sfantao updated this revision to Diff 65813.
sfantao updated the summary for this revision.
sfantao added a comment.

- Remove unecessary brief directives from comments.



Index: test/OpenMP/target_is_device_ptr_messages.cpp
--- test/OpenMP/target_is_device_ptr_messages.cpp
+++ test/OpenMP/target_is_device_ptr_messages.cpp
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
   T *&z = k;
   T aa[10];
   auto &raa = aa;
+  S6 *ps;
 #pragma omp target is_device_ptr // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'is_device_ptr'}}
 #pragma omp target is_device_ptr( // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
@@ -178,6 +179,22 @@
 #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(da) // OK
+#pragma omp target map(ps) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{variable already marked as mapped in current construct}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) map(ps) // expected-error{{variable already marked as mapped in current construct}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target map(ps->a) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{variable already marked as mapped in current construct}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) map(ps->a) // expected-error{{pointer cannot be mapped along with a section derived from itself}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) firstprivate(ps) // expected-error{{firstprivate variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target firstprivate(ps) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{firstprivate variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}} expected-note{{defined as firstprivate}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) private(ps) // expected-error{{private variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target private(ps) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{private variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}} expected-note{{defined as private}}
+  {}
   return 0;
@@ -194,6 +211,7 @@
   int *&z = k;
   int aa[10];
   auto &raa = aa;
+  S6 *ps;
 #pragma omp target is_device_ptr // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'is_device_ptr'}}
 #pragma omp target is_device_ptr( // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
@@ -230,5 +248,21 @@
 #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(da) // OK
+#pragma omp target map(ps) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{variable already marked as mapped in current construct}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) map(ps) // expected-error{{variable already marked as mapped in current construct}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target map(ps->a) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{variable already marked as mapped in current construct}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) map(ps->a) // expected-error{{pointer cannot be mapped along with a section derived from itself}} expected-note{{used here}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) firstprivate(ps) // expected-error{{firstprivate variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target firstprivate(ps) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{firstprivate variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}} expected-note{{defined as firstprivate}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(ps) private(ps) // expected-error{{private variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}}
+  {}
+#pragma omp target private(ps) is_device_ptr(ps) // expected-error{{private variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target' directive}} expected-note{{defined as private}}
+  {}
   return tmain<int, 3>(argc); // expected-note {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'tmain<int, 3>' requested here}}
Index: test/OpenMP/target_is_device_ptr_codegen.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/OpenMP/target_is_device_ptr_codegen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+#ifndef HEADER
+#define HEADER
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK1 -verify -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CK1 --check-prefix CK1-64
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK1 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -x c++ -std=c++11 -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-pch -o %t %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -std=c++11 -include-pch %t -verify %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s  --check-prefix CK1 --check-prefix CK1-64
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK1 -verify -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=i386-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple i386-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s  --check-prefix CK1 --check-prefix CK1-32
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK1 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=i386-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -std=c++11 -triple i386-unknown-unknown -emit-pch -o %t %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=i386-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple i386-unknown-unknown -std=c++11 -include-pch %t -verify %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s  --check-prefix CK1 --check-prefix CK1-32
+#ifdef CK1
+double *g;
+// CK1: @g = global double*
+// CK1: [[SIZES00:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz:64|32]]] [i{{64|32}} {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES00:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 288]
+// CK1: [[SIZES01:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES01:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 288]
+// CK1: [[SIZES02:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES02:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 288]
+// CK1: [[SIZES03:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES03:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 288]
+// CK1: [[SIZES04:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES04:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 288]
