dblaikie added a comment.

In D141625#4095197 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141625#4095197>, @steven_wu wrote:

>> Sorry, I'm still not really following - OK, sounds like you're saying this 
>> test does fail at HEAD/without this patch in reverse iteration mode, and is 
>> a bit larger than would be minimally necessary to achieve that, but also 
>> might fail at HEAD without reverse iteration, providing somewhat more 
>> testing than if it were fully minimized/only caught in reverse.
>> Fair enough -I don't think it's the right tradeoff, but I'm glad it's 
>> stable/provides that coverage.
> The main motivations are:
> - Reverse iteration coverage from bots are really low.
> - The FileCheck that supposed to fail on reverse iteration is not fully 
> checking the order of decls in the serialized bitcode in a semantic way. It 
> is only checking an index, which also assigned based on an iteration order. 
> If both iterations are iterating none deterministic container, both will be 
> reversed and the test will pass :)

That seems like unfortunately brittle testing - would be great to test it more 
in a semantic way if possible. (& then it'd also be more capable of testing 
more robustly in reverse iteration, I guess?)

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