dblaikie added a comment.

In D134267#3849673 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D134267#3849673>, @iains wrote:

> (trying not derail this discussion further)
> - Yes, the alternate solution proposed for the "Hello World" case would work 
> with the module mapper interface.  However, the initial discussion was simply 
> about being able to produce both the .PCM and .O artefacts from one 
> invocation of the FE.

*nod* If there's some other patch that does just that - produces a .o/.pcm 
together in a single invocation, maybe that's a less contentious/easier patch 
to review/discuss/approve/commit. The number of process invocations involved in 
that (whether the driver, under the hood, invokes clang once to generate a .pcm 
and another to generate the .o) I'm less fussed about - I think that's 
something that can be improved separately - especially once/if someone wants to 
change the .pcm format to be lighter weight (not enough to generate the .o 
from, but enough for compilations /using/ the module to do so) - that'll drive 
a need for a monolithic .cppm -> {.o,.pcm} action.

> - It seemed reasonable to mention (since it's not vapourware, there are draft 
> patches), but clearly some technical issues to address.

For sure.

> - I do not think this patch fully addresses the issue of harmonising GCC and 
> clang's command lines for modular builds (because it does not deal with 
> discovery of modular code in 'normally named' sources), and my investigation 
> of trying to do this in the driver suggests that it would be much more 
> complex than doing it in the FE.

Yes, that would be hard to implement in the driver - but my personal taste is 
that if the compiler's going to treat the input differently, or produce 
different outputs, it should be observable on the command line - either through 
different flags (`-x`) or a different file extension. I think that's been 
historically true? Though I realize it also comes up against "but we have all 
this C++ with these existing file extensions" and especially if GCC doesn't 
agree on that philosophy, Clang's going to have a hard time making a stand 
there... :/



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