sepavloff added a comment.

In D134337#3866267 <>, @mgorny wrote:

> In D134337#3865905 <>, @tstellar 
> wrote:
>> In D134337#3865753 <>, @mgorny wrote:
>>> In D134337#3865541 <>, @tstellar 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I know I'm a little late here, but having a default config file that's 
>>>> always loaded makes triaging issues much harder, because now every time 
>>>> someone files a bug, we need to ask for the contents of their config 
>>>> directory.
>>> I don't see that as much worse than asking them for the values of 
>>> `*DEFAULT*` CMake options or whether they have patched their clang because 
>>> the driver code makes so many specific assumptions that it didn't work for 
>>> them. At least `clang -v` tells us whether they are actually using any 
>>> configs.
>> At least as a distro maintainer, I know the CMake options used for the 
>> packages I'm trying to support.
> As a distro maintainer, you can decide to build clang without system/user 
> config directories set (which is the default), in which case only explicit 
> `--config` will work.

Strictly speaking in this case the default config file may be loaded from the 
binary directory but the latter is controlled by distro.

Users also may split configuration file into pieces and include them using 
`@file` construct, in this case single config file is not enough. I think clang 
could print driver options in output of `-v`. Another way is to implement a 
special command line option, say `-print-args`, which would print all driver 

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