kadircet added a comment.

Sorry for missing this one, apparently I've already started writing an answer 
but got context switching and forgot about it.

> This is needed for clients that would like to visualize matching
> opening and closing angle brackets, which can be valuable in non-trivial
> template declarations or instantiations.

I am not sure how the clients will make use of this information to visualize 
"matching" angle brackets. all the opening and closing brackets are likely to 
be visualized in the same way (respectively), no?
This will only make sure we have a distinction between `<<` and `>>` used as 
operators vs `<`/`>` and the rest of the work to highlight matching braces 
needs to be specially done by the editor.
Since we've the distinction of "operator" now as @nridge pointed out, I would 
rather want editors to use that information to skip brackets that have the 
operator highlighting.
I am not sure what concrete cases you've (it would help if you could provide 
some examples) for the incomplete code argument, because it goes both ways, 
i.e. I don't think the false positives you get in operators vs template 
argument lists won't be any different (e.g. foo<int> x, where `foo` is not 
defined won't have right highlighting).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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