jhuber6 added a comment.

In D146973#4225983 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D146973#4225983>, @jdoerfert wrote:

> I said this before, many times:
> We don't want to have different host and device libraries that are 
> incompatible.
> Effectively, what we really want, is the host environment to just work on the 
> GPU.
> That includes extensions in the host headers, macros, taking the address of 
> stuff, etc.
> This became clear when we made (c)math.h available on the GPU (for OpenMP).

The problem is that we cannot control the system headers, they are not expected 
to work with `llvm-libc`. For example: the GNU `ctype.h` includes `features.h` 
which will attempt to include the 32-bit stubs file because the GPU is not a 
recognized target on the host. If you work around that, like we do in OpenMP, 
then you will realize that `isalnum` is actually a macro to `__isctype` which 
references and external table called `__ctype_b_loc` which isn't defined in the 
C standard. So, now we have a header that causes `isalnum` to not longer call 
the implementation in LLVM's `libc`, it also fails at link time because there 
is no reference to `__ctype_b_loc` in LLVM's `libc`. What is the solution here? 
Do we implement `libc` in LLVM with a workaround for every internal 
implementation in the GNU `libc`?

> For most of libc, we might get away with custom GPU headers but eventually it 
> will break "expected to work" user code, at the latest when we arrive at 
> libc++.
> A user can, right now, map a std::vector from the host to the device, and, 
> assuming they properly did the deep copy, it will work.
> If we end up with different sizes, alignments, layouts, this will not only 
> break, but we will also break any structure that depends on those sizes, 
> e.g., mapping an object with a std::map inside even if it is not accessed 
> will cause problems.
> In addition, systems are never "vanilla". We want to include the system 
> headers to get the extensions users might rely on. Providing only alternative 
> headers even breaks working code (in the OpenMP case), e.g., when we 
> auto-translate definitions in the header to the device (not a CUDA thing, I 
> think).

Using custom generated headers is the only approach that is guaranteed to 
actually work when we compile this. We cannot sanely implement a library using 
headers unique to another implementation targeting an entirely different 
machine, we will endlessly be chasing implementation details like above. This 
works in OpenMP currently because we've chosen a handful of headers that this 
doesn't completely break for.

> I strongly suggest to include our GPU headers first, in them we setup the 
> overlays for the system headers, and then we include the system versions.
> This works for (c)math.h, complex, and other parts of libc and libc++ 
> already, even though we don't ship them as libraries.

The wrapper approach works fine for the ones we've selected. And in the GPU 
`libc` we could generate our own headers that have `#include_next` in them if 
we verify that it works for that header. I think in general though, we need to 
work with custom headers first, and implement a set of features we know to work.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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