tschuett added a comment.

In D134267#3848838 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D134267#3848838>, @iains wrote:

> In D134267#3848822 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D134267#3848822>, @tschuett 
> wrote:
>> Clang header modules started with implicit builds and module caches. Apple 
>> is moving too explicit builds. There are all kinds of problems with implicit 
>> module builds. I believe that C++20 modules shouldn't make the same mistake.
> I do not believe that the client-sever build system model (a.k.a. P1184 
> <https://reviews.llvm.org/P1184> / module mapper) is quite the same thing as 
> implicit modules - there is a partial similarity in that the dependencies are 
> discovered from the sources during compilation (rather than from a pre-scan).
> However it does not try to turn the compiler into a build system; that work 
> is done by the module-mapper (which can be some trivial in-process scheme or 
> a full-blown build system, e.g. build2 - which I believe has an 
> implementation that works with GCC).

But this diff is doing something else. It puts the build-system again into 

> (clearly we [the whole C++ community] need to figure out how we want these 
> things to look to the end user and try to harmonise the implementations)



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