+// CK1: [[SIZES05:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES05:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 288]
+// CK1: [[SIZES06:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [2 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}, i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK1: [[TYPES06:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [2 x i32] [i32 288, i32 288]
+// CK1-LABEL: @_Z3foo
+template<typename T>
+void foo(float *&lr, T *&tr) {
+  float *l;
+  T *t;
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 1, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES00]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES00]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast double* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast double* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load double*, double** [[ADDR:@g]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](double* [[VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(g)
+  {
+    ++g;
+  }
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 1, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES01]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES01]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast float* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast float* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load float*, float** [[ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](float* [[VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(l)
+  {
+    ++l;
+  }
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 1, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES02]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES02]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load i32*, i32** [[ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](i32* [[VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(t)
+  {
+    ++t;
+  }
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 1, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES03]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES03]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast float* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast float* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load float*, float** [[ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[ADDR]] = load float**, float*** [[ADDR2:%.+]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](float* [[VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(lr)
+  {
+    ++lr;
+  }
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 1, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES04]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES04]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load i32*, i32** [[ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[ADDR]] = load i32**, i32*** [[ADDR2:%.+]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](i32* [[VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(tr)
+  {
+    ++tr;
+  }
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 1, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES05]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES05]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load i32*, i32** [[ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[ADDR]] = load i32**, i32*** [[ADDR2:%.+]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](i32* [[VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(tr,lr)
+  {
+    ++tr;
+  }
+  // CK1-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{.+}}, i8* {{.+}}, i32 2, i8** [[BPGEP:%[0-9]+]], i8** [[PGEP:%[0-9]+]], {{.+}}[[SIZES06]]{{.+}}, {{.+}}[[TYPES06]]{{.+}})
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BPGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[PGEP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS:%[^,]+]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[VALP:%.+]], i8** [[P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALBP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VALP]] = bitcast i32* [[VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[VAL]] = load i32*, i32** [[ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[ADDR]] = load i32**, i32*** [[ADDR2:%.+]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[_BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BPS]], i32 0, i32 1
+  // CK1-DAG: [[_P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[PS]], i32 0, i32 1
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[_VALBP:%.+]], i8** [[_BP1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: store i8* [[_VALP:%.+]], i8** [[_P1]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[_VALBP]] = bitcast float* [[_VAL:%.+]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[_VALP]] = bitcast float* [[_VAL]] to i8*
+  // CK1-DAG: [[_VAL]] = load float*, float** [[_ADDR:%.+]],
+  // CK1-DAG: [[_ADDR]] = load float**, float*** [[_ADDR2:%.+]],
+  // CK1: call void [[KERNEL:@.+]](i32* [[VAL]], float* [[_VAL]])
+  #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(tr,lr)
+  {
+    ++tr,++lr;
+  }
+void bar(float *&a, int *&b) {
+  foo<int>(a,b);
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK2 -verify -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CK2 --check-prefix CK2-64
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK2 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -x c++ -std=c++11 -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-pch -o %t %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -std=c++11 -include-pch %t -verify %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s  --check-prefix CK2 --check-prefix CK2-64
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK2 -verify -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=i386-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple i386-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s  --check-prefix CK2 --check-prefix CK2-32
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DCK2 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=i386-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -std=c++11 -triple i386-unknown-unknown -emit-pch -o %t %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=i386-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -triple i386-unknown-unknown -std=c++11 -include-pch %t -verify %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s  --check-prefix CK2 --check-prefix CK2-32
