zahiraam updated this revision to Diff 511522.
Herald added subscribers: jplehr, sstefan1, aheejin.
Herald added a reviewer: jdoerfert.



Index: fenv_04_06.patch
--- /dev/null
+++ fenv_04_06.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2653 @@
+commit 6cc529b6a3cf6a3d1f16adbcafdad4fd8631b8ed
+Author: Zahira Ammarguellat <>
+Date:   Thu Apr 6 15:21:14 2023 -0400
+    Set 'rounding_mode' to 'tonearest' with '#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS OFF'.
+    In strict mode the 'roundin_mode' is set to 'dynamic'. Using this pragma to
+    get out of strict mode doesn't have any effect on the 'rounding_mode'.
+    See
+    This patch fixes that.
+diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h b/clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h
+index b8c223b28f8a..be32dd92975f 100644
+--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h
++++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h
+@@ -1,936 +1,940 @@
+ //===- LangOptions.h - C Language Family Language Options -------*- C++ -*-===//
+ //
+ // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+ // See for license information.
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ /// \file
+ /// Defines the clang::LangOptions interface.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ #include "clang/Basic/CommentOptions.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/LangStandard.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/ObjCRuntime.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/Sanitizers.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/TargetCXXABI.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/Visibility.h"
+ #include "llvm/ADT/FloatingPointMode.h"
+ #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+ #include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
+ #include <optional>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <vector>
+ namespace clang {
+ /// Bitfields of LangOptions, split out from LangOptions in order to ensure that
+ /// this large collection of bitfields is a trivial class type.
+ class LangOptionsBase {
+   friend class CompilerInvocation;
+ public:
+   // Define simple language options (with no accessors).
+ #define LANGOPT(Name, Bits, Default, Description) unsigned Name : Bits;
+ #define ENUM_LANGOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default, Description)
+ #include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.def"
+ protected:
+   // Define language options of enumeration type. These are private, and will
+   // have accessors (below).
+ #define LANGOPT(Name, Bits, Default, Description)
+ #define ENUM_LANGOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default, Description) \
+   unsigned Name : Bits;
+ #include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.def"
+ };
+ /// In the Microsoft ABI, this controls the placement of virtual displacement
+ /// members used to implement virtual inheritance.
+ enum class MSVtorDispMode { Never, ForVBaseOverride, ForVFTable };
+ /// Shader programs run in specific pipeline stages.
+ /// The order of these values matters, and must be kept in sync with the
+ /// Triple Environment enum in llvm::Triple. The ordering is enforced in
+ ///  static_asserts in Triple.cpp and in clang/Basic/HLSLRuntime.h.
+ enum class ShaderStage {
+   Pixel = 0,
+   Vertex,
+   Geometry,
+   Hull,
+   Domain,
+   Compute,
+   Library,
+   RayGeneration,
+   Intersection,
+   AnyHit,
+   ClosestHit,
+   Miss,
+   Callable,
+   Mesh,
+   Amplification,
+   Invalid,
+ };
+ /// Keeps track of the various options that can be
+ /// enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that is accepted.
+ class LangOptions : public LangOptionsBase {
+ public:
+   using Visibility = clang::Visibility;
+   using RoundingMode = llvm::RoundingMode;
+   enum GCMode { NonGC, GCOnly, HybridGC };
+   enum StackProtectorMode { SSPOff, SSPOn, SSPStrong, SSPReq };
+   // Automatic variables live on the stack, and when trivial they're usually
+   // uninitialized because it's undefined behavior to use them without
+   // initializing them.
+   enum class TrivialAutoVarInitKind { Uninitialized, Zero, Pattern };
+   enum SignedOverflowBehaviorTy {
+     // Default C standard behavior.
+     SOB_Undefined,
+     // -fwrapv
+     SOB_Defined,
+     // -ftrapv
+     SOB_Trapping
+   };
+   // FIXME: Unify with TUKind.
+   enum CompilingModuleKind {
+     /// Not compiling a module interface at all.
+     CMK_None,
+     /// Compiling a module from a module map.
+     CMK_ModuleMap,
+     /// Compiling a module header unit.
