mstorsjo added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/cmake/modules/AddLLVM.cmake:2401
+macro(setup_host_tool tool_name setting_name exe_var_name target_var_name)
+  cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "SCOPE" "" ${ARGN})
beanz wrote:
> Please make this a `function` instead of a `macro`. In general CMake `macros` 
> expand in ways that are unintuitive which can be a maintenance burden for 
> people coming in and modifying the code.
> Also a bit nity, but maybe a name like `find_host_program` would be more 
> consistent naming. I suspect you could even simplify this implementation by 
> using CMake's `find_program` 
> (
Re `function` vs `macro` - in `mlir-linalg-ods-gen`, we need to set the 
variable in the parent scope (i.e. the CMakeLists.txt of the surrounding 
directory); afaik with a `function` we can set the variable in the scope of the 
caller, but not in the caller's parent - or am I missing something?

Re naming, I think `find_host_program` as name feels a bit unintuitive for the 
regular (non-cross compiling) case; we've set up a target for building a tool 
and we want to execute it at build time - plus doing the boilerplate setup of 
building a separate host version of it when cross compiling. The fact that we 
may want to use a preexisting binary, if the user has pointed us to it, is the 
exception in the uncommon case here, so I wouldn't want to name the high level 
structure based on that.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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