+#ifdef CK2
+// CK2: [[ST:%.+]] = type { double*, double** }
+// CK2: [[SIZE00:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i[[sz:64|32]]] [i{{64|32}} {{8|4}}]
+// CK2: [[MTYPE00:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [1 x i32] [i32 33]
+// CK2: [[SIZE01:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [2 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}, i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK2: [[MTYPE01:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [2 x i32] [i32 32, i32 17]
+// CK2: [[SIZE02:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [3 x i[[sz]]] [i[[sz]] {{8|4}}, i[[sz]] {{8|4}}, i[[sz]] {{8|4}}]
+// CK2: [[MTYPE02:@.+]] = {{.+}}constant [3 x i32] [i32 33, i32 0, i32 17]
+template <typename T>
+struct ST {
+  T *a;
+  double *&b;
+  ST(double *&b) : a(0), b(b) {}
+  // CK2-LABEL: @{{.*}}foo{{.*}}
+  void foo(double *&arg) {
+    int *la = 0;
+    // CK2-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{[^,]+}}, i8* {{[^,]+}}, i32 1, i8** [[GEPBP:%.+]], i8** [[GEPP:%.+]], {{.+}}getelementptr {{.+}}[1 x i{{.+}}]* [[SIZE00]], {{.+}}getelementptr {{.+}}[1 x i{{.+}}]* [[MTYPE00]]{{.+}})
+    // CK2-DAG: [[GEPBP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP:%[^,]+]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[GEPP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P:%[^,]+]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[BP0:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    // CK2-DAG: [[P0:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CBPVAL0:%[^,]+]], i8** [[BP0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CPVAL0:%[^,]+]], i8** [[P0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CBPVAL0]] = bitcast [[ST]]* [[VAR0:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CPVAL0]] = bitcast double** [[SEC0:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[SEC0]] = getelementptr {{.*}}[[ST]]* [[VAR0]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(a)
+    {
+      a++;
+    }
+    // CK2-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{[^,]+}}, i8* {{[^,]+}}, i32 2, i8** [[GEPBP:%.+]], i8** [[GEPP:%.+]], {{.+}}getelementptr {{.+}}[2 x i{{.+}}]* [[SIZE01]], {{.+}}getelementptr {{.+}}[2 x i{{.+}}]* [[MTYPE01]]{{.+}})
+    // CK2-DAG: [[GEPBP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP:%[^,]+]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[GEPP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P:%[^,]+]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[BP0:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    // CK2-DAG: [[P0:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CBPVAL0:%[^,]+]], i8** [[BP0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CPVAL0:%[^,]+]], i8** [[P0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CBPVAL0]] = bitcast [[ST]]* [[VAR0:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CPVAL0]] = bitcast double*** [[SEC0:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[SEC0]] = getelementptr {{.*}}[[ST]]* [[VAR0]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
+    // CK2-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
+    // CK2-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CBPVAL1:%[^,]+]], i8** [[BP1]]
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CPVAL1:%[^,]+]], i8** [[P1]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CBPVAL1]] = bitcast double*** [[SEC0]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CPVAL1]] = bitcast double** [[SEC1:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[SEC1]] = load double**, double*** [[SEC0]]
+    #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(b)
+    {
+      b++;
+    }
+    // CK2-DAG: call i32 @__tgt_target(i32 {{[^,]+}}, i8* {{[^,]+}}, i32 3, i8** [[GEPBP:%.+]], i8** [[GEPP:%.+]], {{.+}}getelementptr {{.+}}[3 x i{{.+}}]* [[SIZE02]], {{.+}}getelementptr {{.+}}[3 x i{{.+}}]* [[MTYPE02]]{{.+}})
+    // CK2-DAG: [[GEPBP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP:%[^,]+]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[GEPP]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P:%[^,]+]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[BP0:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
+    // CK2-DAG: [[P0:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CBPVAL0:%[^,]+]], i8** [[BP0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CPVAL0:%[^,]+]], i8** [[P0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CBPVAL0]] = bitcast [[ST]]* [[VAR0:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CPVAL0]] = bitcast double*** [[SEC0:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[SEC0]] = getelementptr {{.*}}[[ST]]* [[VAR0]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
+    // CK2-DAG: [[BP1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
+    // CK2-DAG: [[P1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CBPVAL1:%[^,]+]], i8** [[BP1]]
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CPVAL1:%[^,]+]], i8** [[P1]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CBPVAL1]] = bitcast double*** [[SEC0]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CPVAL1]] = bitcast double** [[SEC1:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[SEC1]] = load double**, double*** [[SEC0]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[BP2:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[BP]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    // CK2-DAG: [[P2:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds {{.+}}[[P]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CBPVAL2:%[^,]+]], i8** [[BP2]]
+    // CK2-DAG: store i8* [[CPVAL2:%[^,]+]], i8** [[P2]]
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CBPVAL2]] = bitcast [[ST]]* [[VAR2:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[CPVAL2]] = bitcast double** [[SEC2:%.+]] to i8*
+    // CK2-DAG: [[SEC2]] = getelementptr {{.*}}[[ST]]* [[VAR2]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
+    #pragma omp target is_device_ptr(a, b)
