aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst:410-412
+- The driver option ``-menable-unsafe-fp-math`` has been removed. Passing it, 
+result in a hard error. To enable unsafe floating-point optimizations, the 
+options ``-funsafe-math-optimizations`` and ``-ffast-math`` are used instead.
zahiraam wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > Because we diagnose unknown driver flags as an error 
> > (https://godbolt.org/z/4xjzKh4Ej) and there's no deprecation period, I 
> > think we should put this under the potentially breaking changes section. In 
> > this case, I'm specifically worried about proprietary projects using the 
> > flag for optimization purposes (a lot of numerical analysis code is behind 
> > closed doors).
> > 
> > CC @MaskRay just to make sure there's agreement (we're still trying to 
> > figure out what constitutes a breaking change we want to be loud about in 
> > terms of driver flags).
> > 
> > Assuming Fangrui doesn't disagree, once this lands, please post an 
> > announcement about it into https://discourse.llvm.org/c/announce/46 with 
> > the `clang` and `potentially-breaking` tags (an example of such a post is: 
> > https://discourse.llvm.org/t/clang-16-notice-of-potentially-breaking-changes/65562/
> >  though you wouldn't need all that lead-in text). 
> @aaron.ballman would it be worth adding a diagnostic for the option we are 
> removing?
If we're going to deprecate rather than remove, sure. But I think we're okay 
removing, and I think the default error diagnostic behavior will be sufficient.



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