kadircet updated this revision to Diff 495411.
kadircet added a comment.

- Change to a line based translation logic

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/PreambleTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/PreambleTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/PreambleTests.cpp
@@ -696,24 +696,21 @@
     Annotations Code(BaselinePreamble);
     Annotations NewCode(("#define BAR\n" + BaselinePreamble).str());
     auto AST = createPatchedAST(Code.code(), NewCode.code());
-    // FIXME: We should point at the NewCode.
-    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAre(Code.range()));
+    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAreArray(NewCode.ranges()));
     // Check with removals from preamble.
     Annotations Code(("#define BAR\n" + BaselinePreamble).str());
     Annotations NewCode(BaselinePreamble);
     auto AST = createPatchedAST(Code.code(), NewCode.code());
-    // FIXME: We should point at the NewCode.
-    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAre(Code.range()));
+    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAreArray(NewCode.ranges()));
     // Drop line with diags.
     Annotations Code(BaselinePreamble);
     Annotations NewCode("#define BAR\n#define BAZ\n");
     auto AST = createPatchedAST(Code.code(), NewCode.code());
-    // FIXME: No diagnostics.
-    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAre(Code.range()));
+    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), IsEmpty());
     // Picks closest line in case of multiple alternatives.
@@ -724,16 +721,14 @@
 #define BAR
 #include <foo>)");
     auto AST = createPatchedAST(Code.code(), NewCode.code());
-    // FIXME: Should point at ranges in NewCode.
-    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAre(Code.range()));
+    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAre(NewCode.range()));
     // Drop diag if line spelling has changed.
     Annotations Code(BaselinePreamble);
     Annotations NewCode(" # include <foo>");
     auto AST = createPatchedAST(Code.code(), NewCode.code());
-    // FIXME: No diags.
-    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), ElementsAre(Code.range()));
+    EXPECT_THAT(mainFileDiagRanges(*AST), IsEmpty());
 } // namespace
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Preamble.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Preamble.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Preamble.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "clang/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.h"
 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include <memory>
@@ -157,6 +158,9 @@
   /// Whether diagnostics generated using this patch are trustable.
   bool preserveDiagnostics() const;
+  /// Returns diag locations for Modified contents, only contains diags attached
+  /// to an #include or #define directive.
+  llvm::ArrayRef<Diag> patchedDiags() const { return PatchedDiags; }
   static constexpr llvm::StringLiteral HeaderName = "__preamble_patch__.h";
@@ -168,9 +172,11 @@
   PreamblePatch() = default;
   std::string PatchContents;
   std::string PatchFileName;
-  /// Includes that are present in both \p Baseline and \p Modified. Used for
-  /// patching includes of baseline preamble.
+  // Includes that are present in both \p Baseline and \p Modified. Used for
+  // patching includes of baseline preamble.
   std::vector<Inclusion> PreambleIncludes;
+  // Diags that were attached to an #include or a #define directive.
+  std::vector<Diag> PatchedDiags;
   PreambleBounds ModifiedBounds = {0, false};
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Preamble.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Preamble.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Preamble.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "Preamble.h"
 #include "Compiler.h"
 #include "Config.h"
+#include "Diagnostics.h"
 #include "Headers.h"
 #include "SourceCode.h"
 #include "clang-include-cleaner/Record.h"
@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
@@ -43,7 +46,9 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <iterator>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
 #include <system_error>
@@ -306,6 +311,8 @@
 struct ScannedPreamble {
   std::vector<Inclusion> Includes;
   std::vector<TextualPPDirective> TextualDirectives;
+  // Literal lines of the preamble contents.
+  std::vector<llvm::StringRef> Lines;
   PreambleBounds Bounds = {0, false};
@@ -332,7 +339,7 @@
   if (!CI)
     return error("failed to create compiler invocation");
   CI->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
-  auto ContentsBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Contents);
+  auto ContentsBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(PI.Contents);
   // This means we're scanning (though not preprocessing) the preamble section
   // twice. However, it's important to precisely follow the preamble bounds used
   // elsewhere.
@@ -363,6 +370,10 @@
     return std::move(Err);
   SP.Includes = std::move(Includes.MainFileIncludes);
+  for (auto Pos = Contents.find('\n'); Pos != Contents.npos;
+       Contents = Contents.substr(Pos + 1), Pos = Contents.find('\n')) {
+    SP.Lines.push_back(Contents.substr(0, Pos));
+  }
   return SP;
@@ -465,6 +476,19 @@
   WallTimer Timer;
+// Represents an include as spelled in the source code, without taking resolved
+// path or location into account.
