bolshakov-a updated this revision to Diff 510281.
bolshakov-a edited the summary of this revision.
bolshakov-a added a comment.

Mangling of anonymous unions. @eli.friedman, thank you!

> I don't know whether the aforementioned code is acceptable according to the 
> standard, honestly.

It is not acceptable because anonymous unions cannot contain nested types. In 
fact, they cannot contain even other anonymous unions, according to the C++ 
But clang and MSVC both accept such code, probably because recursively nested 
anonymous structs and unions are allowed in C17. Hence, this case is handled 
for generality, but I'm not sure if this behavior should be nailed down in a 



Index: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-ms-templates.cpp
--- clang/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-ms-templates.cpp
+++ clang/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-ms-templates.cpp
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 extern const record inst;
 void recref(type1<inst>) {}
-// CHECK: "?recref@@YAXU?$type1@$E?inst@@3Urecord@@B@@@Z"
+// CHECK: "?recref@@YAXU?$type1@$1?inst@@3Urecord@@B@@@Z"
 struct _GUID {};
 struct __declspec(uuid("{12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890aB}")) uuid;
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
 void fun(UUIDType1<uuid> a) {}
 // CHECK: "?fun@@YAXU?$UUIDType1@Uuuid@@$1?_GUID_12345678_1234_1234_1234_1234567890ab@@3U__s_GUID@@B@@@Z"
 void fun(UUIDType2<uuid> b) {}
-// CHECK: "?fun@@YAXU?$UUIDType2@Uuuid@@$E?_GUID_12345678_1234_1234_1234_1234567890ab@@3U__s_GUID@@B@@@Z"
+// CHECK: "?fun@@YAXU?$UUIDType2@Uuuid@@$1?_GUID_12345678_1234_1234_1234_1234567890ab@@3U__s_GUID@@B@@@Z"
 template <typename T> struct TypeWithFriendDefinition {
   friend void FunctionDefinedWithInjectedName(TypeWithFriendDefinition<T>) {}
Index: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-class-nttp.cpp
--- clang/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-class-nttp.cpp
+++ clang/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-class-nttp.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 int n = 0;
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1BadL_Z1nEEEEvv(
-// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UB@@PEBH1?n@@3HAH0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UB@@PEBHE?n@@3HAH0A@@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<B{&n}>();
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1BLPKi0ELi1EEEEvv(
 // MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UB@@PEBH0A@H00@@@YAXXZ"
@@ -86,33 +86,85 @@
 struct D { const int Derived::*p; int k; };
 template<D> void f() {}
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DLM7DerivedKi0ELi1EEEEvv
-// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H0?0H00@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@HNH00@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{nullptr, 1}>();
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DEEEvv
-// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H0?0H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@HNH0A@@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{nullptr}>();
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DadL_ZN7Derived1zEEEEEvv
-// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H0BA@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H82@z@@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{&Derived::z}>();
-#ifndef _WIN32
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DmcM7DerivedKiadL_ZN1A1aEEEEEEvv
-// MSABI-FIXME: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H0A@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H8A@@a@@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{&A::a}>();
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DmcM7DerivedKiadL_ZN1A1bEEEEEEvv
-// MSABI-FIXME: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H03H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H8A@@b@@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{&A::b}>();
 // FIXME: Is the Ut_1 mangling here correct?
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DmcM7DerivedKiadL_ZN6NestedUt_1kEE8ELi2EEEEvv
-// FIXME: This mangles the same as &A::a (bug in the MS ABI).
-// MSABI-FIXME: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H0A@H01@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H8<unnamed-tag>@Nested@@k@@H01@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{&Nested::k, 2}>();
 struct MoreDerived : A, Derived { int z; };
 // CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl1DmcM7DerivedKiadL_ZN11MoreDerived1zEEn8EEEEvv
-// MSABI-FIXME: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H0BI@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD@@PERDerived@@H8MoreDerived@@z@@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
 template void f<D{(int Derived::*)&MoreDerived::z}>();
-// FIXME: Pointers to member functions.
+struct DerivedVirtually : virtual A, Nested { int z; };
+struct D2 { const int DerivedVirtually::*p; int k; };
+template<D2> void f() {}
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl2D2LM16DerivedVirtuallyKi0ELi1EEEEvv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD2@@PERDerivedVirtually@@HFA@?0H00@@@YAXXZ"
+template void f<D2{nullptr, 1}>();
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl2D2EEEvv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD2@@PERDerivedVirtually@@HFA@?0H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+template void f<D2{nullptr}>();
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl2D2adL_ZN16DerivedVirtually1zEEEEEvv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD2@@PERDerivedVirtually@@HFBA@A@H0A@@@@YAXXZ"
+template void f<D2{&DerivedVirtually::z}>();
+// Forward-decl without MS inheritance keyword means unspecified inheritance
+// which is different from e. g. single inheritance.
