MatzeB added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCoroutine.cpp:724-730
+      Stmt *BodyStmt = S.getBody();
+      CompoundStmt *Body = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(BodyStmt);
+      if (Body == nullptr) {
+        Body =
+            CompoundStmt::Create(getContext(), {BodyStmt}, FPOptionsOverride(),
+                                 SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
+      }
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> Can we try to move the logic to `CoroutineStmtBuilder`? That makes me feel 
> better. And it will be helpful to add a comment to tell that we're handling 
> the case the function body is function-try-block.
I'll add a detailed comment. But would you be fine leaving the statements here 
as-is? The logic only makes sense in the context of using the `Body` to create 
a `CXXTryStmt` below (it's really an effect of `CXXTryStmt` only accepting 
CompountStmt operands).

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCoroutine.cpp:724-730
+      Stmt *BodyStmt = S.getBody();
+      CompoundStmt *Body = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(BodyStmt);
+      if (Body == nullptr) {
+        Body =
+            CompoundStmt::Create(getContext(), {BodyStmt}, FPOptionsOverride(),
+                                 SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
+      }
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> MatzeB wrote:
> > ChuanqiXu wrote:
> > > Can we try to move the logic to `CoroutineStmtBuilder`? That makes me 
> > > feel better. And it will be helpful to add a comment to tell that we're 
> > > handling the case the function body is function-try-block.
> > I'll add a detailed comment. But would you be fine leaving the statements 
> > here as-is? The logic only makes sense in the context of using the `Body` 
> > to create a `CXXTryStmt` below (it's really an effect of `CXXTryStmt` only 
> > accepting CompountStmt operands).
> It looks like you didn't address the comments. Would you like to address it? 
> I don't mind to address it later myself.
Did you mean to create a new function named `CoroutineStmtBuilder` like I did 

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCoroutine.cpp:726
+      CompoundStmt *Body = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(BodyStmt);
+      if (Body == nullptr) {
+        Body =
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> It reads better to specify the potential type for Body.
I will mention a single-statement body as an example in the comment now. 
Putting an `assert` here feels unnecessary and may be in the way if in the 
future we ever allow other types of single-statement function bodies.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenCoroutines/coro-function-try-block.cpp:21-23
+// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @_Z1fv(
+// CHECK: call void 
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN4task12promise_type11return_voidEv(
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> I expect to see the nested try statements in the case.
This was mostly meant as a test for "does not crash the compiler", so it is 
just checking some parts of the output without caring too much what they are 

I cannot test for nested try statements, because in llvm-ir those are already 
lowered to unwind tables and landing pad blocks, but there's neither a "try" 
statement nor an immediate nesting I could test for.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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