+struct IncludeKey {
+  tok::PPKeywordKind Directive;
+  llvm::StringRef Written;
+  bool operator<(const IncludeKey &RHS) const {
+    return std::tie(Directive, Written) < std::tie(RHS.Directive, RHS.Written);
+  }
+  bool operator==(const IncludeKey &RHS) const {
+    return std::tie(Directive, Written) == std::tie(RHS.Directive, RHS.Written);
+  }
 } // namespace
 std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>
@@ -558,8 +582,8 @@
   if (BuiltPreamble) {
     log("Built preamble of size {0} for file {1} version {2} in {3} seconds",
-         BuiltPreamble->getSize(), FileName, Inputs.Version,
-         PreambleTimer.getTime());
+        BuiltPreamble->getSize(), FileName, Inputs.Version,
+        PreambleTimer.getTime());
     std::vector<Diag> Diags = PreambleDiagnostics.take();
     auto Result = std::make_shared<PreambleData>(std::move(*BuiltPreamble));
     Result->Version = Inputs.Version;
@@ -612,6 +636,105 @@
+// Checks if all pointers in \p D are for the same line of the main file.
+static bool diagReferencesMultipleLines(const Diag &D) {
+  int Line = D.Range.start.line;
+  if (D.Range.end.line != Line)
+    return true;
+  bool NotePointsToOutside = llvm::any_of(D.Notes, [&](const Note &N) {
+    return N.File == D.File &&
+           (N.Range.start.line != Line || N.Range.end.line != Line);
+  });
+  if (NotePointsToOutside)
+    return true;
+  bool FixPointsToOutside = llvm::any_of(D.Fixes, [&](const Fix &F) {
+    for (auto &E : F.Edits)
+      if (E.range.start.line != Line || E.range.end.line != Line)
+        return true;
+    return false;
+  });
+  if (FixPointsToOutside)
+    return true;
+  return false;
+// Move all references in \p D to \p NewLine. This assumes none of the
+// references to the main file are multi-line.
+static Diag translateDiag(const Diag &D, int NewLine) {
+  assert(!diagReferencesMultipleLines(D));
+  Diag Translated = D;
+  Translated.Range.start.line = Translated.Range.end.line = NewLine;
+  for (auto &N : Translated.Notes) {
+    if (N.File != D.File)
+      continue;
+    N.Range.start.line = N.Range.end.line = NewLine;
+  }
+  for (auto &F : Translated.Fixes) {
+    for (auto &E : F.Edits)
+      E.range.start.line = E.range.end.line = NewLine;
+  }
+  return Translated;
+static llvm::DenseMap<int, llvm::SmallVector<const Diag *>>
+mapDiagsToLines(llvm::ArrayRef<Diag> Diags) {
+  llvm::DenseMap<int, llvm::SmallVector<const Diag *>> LineToDiags;
+  for (auto &D : Diags) {
+    if (diagReferencesMultipleLines(D))
+      continue;
+    LineToDiags[D.Range.start.line].emplace_back(&D);
+  }
+  return LineToDiags;
+static std::map<IncludeKey, const Inclusion *>
+getExistingIncludes(const ScannedPreamble &BaselineScan,
+                    llvm::ArrayRef<Inclusion> MFI) {
+  std::map<IncludeKey, const Inclusion *> ExistingIncludes;
+  // There might be includes coming from disabled regions, record these for
+  // exclusion. note that we don't have resolved paths for those.
+  for (const auto &Inc : BaselineScan.Includes)
+    ExistingIncludes[{Inc.Directive, Inc.Written}] = nullptr;
+  for (const auto &Inc : MFI)
+    ExistingIncludes[{Inc.Directive, Inc.Written}] = &Inc;
+  return ExistingIncludes;
+// Translate diagnostics from baseline into modified for the lines that have the
+// same spelling.
+static std::vector<Diag> patchDiags(llvm::ArrayRef<Diag> BaselineDiags,
+                                    const ScannedPreamble &BaselineScan,
+                                    const ScannedPreamble &ModifiedScan) {
+  std::vector<Diag> PatchedDiags;
+  // List of diagnostics associated to a particular line in the baseline.