+struct UnspecInherStruct;
+struct D3 { const int UnspecInherStruct::*p; };
+template<D3> void f() {}
+struct UnspecInherStruct { int i; };
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_Z1fIXtl2D3adL_ZN17UnspecInherStruct1iEEEEEvv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"??$f@$2UD3@@PERUnspecInherStruct@@HGA@A@A@@@@YAXXZ"
+template void f<D3{&UnspecInherStruct::i}>();
+// Pointers to member functions.
+// Test struct templates instead of function templates so as to cover
+// the separate code which handles nullptr in their pointer-to-member arguments.
+struct Derived2 : A, Nested { void f(); virtual void g(); };
+struct D4 { void (Derived2::*p)(); };
+template <D4> struct S1 { static void fn() {} };
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN2S1IXtl2D4adL_ZN8Derived21fEvEEEE2fnEv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"?fn@?$S1@$2UD4@@P8Derived2@@EAAXXZE?f@2@QEAAXXZ@@@SAXXZ"
+template void S1<D4{&Derived2::f}>::fn();
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN2S1IXtl2D4adL_ZN8Derived21gEvEEEE2fnEv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"?fn@?$S1@$2UD4@@P8Derived2@@EAAXXZE??_92@$BA@AA@@@SAXXZ"
+template void S1<D4{&Derived2::g}>::fn();
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN2S1IXtl2D4EEE2fnEv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"?fn@?$S1@$2UD4@@P8Derived2@@EAAXXZHA@@@@SAXXZ"
+template void S1<D4{nullptr}>::fn();
+struct NoInheritance { void f(); };
+struct D5 { void (NoInheritance::*p)(); };
+template <D5> struct S2 { static void fn() {} };
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN2S2IXtl2D5adL_ZN13NoInheritance1fEvEEEE2fnEv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"?fn@?$S2@$2UD5@@P8NoInheritance@@EAAXXZE?f@2@QEAAXXZ@@@SAXXZ"
+template void S2<D5{&NoInheritance::f}>::fn();
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN2S2IXtl2D5EEE2fnEv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"?fn@?$S2@$2UD5@@P8NoInheritance@@EAAXXZN@@@SAXXZ"
+template void S2<D5{nullptr}>::fn();
+struct NoInheritanceButUnspecified;
+struct D6 { void (NoInheritanceButUnspecified::*p)(); };
+template <D6> struct S3 { static void fn() {} };
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN2S3IXtl2D6EEE2fnEv
+// MSABI: define {{.*}} @"?fn@?$S3@$2UD6@@P8NoInheritanceButUnspecified@@EAAXXZJA@A@?0@@@SAXXZ"
+template void S3<D6{nullptr}>::fn();
 union E {
   int n;
@@ -204,8 +256,6 @@
 template void f<G{-8, -32}>();
 // Empty and nearly-empty unions.
-// Some of the MSVC manglings here are our invention, because MSVC rejects, but
-// seem likely to be right.
