kadircet added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:1338
+    auto ReferencedInclude = convertIncludes(SM, Inc);
+    include_cleaner::walkUsed(
can we put the rest into a separate function (I know this function is already 
quite long, but I think we shouldn't make it worse, and probably refactor 
soon). I believe something like below should work?
std::vector<Reference> getIncludeUsages(const ParsedAST &AST, const Inclusion 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:1347
+          auto Loc = SM.getFileLoc(Ref.RefLocation);
+          for (const auto &H : Providers) {
nit: no need to calculate the file location, if we're not going to emit a 
reference. so maybe move this into the place where we're going to use the `Loc`.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:1347
+          auto Loc = SM.getFileLoc(Ref.RefLocation);
+          for (const auto &H : Providers) {
kadircet wrote:
> nit: no need to calculate the file location, if we're not going to emit a 
> reference. so maybe move this into the place where we're going to use the 
> `Loc`.
this file location might fall outside of the main file when they get expanded 
through `#include` directives, so we need something like 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:1348
+          auto Loc = SM.getFileLoc(Ref.RefLocation);
+          for (const auto &H : Providers) {
+            auto MatchingIncludes = ConvertedMainFileIncludes.match(H);
we're implementing and testing this logic twice now, once in here and once in 
hover. can we instead have a helper in `IncludeCleaner.h` that looks like:
std::optional<include_cleaner::Header> firstSatisfiedProvider(const 
include_cleaner::Includes& Includes, llvm::ArrayRef<include_cleaner::Header> 
// I'd actually return the matching `std::vector<const Include*>` (the highest 
ranked provider that matched some includes in main file), and check if the 
include of interest is part of that set for rest of the operations.
// Since it represents both the provider and the include in the main file. 
whereas the provider on it's own doesn't say anything about which include in 
main file triggered satisfaction.
and turn these call sites into
auto Provider = firstSatisfiedProvider(ConvertedMainFileIncludes, Providers);
if(!Provider || ReferencedInclude.match(Provider).empty())
// Include in question provides the symbol, do magic.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:1358
+              auto TokLen =
+                  Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(Loc, SM, AST.getLangOpts());
+              Result.Loc.range =
no need to re-run the lexer, these references are inside the main file for 
sure, so you can use token buffer instead.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:1381
+    Result.Loc.uri = URIMainFile;
+    Results.References.push_back(std::move(Result));
+  }
we can return Results directly here, no need to run rest of the logic

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:2004
-// Given a type targeted by the cursor, return one or more types that are more 
-// to target.
-static void unwrapFindType(
-    QualType T, const HeuristicResolver* H, llvm::SmallVector<QualType>& Out) {
+// Given a type targeted by the cursor, return one or more types that are more
+// interesting to target.
can you revert changes below? I feel like they're unrelated formatting changes

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/XRefsTests.cpp:1909
+  TU.AdditionalFiles["bar.h"] = guard(R"cpp(
+    #define BAR 5
rather than introducing these into all tests, can we have our own TestTU and 
whatnot in the relevant test? something like MainFileReferencesOnly test

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/XRefsTests.cpp:2322
+  const char *Tests[] = {
+      R"cpp([[#include ^"bar.h"]]
+        int fstBar = [[bar1]]();
can you also have a second include header that provides some other symbols and 
make sure references of those don't get highlighted?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/XRefsTests.cpp:2329
+      R"cpp([[#in^clude <vector>]]
+        std::[[vector]]<int> vec;
we don't really need rest of these tests, they're testing the "symbol is 
provided by first provider included in the main file" logic

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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