aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D141714#4175263 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D141714#4175263>, 
@giulianobelinassi wrote:

> Hi, Alan. Thanks for your review again!
> With regard to middle, the patch sent in D145269 
> <https://reviews.llvm.org/D145269> may answer your questions. Basically 
> functions like:
>   int* f(void) __attribute__((unused));
> would be output as
>   int* __attribute__((unused)) f(void);
> if SIDE_MIDDLE is specified.

That would be a pretty unique location for those attributes to go and there are 
some attributes that can't go there. For example: 

> The case I want to avoid is:
>   int f(void) __attribute__((unused))
>     int i;
>   { return 0; }

Did you mean the example to be a K&R C function instead? If so, then this would 
apply the attribute to the function in Clang.

> Which is not clear where should the attribute be applied to. A left-to-right 
> parser that accepts attributes on the right side of a function declaration 
> may apply this to f, but if it don't then it will be applied to i. This is 
> why GCC rejects this kind of attribute output on the right side of functions.
> Hence, I thought it would be better to always output variable as
>   int __attribute__((unused)) var;

That will subtly change program semantics in Clang though, as now the attribute 
pretty prints to the parameter declaration (I'm still assuming your example was 
intended to be a K&R C function definition).

> when possible. I also found that __declspec attributes is also accepted this 
> way. But if that changes the meaning of things (I looked into generated 
> assembly and could not find such case) then I think dumping it on the right 
> side may be a better option, and we only have to be careful with functions 
> declarations, those being dumped as.
>   __attribute__((unused)) f(void) {}
> -------------
> As for changing the `__declspec` locations, I thought it was fine as it is 
> also accepted by clang. But looking at MSVC documentation it says that 
> outputing it at the begining is recommended so I think it may be better to 
> always output __declspecs on the left side?

That's where I'm most used to seeing it.

> -------------
> Can you explain a bit more about what warning you're seeing and under what 
> condition?
> Basically if you change this test in order for it to intentionally fail 
> because of output mismatch, this warning is generated.

Hmmm, I'm still not certain I understand what's going on. What surprises me is 
that the test code is ` __block StructWithCopyConstructor s(5);` but it pretty 
prints as `StructWithCopyConstructor __attribute__((blocks("byref"))) s(5);` 
which doesn't compile at all. That doesn't seem to be new behavior in your 
patch (and this particular attribute has no documentation or existing test 
coverage), but I think the fact that the keyword spelling is dropped and the 
attribute is moved helps point out an issue -- keyword attributes are special 
and their syntactic position is important, so maybe those should not shift at 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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