 union H1 {};
 union H2 { int : 1, : 2, : 3; };
 union H3 { int : 1, a, : 2, b, : 3; };
Index: clang/lib/AST/MicrosoftMangle.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/MicrosoftMangle.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/MicrosoftMangle.cpp
@@ -368,9 +368,13 @@
   void mangleVariableEncoding(const VarDecl *VD);
   void mangleMemberDataPointer(const CXXRecordDecl *RD, const ValueDecl *VD,
                                StringRef Prefix = "$");
+  void mangleMemberDataPointerInClassNTTP(const CXXRecordDecl *,
+                                          const ValueDecl *);
   void mangleMemberFunctionPointer(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
                                    const CXXMethodDecl *MD,
                                    StringRef Prefix = "$");
+  void mangleMemberFunctionPointerInClassNTTP(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
+                                              const CXXMethodDecl *MD);
   void mangleVirtualMemPtrThunk(const CXXMethodDecl *MD,
                                 const MethodVFTableLocation &ML);
   void mangleNumber(int64_t Number);
@@ -711,6 +715,28 @@
+void MicrosoftCXXNameMangler::mangleMemberDataPointerInClassNTTP(
+    const CXXRecordDecl *RD, const ValueDecl *VD) {
+  MSInheritanceModel IM = RD->getMSInheritanceModel();
+  // <nttp-class-member-data-pointer> ::= <member-data-pointer>
+  //                                  ::= N
+  //                                  ::= 8 <postfix> @ <unqualified-name> @
+  if (IM != MSInheritanceModel::Single && IM != MSInheritanceModel::Multiple)
+    return mangleMemberDataPointer(RD, VD, "");
+  if (!VD) {
+    Out << 'N';
+    return;
+  }
+  Out << '8';
+  mangleNestedName(VD);
+  Out << '@';
+  mangleUnqualifiedName(VD);
+  Out << '@';
 MicrosoftCXXNameMangler::mangleMemberFunctionPointer(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
                                                      const CXXMethodDecl *MD,
@@ -775,6 +801,34 @@
+void MicrosoftCXXNameMangler::mangleMemberFunctionPointerInClassNTTP(
+    const CXXRecordDecl *RD, const CXXMethodDecl *MD) {
+  // <nttp-class-member-function-pointer> ::= <member-function-pointer>
+  //                           ::= N
+  //                           ::= E? <virtual-mem-ptr-thunk>
+  //                           ::= E? <mangled-name> <type-encoding>
+  if (!MD) {
+    if (RD->getMSInheritanceModel() != MSInheritanceModel::Single)
+      return mangleMemberFunctionPointer(RD, MD, "");
+    Out << 'N';
+    return;
+  }
+  Out << "E?";
+  if (MD->isVirtual()) {
+    MicrosoftVTableContext *VTContext =
+        cast<MicrosoftVTableContext>(getASTContext().getVTableContext());
+    MethodVFTableLocation ML =
+        VTContext->getMethodVFTableLocation(GlobalDecl(MD));
+    mangleVirtualMemPtrThunk(MD, ML);
+  } else {
+    mangleName(MD);
+    mangleFunctionEncoding(MD, /*ShouldMangle=*/true);
+  }
 void MicrosoftCXXNameMangler::mangleVirtualMemPtrThunk(
     const CXXMethodDecl *MD, const MethodVFTableLocation &ML) {
   // Get the vftable offset.
@@ -1187,6 +1241,11 @@
 //           ::= <substitution> [<postfix>]
 void MicrosoftCXXNameMangler::mangleNestedName(GlobalDecl GD) {
   const NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(GD.getDecl());
+  if (const auto *ID = dyn_cast<IndirectFieldDecl>(ND))
+      for (unsigned I = 1, IE = ID->getChainingSize(); I < IE; ++I)
+        mangleSourceName("<unnamed-tag>");
   const DeclContext *DC = getEffectiveDeclContext(ND);
   while (!DC->isTranslationUnit()) {
     if (isa<TagDecl>(ND) || isa<VarDecl>(ND)) {
@@ -1569,7 +1628,6 @@
   //                  ::= 8 <class> <unqualified-name> @
   //                  ::= A <type> <non-negative integer>  # float
   //                  ::= B <type> <non-negative integer>  # double
-  //                  ::= E <mangled-name>             # reference to D
   //                  # pointer to member, by component value
   //                  ::= F <number> <number>
   //                  ::= G <number> <number> <number>
@@ -1614,7 +1672,7 @@
     } else {
-      mangle(ND, TA.getParamTypeForDecl()->isReferenceType() ? "$E?" : "$1?");
+      mangle(ND, "$1?");
@@ -1743,7 +1801,7 @@
         // FIXME: This can only happen as an extension. Invent a mangling.
       } else if (auto *VD = Base.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>()) {
-        Out << (T->isReferenceType() ? "E" : "1");
+        Out << "E";
       } else {
@@ -1793,20 +1851,14 @@
     if (WithScalarType)
       mangleType(T, SourceRange(), QMM_Escape);
-    // FIXME: The below manglings don't include a conversion, so bail if there
-    // would be one. MSVC mangles the (possibly converted) value of the
-    // pointer-to-member object as if it were a struct, leading to collisions
-    // in some cases.
-    if (!V.getMemberPointerPath().empty())
-      break;
     const CXXRecordDecl *RD =
     const ValueDecl *D = V.getMemberPointerDecl();
     if (T->isMemberDataPointerType())
-      mangleMemberDataPointer(RD, D, "");
+      mangleMemberDataPointerInClassNTTP(RD, D);
-      mangleMemberFunctionPointer(RD, cast_or_null<CXXMethodDecl>(D), "");
+      mangleMemberFunctionPointerInClassNTTP(RD,
+                                             cast_or_null<CXXMethodDecl>(D));
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