+    {
+      a++;
+      b++;
+    }
+  }
+void bar(double *arg){
+  ST<double> A(arg);
+  A.foo(arg);
+  ++arg;
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
@@ -2175,9 +2175,21 @@
 void OMPClauseWriter::VisitOMPIsDevicePtrClause(OMPIsDevicePtrClause *C) {
+  Record.push_back(C->getUniqueDeclarationsNum());
+  Record.push_back(C->getTotalComponentListNum());
+  Record.push_back(C->getTotalComponentsNum());
-  for (auto *VE : C->varlists()) {
-    Record.AddStmt(VE);
+  for (auto *E : C->varlists())
+    Record.AddStmt(E);
+  for (auto *D : C->all_decls())
+    Record.AddDeclRef(D);
+  for (auto N : C->all_num_lists())
+    Record.push_back(N);
+  for (auto N : C->all_lists_sizes())
+    Record.push_back(N);
+  for (auto &M : C->all_components()) {
+    Record.AddStmt(M.getAssociatedExpression());
+    Record.AddDeclRef(M.getAssociatedDeclaration());
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
@@ -1941,10 +1941,16 @@
                                            NumLists, NumComponents);
-  case OMPC_is_device_ptr:
-    C = OMPIsDevicePtrClause::CreateEmpty(Context, Record[Idx++]);
+  case OMPC_is_device_ptr: {
+    unsigned NumVars = Record[Idx++];
+    unsigned NumDeclarations = Record[Idx++];
+    unsigned NumLists = Record[Idx++];
+    unsigned NumComponents = Record[Idx++];
+    C = OMPIsDevicePtrClause::CreateEmpty(Context, NumVars, NumDeclarations,
+                                          NumLists, NumComponents);
+  }
   C->setLocStart(Reader->ReadSourceLocation(Record, Idx));
   C->setLocEnd(Reader->ReadSourceLocation(Record, Idx));
@@ -2515,13 +2521,47 @@
 void OMPClauseReader::VisitOMPIsDevicePtrClause(OMPIsDevicePtrClause *C) {
   C->setLParenLoc(Reader->ReadSourceLocation(Record, Idx));
-  unsigned NumVars = C->varlist_size();
+  auto NumVars = C->varlist_size();
+  auto UniqueDecls = C->getUniqueDeclarationsNum();
+  auto TotalLists = C->getTotalComponentListNum();
+  auto TotalComponents = C->getTotalComponentsNum();
   SmallVector<Expr *, 16> Vars;
   for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumVars; ++i)
+  SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 16> Decls;
+  Decls.reserve(UniqueDecls);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < UniqueDecls; ++i)
+    Decls.push_back(
+        Reader->Reader.ReadDeclAs<ValueDecl>(Reader->F, Record, Idx));
+  C->setUniqueDecls(Decls);
+  SmallVector<unsigned, 16> ListsPerDecl;
+  ListsPerDecl.reserve(UniqueDecls);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < UniqueDecls; ++i)
+    ListsPerDecl.push_back(Record[Idx++]);
+  C->setDeclNumLists(ListsPerDecl);
+  SmallVector<unsigned, 32> ListSizes;
+  ListSizes.reserve(TotalLists);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < TotalLists; ++i)
+    ListSizes.push_back(Record[Idx++]);
+  C->setComponentListSizes(ListSizes);
+  SmallVector<OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent, 32> Components;
+  Components.reserve(TotalComponents);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < TotalComponents; ++i) {
+    Expr *AssociatedExpr = Reader->Reader.ReadSubExpr();
+    ValueDecl *AssociatedDecl =
+        Reader->Reader.ReadDeclAs<ValueDecl>(Reader->F, Record, Idx);
+    Components.push_back(OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent(
+        AssociatedExpr, AssociatedDecl));
+  }
+  C->setComponents(Components, ListSizes);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
@@ -72,8 +72,13 @@
   typedef llvm::DenseMap<ValueDecl *, Expr *> AlignedMapTy;
   typedef std::pair<unsigned, VarDecl *> LCDeclInfo;
   typedef llvm::DenseMap<ValueDecl *, LCDeclInfo> LoopControlVariablesMapTy;
-  typedef llvm::DenseMap<
-      ValueDecl *, OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentLists>
+  /// Struct that associates a component with the clause kind where they are
+  /// found.
+  struct MappedExprComponentTy {
+    OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentLists Components;
+    OpenMPClauseKind Kind = OMPC_unknown;
+  };
+  typedef llvm::DenseMap<ValueDecl *, MappedExprComponentTy>
   typedef llvm::StringMap<std::pair<OMPCriticalDirective *, llvm::APSInt>>
@@ -327,8 +332,9 @@
   // if any issue is found.
   bool checkMappableExprComponentListsForDecl(
       ValueDecl *VD, bool CurrentRegionOnly,
-      const llvm::function_ref<bool(
-          OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef)> &Check) {
+      const llvm::function_ref<
+          bool(OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef,
+               OpenMPClauseKind)> &Check) {
     auto SI = Stack.rbegin();
     auto SE = Stack.rend();
@@ -344,8 +350,8 @@
     for (; SI != SE; ++SI) {
       auto MI = SI->MappedExprComponents.find(VD);
       if (MI != SI->MappedExprComponents.end())
-        for (auto &L : MI->second)
-          if (Check(L))
+        for (auto &L : MI->second.Components)
+          if (Check(L, MI->second.Kind))
             return true;
     return false;
@@ -355,13 +361,15 @@
   // declaration and initialize it with the provided list of components.
   void addMappableExpressionComponents(
       ValueDecl *VD,
-      OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef Components) {
+      OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef Components,
+      OpenMPClauseKind WhereFoundClauseKind) {
     assert(Stack.size() > 1 &&
            "Not expecting to retrieve components from a empty stack!");
     auto &MEC = Stack.back().MappedExprComponents[VD];
     // Create new entry and append the new components there.
-    MEC.resize(MEC.size() + 1);
-    MEC.back().append(Components.begin(), Components.end());
+    MEC.Components.resize(MEC.Components.size() + 1);
+    MEC.Components.back().append(Components.begin(), Components.end());
+    MEC.Kind = WhereFoundClauseKind;
   unsigned getNestingLevel() const {
@@ -910,7 +918,13 @@
         D, /*CurrentRegionOnly=*/true,
-                MapExprComponents) {
+                MapExprComponents,
+            OpenMPClauseKind WhereFoundClauseKind) {
+          // Only the map clause information influences how a variable is
+          // captured. E.g. is_device_ptr does not require changing the default
+          // behaviour.