+     CMK_HeaderUnit,
+     /// Compiling a C++ modules interface unit.
+     CMK_ModuleInterface,
+   };
+   enum PragmaMSPointersToMembersKind {
+     PPTMK_BestCase,
+     PPTMK_FullGeneralitySingleInheritance,
+     PPTMK_FullGeneralityMultipleInheritance,
+     PPTMK_FullGeneralityVirtualInheritance
+   };
+   using MSVtorDispMode = clang::MSVtorDispMode;
+   enum DefaultCallingConvention {
+     DCC_None,
+     DCC_CDecl,
+     DCC_FastCall,
+     DCC_StdCall,
+     DCC_VectorCall,
+     DCC_RegCall
+   };
+   enum AddrSpaceMapMangling { ASMM_Target, ASMM_On, ASMM_Off };
+   // Corresponds to _MSC_VER
+   enum MSVCMajorVersion {
+     MSVC2010 = 1600,
+     MSVC2012 = 1700,
+     MSVC2013 = 1800,
+     MSVC2015 = 1900,
+     MSVC2017 = 1910,
+     MSVC2017_5 = 1912,
+     MSVC2017_7 = 1914,
+     MSVC2019 = 1920,
+     MSVC2019_5 = 1925,
+     MSVC2019_8 = 1928,
+   };
+   enum SYCLMajorVersion {
+     SYCL_None,
+     SYCL_2017,
+     SYCL_2020,
+     // The "default" SYCL version to be used when none is specified on the
+     // frontend command line.
+     SYCL_Default = SYCL_2020
+   };
+   enum HLSLLangStd {
+     HLSL_Unset = 0,
+     HLSL_2015 = 2015,
+     HLSL_2016 = 2016,
+     HLSL_2017 = 2017,
+     HLSL_2018 = 2018,
+     HLSL_2021 = 2021,
+     HLSL_202x = 2029,
+   };
+   /// Clang versions with different platform ABI conformance.
+   enum class ClangABI {
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 3.8.x
+     /// (SVN r257626). This causes <1 x long long> to be passed in an
+     /// integer register instead of an SSE register on x64_64.
+     Ver3_8,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 4.0.x
+     /// (SVN r291814). This causes move operations to be ignored when
+     /// determining whether a class type can be passed or returned directly.
+     Ver4,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 6.0.x
+     /// (SVN r321711). This causes determination of whether a type is
+     /// standard-layout to ignore collisions between empty base classes
+     /// and between base classes and member subobjects, which affects
+     /// whether we reuse base class tail padding in some ABIs.
+     Ver6,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 7.0.x
+     /// (SVN r338536). This causes alignof (C++) and _Alignof (C11) to be
+     /// compatible with __alignof (i.e., return the preferred alignment)
+     /// rather than returning the required alignment.
+     Ver7,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 9.0.x
+     /// (SVN r351319). This causes vectors of __int128 to be passed in memory
+     /// instead of passing in multiple scalar registers on x86_64 on Linux and
+     /// NetBSD.
+     Ver9,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 11.0.x
+     /// (git 2e10b7a39b93). This causes clang to pass unions with a 256-bit
+     /// vector member on the stack instead of using registers, to not properly
+     /// mangle substitutions for template names in some cases, and to mangle
+     /// declaration template arguments without a cast to the parameter type
+     /// even when that can lead to mangling collisions.
+     Ver11,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 12.0.x
+     /// (git 8e464dd76bef). This causes clang to mangle lambdas within
+     /// global-scope inline variables incorrectly.
+     Ver12,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 14.0.x.
+     /// This causes clang to:
+     ///   - mangle dependent nested names incorrectly.
+     ///   - make trivial only those defaulted copy constructors with a
+     ///     parameter-type-list equivalent to the parameter-type-list of an
+     ///     implicit declaration.
+     Ver14,
+     /// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 15.0.x.
+     /// This causes clang to:
+     ///   - Reverse the implementation for DR692, DR1395 and DR1432.
+     ///   - pack non-POD members of packed structs.
+     ///   - consider classes with defaulted special member functions non-pod.
+     Ver15,
+     /// Conform to the underlying platform's C and C++ ABIs as closely
+     /// as we can.
