Fznamznon marked 2 inline comments as done.
Fznamznon added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp:15186
+  // different handling.
+  ExprEvalContexts.back().InImmediateFunctionContext = FD->isConsteval();
cor3ntin wrote:
> shafik wrote:
> > I am a bit concerned that we are updating `InImmediateFunctionContext` 
> > outside of `PushExpressionEvaluationContext`. So we are now spreading the 
> > logic outside of where it was originally contained.
> > 
> > I am wondering if instead inside of `PushExpressionEvaluationContext` we 
> > could set `InImmediateFunctionContext` like so:
> > 
> > ```
> > ExprEvalContexts.back().InImmediateFunctionContext =
> >       ExprEvalContexts[ExprEvalContexts.size() - 2]
> >           .isImmediateFunctionContext() || NewContext == 
> > ImmediateFunctionContext;
> > ```
> > 
> > or something along those lines.
> Here `isImmediateFunctionContext()` will be true, we want it to be false
> If we wanted to do somelink like what you are suggesting, we'd need something 
> like a new `EnteringFunctionDefinitionContext` boolean parameter to  
> PushExpressionEvaluationContext. so that
> InImmediateFunctionContext is only set to the outer context value when 
> `EnteringFunctionDefinitionContext`would be false
> Given that we should only get in that situation from 
> `ActOnStartOfFunctionDef`, I'm not sure that would be a better design
Thanks, @cor3ntin .
This is the exact reason why I implemented the fix this way.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/cxx20-consteval-crash.cpp:120
+namespace GH61142 {
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Would it make sense to add some CHECK lines to check the actual codegen is 
> sensible?
Well, the assertion was due to consteval function reaching codegen, so I added 
checks that it doesn't appear in the IR in any way.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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