+          if (WhereFoundClauseKind != OMPC_map)
+            return false;
           auto EI = MapExprComponents.rbegin();
           auto EE = MapExprComponents.rend();
@@ -8355,12 +8369,17 @@
     // A list item cannot appear in both a map clause and a data-sharing
     // attribute clause on the same construct
     if (DSAStack->getCurrentDirective() == OMPD_target) {
+      OpenMPClauseKind ConflictKind;
       if (DSAStack->checkMappableExprComponentListsForDecl(
               VD, /* CurrentRegionOnly = */ true,
-              [&](OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef)
-                  -> bool { return true; })) {
-        Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_map_and_dsa)
+              [&](OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef,
+                  OpenMPClauseKind WhereFoundClauseKind) -> bool {
+                ConflictKind = WhereFoundClauseKind;
+                return true;
+              })) {
+        Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_given_clause_and_dsa)
             << getOpenMPClauseName(OMPC_private)
+            << getOpenMPClauseName(ConflictKind)
             << getOpenMPDirectiveName(DSAStack->getCurrentDirective());
         ReportOriginalDSA(*this, DSAStack, D, DVar);
@@ -8606,12 +8625,17 @@
       // A list item cannot appear in both a map clause and a data-sharing
       // attribute clause on the same construct
       if (CurrDir == OMPD_target) {
+        OpenMPClauseKind ConflictKind;
         if (DSAStack->checkMappableExprComponentListsForDecl(
                 VD, /* CurrentRegionOnly = */ true,
-                [&](OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef)
-                    -> bool { return true; })) {
-          Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_map_and_dsa)
+                [&](OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef,
+                    OpenMPClauseKind WhereFoundClauseKind) -> bool {
+                  ConflictKind = WhereFoundClauseKind;
+                  return true;
+                })) {
+          Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_given_clause_and_dsa)
               << getOpenMPClauseName(OMPC_firstprivate)
+              << getOpenMPClauseName(ConflictKind)
               << getOpenMPDirectiveName(DSAStack->getCurrentDirective());
           ReportOriginalDSA(*this, DSAStack, D, DVar);
@@ -10763,7 +10787,8 @@
   bool FoundError = DSAS->checkMappableExprComponentListsForDecl(
       VD, CurrentRegionOnly,
-              StackComponents) -> bool {
+              StackComponents,
+          OpenMPClauseKind) -> bool {
         assert(!StackComponents.empty() &&
                "Map clause expression with no components!");
@@ -11121,8 +11146,9 @@
       if (DKind == OMPD_target && VD) {
         auto DVar = DSAS->getTopDSA(VD, false);
         if (isOpenMPPrivate(DVar.CKind)) {
-          SemaRef.Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_map_and_dsa)
+          SemaRef.Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_given_clause_and_dsa)
               << getOpenMPClauseName(DVar.CKind)
+              << getOpenMPClauseName(OMPC_map)
               << getOpenMPDirectiveName(DSAS->getCurrentDirective());
           ReportOriginalDSA(SemaRef, DSAS, CurDeclaration, DVar);
@@ -11135,7 +11161,8 @@
     // Store the components in the stack so that they can be used to check
     // against other clauses later on.
-    DSAS->addMappableExpressionComponents(CurDeclaration, CurComponents);
+    DSAS->addMappableExpressionComponents(CurDeclaration, CurComponents,
+                                          /*WhereFoundClauseKind=*/OMPC_map);
     // Save the components and declaration to create the clause. For purposes of
     // the clause creation, any component list that has has base 'this' uses
@@ -11885,16 +11912,16 @@
                                               SourceLocation StartLoc,
                                               SourceLocation LParenLoc,
                                               SourceLocation EndLoc) {
-  SmallVector<Expr *, 8> Vars;
+  MappableVarListInfo MVLI(VarList);
   for (auto &RefExpr : VarList) {
     assert(RefExpr && "NULL expr in OpenMP use_device_ptr clause.");
     SourceLocation ELoc;
     SourceRange ERange;
     Expr *SimpleRefExpr = RefExpr;
     auto Res = getPrivateItem(*this, SimpleRefExpr, ELoc, ERange);
     if (Res.second) {
       // It will be analyzed later.
-      Vars.push_back(RefExpr);
+      MVLI.ProcessedVarList.push_back(RefExpr);
     ValueDecl *D = Res.first;
     if (!D)
@@ -11908,12 +11935,59 @@
           << 0 << RefExpr->getSourceRange();
-    Vars.push_back(RefExpr->IgnoreParens());
+    // Check if the declaration in the clause does not show up in any data
+    // sharing attribute.
+    auto DVar = DSAStack->getTopDSA(D, false);
+    if (isOpenMPPrivate(DVar.CKind)) {
+      Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_variable_in_given_clause_and_dsa)
+          << getOpenMPClauseName(DVar.CKind)
+          << getOpenMPClauseName(OMPC_is_device_ptr)
+          << getOpenMPDirectiveName(DSAStack->getCurrentDirective());
+      ReportOriginalDSA(*this, DSAStack, D, DVar);
+      continue;
+    }
+    Expr *ConflictExpr;
+    if (DSAStack->checkMappableExprComponentListsForDecl(
+            D, /* CurrentRegionOnly = */ true,
+            [&ConflictExpr](
+                OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef R,
+                OpenMPClauseKind) -> bool {
+              ConflictExpr = R.front().getAssociatedExpression();
+              return true;
+            })) {
+      Diag(ELoc, diag::err_omp_map_shared_storage) << RefExpr->getSourceRange();
+      Diag(ConflictExpr->getExprLoc(), diag::note_used_here)
+          << ConflictExpr->getSourceRange();
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Store the components in the stack so that they can be used to check
+    // against other clauses later on.