+     Latest
+   };
+   enum class CoreFoundationABI {
+     /// No interoperability ABI has been specified
+     Unspecified,
+     /// CoreFoundation does not have any language interoperability
+     Standalone,
+     /// Interoperability with the ObjectiveC runtime
+     ObjectiveC,
+     /// Interoperability with the latest known version of the Swift runtime
+     Swift,
+     /// Interoperability with the Swift 5.0 runtime
+     Swift5_0,
+     /// Interoperability with the Swift 4.2 runtime
+     Swift4_2,
+     /// Interoperability with the Swift 4.1 runtime
+     Swift4_1,
+   };
+   enum FPModeKind {
+     // Disable the floating point pragma
+     FPM_Off,
+     // Enable the floating point pragma
+     FPM_On,
+     // Aggressively fuse FP ops (E.g. FMA) disregarding pragmas.
+     FPM_Fast,
+     // Aggressively fuse FP ops and honor pragmas.
+     FPM_FastHonorPragmas
+   };
+   /// Possible floating point exception behavior.
+   enum FPExceptionModeKind {
+     /// Assume that floating-point exceptions are masked.
+     FPE_Ignore,
+     /// Transformations do not cause new exceptions but may hide some.
+     FPE_MayTrap,
+     /// Strictly preserve the floating-point exception semantics.
+     FPE_Strict,
+     /// Used internally to represent initial unspecified value.
+     FPE_Default
+   };
+   /// Possible float expression evaluation method choices.
+   enum FPEvalMethodKind {
+     /// The evaluation method cannot be determined or is inconsistent for this
+     /// target.
+     FEM_Indeterminable = -1,
+     /// Use the declared type for fp arithmetic.
+     FEM_Source = 0,
+     /// Use the type double for fp arithmetic.
+     FEM_Double = 1,
+     /// Use extended type for fp arithmetic.
+     FEM_Extended = 2,
+     /// Used only for FE option processing; this is only used to indicate that
+     /// the user did not specify an explicit evaluation method on the command
+     /// line and so the target should be queried for its default evaluation
+     /// method instead.
+     FEM_UnsetOnCommandLine = 3
+   };
+   enum ExcessPrecisionKind { FPP_Standard, FPP_Fast, FPP_None };
+   /// Possible exception handling behavior.
+   enum class ExceptionHandlingKind { None, SjLj, WinEH, DwarfCFI, Wasm };
+   enum class LaxVectorConversionKind {
+     /// Permit no implicit vector bitcasts.
+     None,
+     /// Permit vector bitcasts between integer vectors with different numbers
+     /// of elements but the same total bit-width.
+     Integer,
+     /// Permit vector bitcasts between all vectors with the same total
+     /// bit-width.
+     All,
+   };
+   enum class AltivecSrcCompatKind {
+     // All vector compares produce scalars except vector pixel and vector bool.
+     // The types vector pixel and vector bool return vector results.
+     Mixed,
+     // All vector compares produce vector results as in GCC.
+     GCC,
+     // All vector compares produce scalars as in XL.
+     XL,
+     // Default clang behaviour.
+     Default = Mixed,
+   };
+   enum class SignReturnAddressScopeKind {
+     /// No signing for any function.
+     None,
+     /// Sign the return address of functions that spill LR.
+     NonLeaf,
+     /// Sign the return address of all functions,
+     All
+   };
+   enum class SignReturnAddressKeyKind {
+     /// Return address signing uses APIA key.
+     AKey,
+     /// Return address signing uses APIB key.
+     BKey
+   };
+   enum class ThreadModelKind {
+     /// POSIX Threads.
+     POSIX,
+     /// Single Threaded Environment.
+     Single
+   };
+   enum class ExtendArgsKind {
+     /// Integer arguments are sign or zero extended to 32/64 bits
+     /// during default argument promotions.
+     ExtendTo32,
+     ExtendTo64
+   };
+   enum class GPUDefaultStreamKind {
+     /// Legacy default stream
+     Legacy,
+     /// Per-thread default stream
+     PerThread,
+   };
+   enum class DefaultVisiblityExportMapping {
+     None,
+     /// map only explicit default visibilities to exported
+     Explicit,
+     /// map all default visibilities to exported
+     All,
+   };
+   enum class StrictFlexArraysLevelKind {
+     /// Any trailing array member is a FAM.
