dblaikie added a comment.

In D141451#4063504 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141451#4063504>, @nickdesaulniers 

> In D141451#4063335 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141451#4063335>, @dblaikie 
> wrote:
>> In D141451#4063151 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141451#4063151>, 
>> @nickdesaulniers wrote:
>>> In D141451#4045658 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141451#4045658>, @efriedma 
>>> wrote:
>>>> clang has a "LocTrackingOnly" setting for debug info, which emits 
>>>> DILocation info into the IR, but emits a marker into the DICompileUnit to 
>>>> skip emitting the .debug_info in the backend.  We currently use it for 
>>>> -Rpass.  We don't do this by default, I think to save compile time.
>>> Specifically `emissionKind: NoDebug`, example:
>>> `!0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C11, file: !1, producer: 
>>> "clang version 16.0.0 (g...@github.com:llvm/llvm-project.git 
>>> 7b433e026498cf4176931b2407baece1d5060e16)", isOptimized: true, 
>>> runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: NoDebug, splitDebugInlining: false, 
>>> nameTableKind: None)`
>>> Though should the frontend be setting codegen options when parsing? Would 
>>> the idea be to try to re-set `OPT_debug_info_kind_EQ` when clang codegen's 
>>> IR for a function with such an attribute?
>> Probably turn on `emissionKind: NoDebug` whenever the warning is enabled?
> So this warning is default enabled, IIRC.

Then it might be a broader question about whether this extra info is acceptable 
to turn on by default, and if not, maybe an extra flag would be needed to say 
"give me extra info in this diagnostic", basically (or a separate warning flag 
that's off by default) - some perf metrics might help indicate whether the 
extra info is cheap enough.

> I guess I need to check for `-Wno-attribute-warning`.  If 
> `-Wno-attribute-warning` is //not// set and `-g` (or friends) is not set, 
> then I should set `emissionKind` to `NoDebug` (I think).

Generally you shouldn't be checking the raw flags like this for a feature like 
this - I'd expect something in Clang that checks to see if the warning is 
enabled, rather than whether certain flag spellings are used, etc. Though what 
goes in the driver V frontend, etc complicates things (if the decision is made 
in the frontend, once warning flags are parsed and there's a diagnostic engine 
you can query for warning enablement, then it'd need to override the debug info 
level rather than the command line handling in the driver)

>>> ---
>>> In D141451#4045214 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141451#4045214>, @dblaikie 
>>> wrote:
>>>> It'd be nice not to invent a new way of tracking inlining separate from 
>>>> the way debug info does this - duplicate systems with separate 
>>>> opportunities for bugs, etc. Any chance we can reuse the debug info 
>>>> inlining descriptions for this?
>>> So it looks like we have:
>>> `!28 = !DILocation(line: 14, column: 3, scope: !8, inlinedAt: !29)`
>>> Let me see if I can create DILocation without line or column values.
>> Not sure I follow - why would you want to drop line/column info? Isn't that 
>> relevant to the inlining stack - you might have multiple calls in the same 
>> function & it'd be good to know which one the diagnostic is referring to.
>>>   The DISubprogram and DILocation should form a similar chain, even if 
>>> significantly more complicated to "unwind."
> Not dropping it, more like without `-g` (or friends) it never existed in the 
> first place.  If you look at my change to 
> `llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/InlineFunction.cpp` (in this patch), I'm basically 
> synthesizing metadata during inlining.  If we don't have Debug Info related 
> metadata because the program wasn't compiled with `-g` (or w/e), then the 
> DILocation for the callsites was never produced by the frontend in the first 
> place.  This patch doesn't intentionally drop anything, it's more like the 
> anything might never have existed in the first place.
> So this warning could "be improved" if you recompiled with `-g`; I don't 
> think there's really precedent for that and expect it's perhaps 
> controversial.  Hence my custom metadate nodes rather than the existing 
> DILocation.

I'm still a bit confused/not following about the "Let me see if I can create 
DILocation without line or column values." - why do you want to create that?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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