kadircet added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Tooling/Inclusions/StdSymbolMap.inc:100
 SYMBOL(atoll, std::, <cstdlib>)
+SYMBOL(atomic, std::, <atomic>)
+SYMBOL(atomic, std::, <memory>)
hokein wrote:
> Conceptually, this (and other `atomic_*` symbols) doesn't feel correct:
> - `<atomic>` provides the generic template `template<class T> struct atomic;`
> -  `<memory>` provides partial template specializations for `std::shared_ptr` 
> and `std::weak_ptr`  
> They are variant symbols (ideally, they should be treat as the 
> `std::move()`). The issue here is that unlike `std::move` which has two 
> individual entries in the index page, we only have one entry for 
> `std::atomic` (extending the cppreference_parser.py script to perfectly 
> distinguish these two cases in the 
> [page](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/atomic) seems non-trivial).  
> Some options:
> 1) treat them as multiple-header symbols (like what this patch does now)
> 2) special-case these symbols like `std::move()`
> 3) always prefer the header providing generic templates
> @kadircet, what do you think?
right, i believe this patch is definitely adding keeping multiple headers for a 
symbol around, but mixing it with keeping headers for variants (e.g. overloads 
provided by different headers, or specializations as mentioned here).

we definitely need some more changes in parser to make sure we're only 
preserving alternatives for **the same symbol** and not for any other variants 
(overloads, specializations). IIRC there are currently 2 places these variants 
could come into play:
- first is the symbol index page itself, symbols that have ` (foo)` next to 
them have variants and should still be ignored (e.g. std::remove variant of 
cstdio shouldn't be preserved in the scope of this patch)
- second is inside the detail pages for symbols, e.g. 
[std::atomic](http://go/std::atomic), we can have headers for different 
declarations, they're clearly different variants so we shouldn't add such 
symbols into the mapping `_ParseSymbolPage` already does some detection of 
declarations in between headers.

in the scope of this patch, we should keep ignoring both.

Comment at: clang/tools/include-mapping/cppreference_parser.py:183
     for root_dir, page_name, namespace in parse_pages:
-      symbols.extend(_GetSymbols(pool, root_dir, page_name, namespace,
-                                 variants_to_accept))
+      symbols.extend(_GetSymbols(pool, root_dir, page_name, namespace, 
nit: formatting

Comment at: clang/tools/include-mapping/cppreference_parser.py:174
-      # std::remove<> has variant algorithm.
-      "std::remove": ("algorithm"),
-  }
VitaNuo wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > this is actually checking for something else (sorry for the confusing 
> > naming).
> > 
> > the `variant` here refers to library name mentioned in parentheses (this is 
> > same problem as `std::move`) on the std symbol index page 
> > https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/symbol_index (e.g. `remove<>() 
> > (algorithm)`). by getting rid of this we're introducing a regression, as 
> > previously `std::remove` wouldn't be recognized by the library, but now 
> > it'll be recognized and we'll keep suggesting `<cstdio>` for it.
> > 
> > so we should actually keep this around.
> Ok, I can keep this out of this patch, but we'll have to remove this logic 
> evetually when we deal with overloads.
> I have a slight suspicion that this code might be buggy, because it suggests 
> that one _of_ the variants should be accepted. What is does in reality, 
> though, is it keeps `algorithm` in the list of headers suitable for 
> `std::remove` alongside `cstdio`, and then in the last step `std::remove` is 
> ignored by the generator because of being defined in two headers.
> With this patch, the result will be both `{cstdio, algorithm}`. Is this 
> (more) satisfactory for now compared to skipping `algorithm` due to being an 
> overload?
> Ok, I can keep this out of this patch, but we'll have to remove this logic 
> evetually when we deal with overloads.

Surely, I wasn't saying this should stay here forever, i am just saying that 
what's done in the scope of this patch doesn't really address the issues 
"worked around" by this piece.

> I have a slight suspicion that this code might be buggy, because it suggests 
> that one _of_ the variants should be accepted. What is does in reality, 
> though, is it keeps algorithm in the list of headers suitable for std::remove 
> alongside cstdio, and then in the last step std::remove is ignored by the 
> generator because of being defined in two headers.

right, it's because we have logic to prefer "non-variant" versions of symbols 
when available (i.e. in the absence of this logic, we'd prefer std::remove from 
cstdio). this logic enables us to preserve certain variants (in addition to 
non-variants). that way we treat std::remove as ambigious rather than always 
resolving to <cstdio>, hence it's marked as "missing", similar to `std::move`.

> With this patch, the result will be both {cstdio, algorithm}. Is this (more) 
> satisfactory for now compared to skipping algorithm due to being an overload?

in the end this should probably look like {algorithm, cstdio}, but as mentioned 
elsewhere, this is not the same problem as "same symbol being provided by 
multiple header" but rather "different symbols having same name and different 
headers". so treatment of it shouldn't change by this patch.

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