+     Default = 0,
+     /// Any trailing array member of undefined, 0, or 1 size is a FAM.
+     OneZeroOrIncomplete = 1,
+     /// Any trailing array member of undefined or 0 size is a FAM.
+     ZeroOrIncomplete = 2,
+     /// Any trailing array member of undefined size is a FAM.
+     IncompleteOnly = 3,
+   };
+ public:
+   /// The used language standard.
+   LangStandard::Kind LangStd;
+   /// Set of enabled sanitizers.
+   SanitizerSet Sanitize;
+   /// Is at least one coverage instrumentation type enabled.
+   bool SanitizeCoverage = false;
+   /// Paths to files specifying which objects
+   /// (files, functions, variables) should not be instrumented.
+   std::vector<std::string> NoSanitizeFiles;
+   /// Paths to the XRay "always instrument" files specifying which
+   /// objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay
+   /// "always instrument" attribute.
+   /// WARNING: This is a deprecated field and will go away in the future.
+   std::vector<std::string> XRayAlwaysInstrumentFiles;
+   /// Paths to the XRay "never instrument" files specifying which
+   /// objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay
+   /// "never instrument" attribute.
+   /// WARNING: This is a deprecated field and will go away in the future.
+   std::vector<std::string> XRayNeverInstrumentFiles;
+   /// Paths to the XRay attribute list files, specifying which objects
+   /// (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the appropriate XRay
+   /// attribute(s).
+   std::vector<std::string> XRayAttrListFiles;
+   /// Paths to special case list files specifying which entities
+   /// (files, functions) should or should not be instrumented.
+   std::vector<std::string> ProfileListFiles;
+   clang::ObjCRuntime ObjCRuntime;
+   CoreFoundationABI CFRuntime = CoreFoundationABI::Unspecified;
+   std::string ObjCConstantStringClass;
+   /// The name of the handler function to be called when -ftrapv is
+   /// specified.
+   ///
+   /// If none is specified, abort (GCC-compatible behaviour).
+   std::string OverflowHandler;
+   /// The module currently being compiled as specified by -fmodule-name.
+   std::string ModuleName;
+   /// The name of the current module, of which the main source file
+   /// is a part. If CompilingModule is set, we are compiling the interface
+   /// of this module, otherwise we are compiling an implementation file of
+   /// it. This starts as ModuleName in case -fmodule-name is provided and
+   /// changes during compilation to reflect the current module.
+   std::string CurrentModule;
+   /// The names of any features to enable in module 'requires' decls
+   /// in addition to the hard-coded list in Module.cpp and the target features.
+   ///
+   /// This list is sorted.
+   std::vector<std::string> ModuleFeatures;
+   /// Options for parsing comments.
+   CommentOptions CommentOpts;
+   /// A list of all -fno-builtin-* function names (e.g., memset).
+   std::vector<std::string> NoBuiltinFuncs;
+   /// A prefix map for __FILE__, __BASE_FILE__ and __builtin_FILE().
+   std::map<std::string, std::string, std::greater<std::string>> MacroPrefixMap;
+   /// Triples of the OpenMP targets that the host code codegen should
+   /// take into account in order to generate accurate offloading descriptors.
+   std::vector<llvm::Triple> OMPTargetTriples;
+   /// Name of the IR file that contains the result of the OpenMP target
+   /// host code generation.
+   std::string OMPHostIRFile;
+   /// The user provided compilation unit ID, if non-empty. This is used to
+   /// externalize static variables which is needed to support accessing static
+   /// device variables in host code for single source offloading languages
+   /// like CUDA/HIP.
+   std::string CUID;
+   /// C++ ABI to compile with, if specified by the frontend through -fc++-abi=.
+   /// This overrides the default ABI used by the target.
+   std::optional<TargetCXXABI::Kind> CXXABI;
+   /// Indicates whether the front-end is explicitly told that the
+   /// input is a header file (i.e. -x c-header).
+   bool IsHeaderFile = false;
+   /// The default stream kind used for HIP kernel launching.