+    OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent MC(SimpleRefExpr, D);
+    DSAStack->addMappableExpressionComponents(
+        D, MC, /*WhereFoundClauseKind=*/OMPC_is_device_ptr);
+    // Record the expression we've just processed.
+    MVLI.ProcessedVarList.push_back(SimpleRefExpr);
+    // Create a mappable component for the list item. List items in this clause
+    // only need a component. We use a null declaration to signal fields in
+    // 'this'.
+    assert((isa<DeclRefExpr>(SimpleRefExpr) ||
+            isa<CXXThisExpr>(cast<MemberExpr>(SimpleRefExpr)->getBase())) &&
+           "Unexpected device pointer expression!");
+    MVLI.VarBaseDeclarations.push_back(
+        isa<DeclRefExpr>(SimpleRefExpr) ? D : nullptr);
+    MVLI.VarComponents.resize(MVLI.VarComponents.size() + 1);
+    MVLI.VarComponents.back().push_back(MC);
-  if (Vars.empty())
+  if (MVLI.ProcessedVarList.empty())
     return nullptr;
-  return OMPIsDevicePtrClause::Create(Context, StartLoc, LParenLoc, EndLoc,
-                                      Vars);
+  return OMPIsDevicePtrClause::Create(
+      Context, StartLoc, LParenLoc, EndLoc, MVLI.ProcessedVarList,
+      MVLI.VarBaseDeclarations, MVLI.VarComponents);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
@@ -5022,6 +5022,13 @@
   /// \brief Set of all first private variables in the current directive.
   llvm::SmallPtrSet<const VarDecl *, 8> FirstPrivateDecls;
+  /// Map between device pointer declarations and their expression components.
+  /// The key value for declarations in 'this' is null.
+  llvm::DenseMap<
+      const ValueDecl *,
+      SmallVector<OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef, 4>>
+      DevPointersMap;
   llvm::Value *getExprTypeSize(const Expr *E) const {
     auto ExprTy = E->getType().getCanonicalType();
@@ -5418,6 +5425,10 @@
       for (const auto *D : C->varlists())
+    // Extract device pointer clause information.
+    for (const auto *C : Dir.getClausesOfKind<OMPIsDevicePtrClause>())
+      for (auto L : C->component_lists())
+        DevPointersMap[L.first].push_back(L.second);
   /// \brief Generate all the base pointers, section pointers, sizes and map
@@ -5573,6 +5584,7 @@
   /// \brief Generate the base pointers, section pointers, sizes and map types
   /// associated to a given capture.
   void generateInfoForCapture(const CapturedStmt::Capture *Cap,
+                              llvm::Value *Arg,
                               MapBaseValuesArrayTy &BasePointers,
                               MapValuesArrayTy &Pointers,
                               MapValuesArrayTy &Sizes,
@@ -5585,14 +5597,38 @@
+    // We need to know when we generating information for the first component
+    // associated with a capture, because the mapping flags depend on it.
+    bool IsFirstComponentList = true;
     const ValueDecl *VD =
             ? nullptr
             : cast<ValueDecl>(Cap->getCapturedVar()->getCanonicalDecl());
-    // We need to know when we generating information for the first component
-    // associated with a capture, because the mapping flags depend on it.
-    bool IsFirstComponentList = true;
+    // If this declaration appears in a is_device_ptr clause we just have to
+    // pass the pointer by value. If it is a reference to a declaration, we just
+    // pass its value, otherwise, if it is a member expression, we need to map
+    // 'to' the field.
+    if (!VD) {
+      auto It = DevPointersMap.find(VD);
+      if (It != DevPointersMap.end()) {
+        for (auto L : It->second) {
+          generateInfoForComponentList(
+              /*MapType=*/OMPC_MAP_to, /*MapTypeModifier=*/OMPC_MAP_unknown, L,
+              BasePointers, Pointers, Sizes, Types, IsFirstComponentList);
+          IsFirstComponentList = false;
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+    } else if (DevPointersMap.count(VD)) {
+      BasePointers.push_back({Arg, VD});
+      Pointers.push_back(Arg);
+      Sizes.push_back(CGF.getTypeSize(CGF.getContext().VoidPtrTy));
+      Types.push_back(OMP_MAP_PRIVATE_VAL | OMP_MAP_FIRST_REF);
+      return;
+    }
     for (auto *C : Directive.getClausesOfKind<OMPMapClause>())
       for (auto L : C->decl_component_lists(VD)) {
         assert(L.first == VD &&
@@ -5883,7 +5919,7 @@
     } else {
       // If we have any information in the map clause, we use it, otherwise we
       // just do a default mapping.
