tra added a comment.

> Initial interactive CUDA support for clang-repl

What should a user expect to be supported, functionality wise? I assume it 
should cover parsing and compilation. I'm not so sure about the execution. 
Should it be expected to actually launch kernels, or will that come in a future 

Comment at: clang/tools/clang-repl/ClangRepl.cpp:137
+    ExitOnErr(Interp->LoadDynamicLibrary(""));
+  } else
v.g.vassilev wrote:
> tra wrote:
> > Is there any doc describing the big picture approach to CUDA REPL 
> > implementation and how all the pieces tie together?
> > 
> > From the patch I see that we will compile GPU side of the code to PTX, pack 
> > it into fatbinary, but it's not clear now do we get from there to actually 
> > launching the kernels. Loading here also does not appear to be 
> > tied to anything else. I do not see any direct API calls, and the host-side 
> > compilation appears to be done w.o passing the GPU binary to it, which 
> > would normally trigger generation of the glue code to register the kernels 
> > with CUDA runtime. I may be missing something, too.
> > 
> > I assume the gaps will be filled in in future patches, but I'm still 
> > curious about the overall plan.
> > 
> > 
> Hi @tra, thanks for asking. Our reference implementation was done in Cling a 
> while ago by @SimeonEhrig. One of his talks which I think describes well the 
> big picture could be found here: 
Cling does ring the bell. The slides from the link above do look OK.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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