+   GPUDefaultStreamKind GPUDefaultStream;
+   /// The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature.
+   std::string RandstructSeed;
+   /// Indicates whether the __FILE__ macro should use the target's
+   /// platform-specific file separator or whether it should use the build
+   /// environment's platform-specific file separator.
+   ///
+   /// The plaform-specific path separator is the backslash(\) for Windows and
+   /// forward slash (/) elsewhere.
+   bool UseTargetPathSeparator = false;
+   LangOptions();
+   /// Set language defaults for the given input language and
+   /// language standard in the given LangOptions object.
+   ///
+   /// \param Opts - The LangOptions object to set up.
+   /// \param Lang - The input language.
+   /// \param T - The target triple.
+   /// \param Includes - If the language requires extra headers to be implicitly
+   ///                   included, they will be appended to this list.
+   /// \param LangStd - The input language standard.
+   static void
+   setLangDefaults(LangOptions &Opts, Language Lang, const llvm::Triple &T,
+                   std::vector<std::string> &Includes,
+                   LangStandard::Kind LangStd = LangStandard::lang_unspecified);
+   // Define accessors/mutators for language options of enumeration type.
+ #define LANGOPT(Name, Bits, Default, Description)
+ #define ENUM_LANGOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default, Description) \
+   Type get##Name() const { return static_cast<Type>(Name); } \
+   void set##Name(Type Value) { Name = static_cast<unsigned>(Value); }
+ #include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.def"
+   /// Are we compiling a module?
+   bool isCompilingModule() const {
+     return getCompilingModule() != CMK_None;
+   }
+   /// Are we compiling a standard c++ module interface?
+   bool isCompilingModuleInterface() const {
+     return getCompilingModule() == CMK_ModuleInterface;
+   }
+   /// Are we compiling a module implementation?
+   bool isCompilingModuleImplementation() const {
+     return !isCompilingModule() && !ModuleName.empty();
+   }
+   /// Do we need to track the owning module for a local declaration?
+   bool trackLocalOwningModule() const {
+     return isCompilingModule() || ModulesLocalVisibility;
+   }
+   bool isSignedOverflowDefined() const {
+     return getSignedOverflowBehavior() == SOB_Defined;
+   }
+   bool isSubscriptPointerArithmetic() const {
+     return ObjCRuntime.isSubscriptPointerArithmetic() &&
+            !ObjCSubscriptingLegacyRuntime;
+   }
+   bool isCompatibleWithMSVC(MSVCMajorVersion MajorVersion) const {
+     return MSCompatibilityVersion >= MajorVersion * 100000U;
+   }
+   /// Reset all of the options that are not considered when building a
+   /// module.
+   void resetNonModularOptions();
+   /// Is this a libc/libm function that is no longer recognized as a
+   /// builtin because a -fno-builtin-* option has been specified?
+   bool isNoBuiltinFunc(StringRef Name) const;
+   /// True if any ObjC types may have non-trivial lifetime qualifiers.
+   bool allowsNonTrivialObjCLifetimeQualifiers() const {
+     return ObjCAutoRefCount || ObjCWeak;
+   }
+   bool assumeFunctionsAreConvergent() const {
+     return ConvergentFunctions;
+   }
+   /// Return the OpenCL C or C++ version as a VersionTuple.
+   VersionTuple getOpenCLVersionTuple() const;
+   /// Return the OpenCL version that kernel language is compatible with
+   unsigned getOpenCLCompatibleVersion() const;
+   /// Return the OpenCL C or C++ for OpenCL language name and version
+   /// as a string.
+   std::string getOpenCLVersionString() const;
+   /// Returns true if functions without prototypes or functions with an
+   /// identifier list (aka K&R C functions) are not allowed.
+   bool requiresStrictPrototypes() const {
+     return CPlusPlus || C2x || DisableKNRFunctions;
+   }
+   /// Returns true if implicit function declarations are allowed in the current
+   /// language mode.
+   bool implicitFunctionsAllowed() const {
+     return !requiresStrictPrototypes() && !OpenCL;
+   }
+   /// Returns true if implicit int is part of the language requirements.