-      MEHandler.generateInfoForCapture(CI, CurBasePointers, CurPointers,
+      MEHandler.generateInfoForCapture(CI, *CV, CurBasePointers, CurPointers,
                                        CurSizes, CurMapTypes);
       if (CurBasePointers.empty())
         MEHandler.generateDefaultMapInfo(*CI, **RI, *CV, CurBasePointers,
Index: lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
--- lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
+++ lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
@@ -794,20 +794,51 @@
                                          NumComponentLists, NumComponents);
-OMPIsDevicePtrClause *OMPIsDevicePtrClause::Create(const ASTContext &C,
-                                                   SourceLocation StartLoc,
-                                                   SourceLocation LParenLoc,
-                                                   SourceLocation EndLoc,
-                                                   ArrayRef<Expr *> VL) {
-  void *Mem = C.Allocate(totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *>(VL.size()));
-  OMPIsDevicePtrClause *Clause =
-      new (Mem) OMPIsDevicePtrClause(StartLoc, LParenLoc, EndLoc, VL.size());
-  Clause->setVarRefs(VL);
+OMPIsDevicePtrClause *
+OMPIsDevicePtrClause::Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
+                             SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
+                             ArrayRef<Expr *> Vars,
+                             ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> Declarations,
+                             MappableExprComponentListsRef ComponentLists) {
+  unsigned NumVars = Vars.size();
+  unsigned NumUniqueDeclarations =
+      getUniqueDeclarationsTotalNumber(Declarations);
+  unsigned NumComponentLists = ComponentLists.size();
+  unsigned NumComponents = getComponentsTotalNumber(ComponentLists);
+  // We need to allocate:
+  // NumVars x Expr* - we have an original list expression for each clause list
+  // entry.
+  // NumUniqueDeclarations x ValueDecl* - unique base declarations associated
+  // with each component list.
+  // (NumUniqueDeclarations + NumComponentLists) x unsigned - we specify the
+  // number of lists for each unique declaration and the size of each component
+  // list.
+  // NumComponents x MappableComponent - the total of all the components in all
+  // the lists.
+  void *Mem = C.Allocate(
+      totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *, ValueDecl *, unsigned,
+                       OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent>(
+          NumVars, NumUniqueDeclarations,
+          NumUniqueDeclarations + NumComponentLists, NumComponents));
+  OMPIsDevicePtrClause *Clause = new (Mem) OMPIsDevicePtrClause(
+      StartLoc, LParenLoc, EndLoc, NumVars, NumUniqueDeclarations,
+      NumComponentLists, NumComponents);
+  Clause->setVarRefs(Vars);
+  Clause->setClauseInfo(Declarations, ComponentLists);
   return Clause;
-OMPIsDevicePtrClause *OMPIsDevicePtrClause::CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
-                                                        unsigned N) {
-  void *Mem = C.Allocate(totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *>(N));
-  return new (Mem) OMPIsDevicePtrClause(N);
+OMPIsDevicePtrClause *OMPIsDevicePtrClause::CreateEmpty(
+    const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumVars, unsigned NumUniqueDeclarations,
+    unsigned NumComponentLists, unsigned NumComponents) {
+  void *Mem = C.Allocate(
+      totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *, ValueDecl *, unsigned,
+                       OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent>(
+          NumVars, NumUniqueDeclarations,
+          NumUniqueDeclarations + NumComponentLists, NumComponents));
+  return new (Mem) OMPIsDevicePtrClause(NumVars, NumUniqueDeclarations,
+                                        NumComponentLists, NumComponents);
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -8372,8 +8372,8 @@
   "'schedule' clause with 'nonmonotonic' modifier cannot be specified if an 'ordered' clause is specified">;
 def err_omp_ordered_simd : Error<
   "'ordered' clause with a parameter can not be specified in '#pragma omp %0' directive">;
-def err_omp_variable_in_map_and_dsa : Error<
-  "%0 variable cannot be in a map clause in '#pragma omp %1' directive">;
+def err_omp_variable_in_given_clause_and_dsa : Error<
+  "%0 variable cannot be in a %1 clause in '#pragma omp %2' directive">;
 def err_omp_param_or_this_in_clause : Error<
   "expected reference to one of the parameters of function %0%select{| or 'this'}1">;
 def err_omp_expected_uniform_param : Error<
Index: include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
--- include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
+++ include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
@@ -4396,50 +4396,94 @@
 /// 'is_device_ptr' with the variables 'a' and 'b'.
 class OMPIsDevicePtrClause final
-    : public OMPVarListClause<OMPIsDevicePtrClause>,
-      private llvm::TrailingObjects<OMPIsDevicePtrClause, Expr *> {
+    : public OMPMappableExprListClause<OMPIsDevicePtrClause>,
+      private llvm::TrailingObjects<
+          OMPIsDevicePtrClause, Expr *, ValueDecl *, unsigned,
+          OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent> {
   friend TrailingObjects;
   friend OMPVarListClause;
+  friend OMPMappableExprListClause;
   friend class OMPClauseReader;
-  /// Build clause with number of variables \a N.
