rymiel marked 2 inline comments as done.
rymiel added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp:2126
       return false;
     FormatToken *LeftOfParens = Tok.MatchingParen->getPreviousNonComment();
owenpan wrote:
> Perhaps add:
> ```
>     if (Tok.MatchingParen->is(TT_OverloadedOperatorLParen))
>       return false;
> ```
Note that in testing, adding `isNot(TT_Unknown)` did not cause any issues in 
tests, but that change felt a little too drastic

Comment at: clang/unittests/Format/TokenAnnotatorTest.cpp:413
+  EXPECT_TOKEN(Tokens[3], tok::string_literal, TT_OverloadedOperator);
+  EXPECT_TOKEN(Tokens[4], tok::identifier, TT_OverloadedOperator);
+  EXPECT_TOKEN(Tokens[5], tok::l_paren, TT_OverloadedOperatorLParen);
owenpan wrote:
> rymiel wrote:
> > owenpan wrote:
> > > We need/should not annotate the suffix.
> > Unless I change the logic in `rParenEndsCast`, the suffix does need to be 
> > an OverloadedOperator, since it goes off of the token immediately before 
> > left paren (https://reviews.llvm.org/D134853#3822842)
> After we annotate `""` as `TT_OverloadedOperator`, `rParenEndsCast()` returns 
> false, at least for your test cases and the example in 
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/58035. If you can come up with 
> test cases that still confuses `rParenEndsCast()`, we can add a simple check 
> near the beginning of `rParenEndsCast()`. See line 2126 above.
Oh, you are right; I did not notice the extra check which disallows identifiers 
in front of casts

Comment at: clang/unittests/Format/TokenAnnotatorTest.cpp:415-423
+  Tokens = annotate("x.operator\"\"_long_literal()");
+  ASSERT_EQ(Tokens.size(), 7u) << Tokens;
+  EXPECT_TOKEN(Tokens[3], tok::string_literal, TT_OverloadedOperator);
+  EXPECT_TOKEN(Tokens[4], tok::l_paren, TT_OverloadedOperatorLParen);
+  Tokens = annotate("x.operator\"\" _long_literal()");
+  ASSERT_EQ(Tokens.size(), 8u) << Tokens;
+  EXPECT_TOKEN(Tokens[3], tok::string_literal, TT_OverloadedOperator);
owenpan wrote:
> IMO they are redundant as both `_a` and `_long_literal` are identifiers 
> starting with an underscore.
I wanted to avoid all the tests being single-character names, as 
"single-character name" was sort of an issue for one format bug; but actually 
this isn't even single character anyway so you are right

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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