -- we'd love it to pretty print back to the original 
> source, but we know there are plenty of cases where we don't manage it and we 
> typically don't require people to maintain it except superficially. Now that 
> we have clang-format, I think its utility is largely theoretical in some 
> ways. Despite its known issues, I am aware of at least some users who make 
> use of the functionality (for various reasons) and I am not 100% convinced 
> we'll get community agreement to drop support for it as a failed experiment 
> despite my personal feelings that the functionality is more trouble than it's 
> worth, especially because I'm reasonably certain some other functionality 
> relies on it (ARC rewriting maybe?) and we'd have to figure out what to do 
> with that.
> So my thinking is: if we're going to have `-ast-print`, we should maintain 
> it, and part of maintaining it means having the ability for it to print this 
> code back to compilable source with the same semantics as the original 
> source. Our current behavior with the example is... not particularly 
> fantastic: https://godbolt.org/z/88eK3q869. Alternatively, we could remove 
> `-ast-print` as an option and narrow its focus to only the internal uses we 
> need it for.

Hmm - that seems to be to be somewhat of a tangent, though? I think the claim 
that `template<auto> struct t1; struct t2 { }; t1<t2{}> v1;` and then rendering 
`t1<{}>` in a diagnostic is wrong is solid, and we should fix that for auto 
parameters to include the type info that'd be necessary in the source code/to 
disambiguate. (I guess C++20 actually requires the name even in non-ambiguous, 
non-auto cases - so I'd be OK leaning towards the syntax requirement, even if 
it's not necessary to disambiguate (maybe there are cases where it is?).

You're suggesting that -ast-print should respect the type as-written by the 
user, even? Not just "enough to be valid C++ code/disambiguate" - and that mode 
might be enough to support @DoDoENT's use case using strings for type 
information? (more addressing this feature request, less about the incidental 
diagnostic quality bug report that's a side issue in this discussion)

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