+  /// Define the sizes of each trailing object array except the last one. This
+  /// is required for TrailingObjects to work properly.
+  size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Expr *>) const {
+    return varlist_size();
+  }
+  size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ValueDecl *>) const {
+    return getUniqueDeclarationsNum();
+  }
+  size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<unsigned>) const {
+    return getUniqueDeclarationsNum() + getTotalComponentListNum();
+  }
+  /// Build clause with number of variables \a NumVars.
   /// \param StartLoc Starting location of the clause.
-  /// \param LParenLoc Location of '('.
   /// \param EndLoc Ending location of the clause.
-  /// \param N Number of the variables in the clause.
+  /// \param NumVars Number of expressions listed in this clause.
+  /// \param NumUniqueDeclarations Number of unique base declarations in this
+  /// clause.
+  /// \param NumComponentLists Number of component lists in this clause.
+  /// \param NumComponents Total number of expression components in the clause.
-  OMPIsDevicePtrClause(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
-                       SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned N)
-      : OMPVarListClause<OMPIsDevicePtrClause>(OMPC_is_device_ptr, StartLoc,
-                                               LParenLoc, EndLoc, N) {}
+  explicit OMPIsDevicePtrClause(SourceLocation StartLoc,
+                                SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
+                                unsigned NumVars,
+                                unsigned NumUniqueDeclarations,
+                                unsigned NumComponentLists,
+                                unsigned NumComponents)
+      : OMPMappableExprListClause(OMPC_is_device_ptr, StartLoc, LParenLoc,
+                                  EndLoc, NumVars, NumUniqueDeclarations,
+                                  NumComponentLists, NumComponents) {}
   /// Build an empty clause.
-  /// \param N Number of variables.
+  /// \param NumVars Number of expressions listed in this clause.
+  /// \param NumUniqueDeclarations Number of unique base declarations in this
+  /// clause.
+  /// \param NumComponentLists Number of component lists in this clause.
+  /// \param NumComponents Total number of expression components in the clause.
-  explicit OMPIsDevicePtrClause(unsigned N)
-      : OMPVarListClause<OMPIsDevicePtrClause>(
-            OMPC_is_device_ptr, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(),
-            SourceLocation(), N) {}
+  explicit OMPIsDevicePtrClause(unsigned NumVars,
+                                unsigned NumUniqueDeclarations,
+                                unsigned NumComponentLists,
+                                unsigned NumComponents)
+      : OMPMappableExprListClause(OMPC_is_device_ptr, SourceLocation(),
+                                  SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumVars,
+                                  NumUniqueDeclarations, NumComponentLists,
+                                  NumComponents) {}
-  /// Creates clause with a list of variables \a VL.
+  /// Creates clause with a list of variables \a Vars.
   /// \param C AST context.
   /// \param StartLoc Starting location of the clause.
-  /// \param LParenLoc Location of '('.
   /// \param EndLoc Ending location of the clause.
-  /// \param VL List of references to the variables.
+  /// \param Vars The original expression used in the clause.
+  /// \param Declarations Declarations used in the clause.
+  /// \param ComponentLists Component lists used in the clause.
   static OMPIsDevicePtrClause *
   Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
-         SourceLocation EndLoc, ArrayRef<Expr *> VL);
-  /// Creates an empty clause with the place for \a N variables.
+         SourceLocation EndLoc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Vars,
+         ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> Declarations,
+         MappableExprComponentListsRef ComponentLists);
+  /// Creates an empty clause with the place for \a NumVars variables.
   /// \param C AST context.
-  /// \param N The number of variables.
+  /// \param NumVars Number of expressions listed in the clause.
+  /// \param NumUniqueDeclarations Number of unique base declarations in this
+  /// clause.
+  /// \param NumComponentLists Number of unique base declarations in this
+  /// clause.
+  /// \param NumComponents Total number of expression components in the clause.
-  static OMPIsDevicePtrClause *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned N);
+  static OMPIsDevicePtrClause *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
+                                           unsigned NumVars,
+                                           unsigned NumUniqueDeclarations,
+                                           unsigned NumComponentLists,
+                                           unsigned NumComponents);
   child_range children() {
     return child_range(reinterpret_cast<Stmt **>(varlist_begin()),
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