+  auto LineToDiags = mapDiagsToLines(BaselineDiags);
+  auto MoveDiagsBetweenLines = [&LineToDiags, &PatchedDiags](int OldLine,
+                                                             int NewLine) {
+    auto DiagsForInclude = LineToDiags.find(OldLine);
+    if (DiagsForInclude == LineToDiags.end())
+      return;
+    for (auto *D : DiagsForInclude->second)
+      PatchedDiags.emplace_back(translateDiag(*D, NewLine));
+  };
+  llvm::StringMap<llvm::SmallVector<int>> BaselineContentsToLine;
+  for (int Line = 0, E = BaselineScan.Lines.size(); Line != E; ++Line) {
+    llvm::StringRef Contents = BaselineScan.Lines[Line];
+    BaselineContentsToLine[Contents].push_back(Line);
+  }
+  for (int Line = 0, E = ModifiedScan.Lines.size(); Line != E; ++Line) {
+    auto PreviousLine = BaselineContentsToLine.find(ModifiedScan.Lines[Line]);
+    if (PreviousLine == BaselineContentsToLine.end())
+      continue;
+    int Closest = PreviousLine->second.front();
+    for (auto AlternateLine : PreviousLine->second) {
+      if (abs(AlternateLine - Line) < abs(Closest - Line))
+        Closest = AlternateLine;
+    }
+    MoveDiagsBetweenLines(Closest, Line);
+  }
+  return PatchedDiags;
 PreamblePatch PreamblePatch::create(llvm::StringRef FileName,
                                     const ParseInputs &Modified,
                                     const PreambleData &Baseline,
@@ -629,7 +752,7 @@
   //   there's nothing to do but generate an empty patch.
   auto BaselineScan = scanPreamble(
       // Contents needs to be null-terminated.
-      Baseline.Preamble.getContents().str(), Modified.CompileCommand);
+      Baseline.Preamble.getContents(), Modified.CompileCommand);
   if (!BaselineScan) {
     elog("Failed to scan baseline of {0}: {1}", FileName,
@@ -665,18 +788,12 @@
   escapeBackslashAndQuotes(FileName, Patch);
   Patch << "\"\n";
+  // Map from an include to its line in the Modified contents.
   if (IncludesChanged && PatchType == PatchType::All) {
     // We are only interested in newly added includes, record the ones in
     // Baseline for exclusion.
-    llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<tok::PPKeywordKind, llvm::StringRef>,
-                   const Inclusion *>
-        ExistingIncludes;
-    for (const auto &Inc : Baseline.Includes.MainFileIncludes)
-      ExistingIncludes[{Inc.Directive, Inc.Written}] = &Inc;
-    // There might be includes coming from disabled regions, record these for
-    // exclusion too. note that we don't have resolved paths for those.
-    for (const auto &Inc : BaselineScan->Includes)
-      ExistingIncludes.try_emplace({Inc.Directive, Inc.Written});
+    auto ExistingIncludes =
+        getExistingIncludes(*BaselineScan, Baseline.Includes.MainFileIncludes);
     // Calculate extra includes that needs to be inserted.
     for (auto &Inc : ModifiedScan->Includes) {
       auto It = ExistingIncludes.find({Inc.Directive, Inc.Written});
@@ -728,6 +845,8 @@
       Patch << TD.Text << '\n';
+  PP.PatchedDiags = patchDiags(Baseline.Diags, *BaselineScan, *ModifiedScan);
   dlog("Created preamble patch: {0}", Patch.str());
   return PP;
@@ -769,6 +888,7 @@
   PreamblePatch PP;
   PP.PreambleIncludes = Preamble.Includes.MainFileIncludes;
   PP.ModifiedBounds = Preamble.Preamble.getBounds();
+  PP.PatchedDiags = Preamble.Diags;
   return PP;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ParsedAST.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ParsedAST.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ParsedAST.cpp
@@ -674,9 +674,10 @@
   if (PreserveDiags) {
     Diags = CompilerInvocationDiags;
     // Add diagnostics from the preamble, if any.
-    if (Preamble)
-      Diags->insert(Diags->end(), Preamble->Diags.begin(),
-                    Preamble->Diags.end());
+    if (Preamble) {
+      auto PDiags = Patch->patchedDiags();
+      Diags->insert(Diags->end(), PDiags.begin(), PDiags.end());
+    }
     // Finally, add diagnostics coming from the AST.
       std::vector<Diag> D = ASTDiags.take(&*CTContext);
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