Michael137 added a comment.

In D140423#4052442 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D140423#4052442>, @aaron.ballman 

> In D140423#4052271 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D140423#4052271>, @dblaikie 
> wrote:
>> In D140423#4051262 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D140423#4051262>, 
>> @aaron.ballman wrote:
>>>> Add something like a bool IsDefaulted somewhere in Clang, e.g., in 
>>>> TemplateArgument and consult it from the TypePrinter. This would be much 
>>>> simpler but requires adding a field on one of the Clang types
>>> I think this might be worth exploring as a cleaner solution to the problem. 
>>> `TemplateArgument` has a union of structures for the various kinds of 
>>> template arguments it represents 
>>> (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/clang/include/clang/AST/TemplateBase.h#L140).
>>>  All of the structures in that union start with an `unsigned Kind` field to 
>>> discriminate between the members. There are only 8 kinds currently 
>>> (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/clang/include/clang/AST/TemplateBase.h#L63),
>>>  so we could turn `Kind` into a bit-field and then steal a bit for 
>>> `IsDefaulted` without increasing memory overhead. Do you think that's a 
>>> reasonable approach to try instead?
>> FWIW, I Think I discouraged @Michael137 from going down that direction since 
>> it felt weird to me to add that sort of thing to the Clang ASTs for an 
>> lldb-only use case, and a callback seemed more suitable. But this is hardly 
>> my wheelhouse - if you reckon that's the better direction, carry on, I 
>> expect @Michael137 will be on board with that.
> Adding in @erichkeane as templates code owner in case he has opinions.
> I agree it's a bit weird to modify the AST only for lldb only, but adding a 
> callback to the printing policy is basically an lldb-only change as well (I 
> don't imagine folks would use that callback all that often). So my thinking 
> is that if we can encode the information in the AST for effectively zero 
> cost, that helps every consumer of the AST (thinking about things like 
> clang-tidy) and not just people printing. However, this is not a strongly 
> held position, so if there's a preference for the current approach, it seems 
> workable to me.

Thanks for taking a look @aaron.ballman

I prepared an alternative draft patch series with your suggestion of adding an 
`IsDefaulted` bit to `TemplateArgument`:

- https://reviews.llvm.org/D141826
- https://reviews.llvm.org/D141827

Is this what you had in mind?

This *significantly* simplifies the LLDB support: 

So I'd prefer this over the callback approach TBH.

> A Class template instantiation SHOULD have its link back to the class 
> template, and should be able to calculate whether the template argument is 
> defaulted, right? At least if it is the SAME as the default (that is, I'm not 
> sure how well we can tell the difference between a defaulted arg, and a arg 
> set to the default value).
> I wouldn't expect a bool to be necessary, and I see 
> isSubstitutedDefaultArgument seems to do that work, right?

As @dblaikie mentioned, unfortunately LLDB currently isn't able to construct 
the `ClassTemplateDecl` in a way where this `isSubstitutedDefaultArgument` 
would correctly deduce whether a template instantiation has defaulted 
arguments. In DWARF we only have info about a template instantiation, but the 
structure of the generic template parameters is not encoded. So we can't supply 
`(Non)TypeTemplateParamDecl::setDefaultArgument` with the generic arguments 
Clang expects. The `ClassTemplateDecl` parameters are set up here: 

Regardless of how complex the template parameters get, LLDB just turns each 
into a plain `(Non)TypeTemplateParamDecl`

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