NoQ added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp:385
+class Strategy;
There's already a forward declaration on line 144!

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp:412
+        arraySubscriptExpr(BaseIsArrayOrPtrDRE,
+                           unless(hasIndex(integerLiteral(equals(0)))))
+            .bind(ULCArraySubscriptTag);
Subscripts `[0]` might be safe, but this doesn't mean we should avoid emitting 
fixits when we see them. I think this clause should be dropped here. (Might be 
worth adding a test).

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp:723
+  OS << "{";
+  Init->printPretty(OS, nullptr, PP);
+  OS << ", ";
Uhh, I'm worried about this approach. I'm not sure these pretty-printers are 
even correct. They try to look similar to the underlying code, but I don't 
think they're required to. And even if they were, It only takes one forgotten 
override in `StmtPrinter` to produce incorrect pretty-prints that won't 
compile. So it's very unreliable technology.

I think the intended way to do these things is to simply avoid overwriting code 
that you want to preserve. Instead, modify code around it. Eg., if you want to 
int *x = foo();
std::span<int> x { foo(), N };
then you add `std::span<` before `int`, then don't touch `int`, then replace ` 
*` with `> `, then replace `=` with ` {`, then don't touch `foo()`, then add `, 
N }` immediately after.

If you actually need to move code around (eg., make preserved chunks appear in 
a different order), I think this should go through a facility like 
`Lexer::getSourceText()` which would give you the exact source code as written.


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