alvinhochun added a comment.

In D146908#4226926 <>, @mstorsjo wrote:

> I tested this, and this does fix the repro from the linked issue.

Thanks for testing!

> I wonder if we do want to move all of these before the app itself, or if it's 
> enough to just move the reference to `asan_dynamic-<arch>.dll.a` earlier, and 
> keep the rest as it was? Especially the whole-archive bit ends up linking a 
> bunch of things statically, ordered way before the app itself. On one hand, I 
> wonder if it would have subtle effects that we don't notice until way later, 
> and we should only change as little as we need (moving the import library 
> reference earlier), or if there are other potential benefits to moving the 
> wholearchive-linked bits earlier too? (I'm wondering about things like 
> constructor execution orders and such.)

That is a valid concern, especially if we want to backport this change to 16.x. 
I didn't think about this clearly before. With this in mind, I would change the 
patch to only add a duplicate of `asan_dynamic-<arch>.dll.a` early and keep the 
existing flags at their old position.

I can do some experiments with the new asan test setup I have and see if there 
are other benefits of moving the other flags. That will be for separate patches.

Comment at: clang/test/Driver/mingw-sanitizers.c:1
-// RUN: %clang -target i686-windows-gnu %s -### -fsanitize=address 2>&1 | 
FileCheck --check-prefix=ASAN-I686 %s
-// ASAN-I686: "{{.*}}libclang_rt.asan_dynamic-i386.dll.a"
-// ASAN-I686: "{{[^"]*}}libclang_rt.asan_dynamic_runtime_thunk-i386.a"
-// ASAN-I686: "--require-defined" "___asan_seh_interceptor"
-// ASAN-I686: "--whole-archive" 
"{{.*}}libclang_rt.asan_dynamic_runtime_thunk-i386.a" "--no-whole-archive"
-// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-windows-gnu %s -### -fsanitize=address 2>&1 | 
FileCheck --check-prefix=ASAN-X86_64 %s
-// ASAN-X86_64: "{{.*}}libclang_rt.asan_dynamic-x86_64.dll.a"
+// RUN: echo -n > %t.a
+// RUN: %clang -target i686-windows-gnu %s -### -fsanitize=address -lcomponent 
%/t.a 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefixes=ASAN-ALL,ASAN-I686 -DINPUT=%/t.a %s
mstorsjo wrote:
> Hm, what does this do - some sort of more portable version of just touching a 
> file to create it?
Yeah that's just creating the file (though it would also overwrite the existing 
content). I believe lit has `echo` built-in but `touch` may not be available on 
Windows so this seems like a good idea to me.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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