+   bool isImplicitIntRequired() const { return !CPlusPlus && !C99; }
+   /// Returns true if implicit int is supported at all.
+   bool isImplicitIntAllowed() const { return !CPlusPlus && !C2x; }
+   /// Check if return address signing is enabled.
+   bool hasSignReturnAddress() const {
+     return getSignReturnAddressScope() != SignReturnAddressScopeKind::None;
+   }
+   /// Check if return address signing uses AKey.
+   bool isSignReturnAddressWithAKey() const {
+     return getSignReturnAddressKey() == SignReturnAddressKeyKind::AKey;
+   }
+   /// Check if leaf functions are also signed.
+   bool isSignReturnAddressScopeAll() const {
+     return getSignReturnAddressScope() == SignReturnAddressScopeKind::All;
+   }
+   bool hasSjLjExceptions() const {
+     return getExceptionHandling() == ExceptionHandlingKind::SjLj;
+   }
+   bool hasSEHExceptions() const {
+     return getExceptionHandling() == ExceptionHandlingKind::WinEH;
+   }
+   bool hasDWARFExceptions() const {
+     return getExceptionHandling() == ExceptionHandlingKind::DwarfCFI;
+   }
+   bool hasWasmExceptions() const {
+     return getExceptionHandling() == ExceptionHandlingKind::Wasm;
+   }
+   bool isSYCL() const { return SYCLIsDevice || SYCLIsHost; }
+   bool hasDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() const {
+     return getDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() !=
+            DefaultVisiblityExportMapping::None;
+   }
+   bool isExplicitDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() const {
+     return getDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() ==
+            DefaultVisiblityExportMapping::Explicit;
+   }
+   bool isAllDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() const {
+     return getDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() ==
+            DefaultVisiblityExportMapping::All;
+   }
+   /// Remap path prefix according to -fmacro-prefix-path option.
+   void remapPathPrefix(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Path) const;
+   RoundingMode getDefaultRoundingMode() const {
+     return RoundingMath ? RoundingMode::Dynamic
+                         : RoundingMode::NearestTiesToEven;
+   }
+   FPExceptionModeKind getDefaultExceptionMode() const {
+     FPExceptionModeKind EM = getFPExceptionMode();
+     if (EM == FPExceptionModeKind::FPE_Default)
+       return FPExceptionModeKind::FPE_Ignore;
+     return EM;
+   }
+ };
+ /// Floating point control options
+ class FPOptionsOverride;
+ class FPOptions {
+ public:
+   // We start by defining the layout.
+   using storage_type = uint32_t;
+   using RoundingMode = llvm::RoundingMode;
+   static constexpr unsigned StorageBitSize = 8 * sizeof(storage_type);
+   // Define a fake option named "First" so that we have a PREVIOUS even for the
+   // real first option.
+   static constexpr storage_type FirstShift = 0, FirstWidth = 0;
+ #define OPTION(NAME, TYPE, WIDTH, PREVIOUS)                                    \
+   static constexpr storage_type NAME##Shift =                                  \
+       PREVIOUS##Shift + PREVIOUS##Width;                                       \
+   static constexpr storage_type NAME##Width = WIDTH;                           \
+   static constexpr storage_type NAME##Mask = ((1 << NAME##Width) - 1)          \
+                                              << NAME##Shift;
+ #include "clang/Basic/FPOptions.def"
+   static constexpr storage_type TotalWidth = 0
+ #include "clang/Basic/FPOptions.def"
+       ;
+   static_assert(TotalWidth <= StorageBitSize, "Too short type for FPOptions");
+ private:
+   storage_type Value;
+   FPOptionsOverride getChangesSlow(const FPOptions &Base) const;
+ public:
+   FPOptions() : Value(0) {
+     setFPContractMode(LangOptions::FPM_Off);
+     setConstRoundingMode(RoundingMode::Dynamic);
+     setSpecifiedExceptionMode(LangOptions::FPE_Default);
+   }
+   explicit FPOptions(const LangOptions &LO) {
+     Value = 0;
+     // The language fp contract option FPM_FastHonorPragmas has the same effect
+     // as FPM_Fast in frontend. For simplicity, use FPM_Fast uniformly in
+     // frontend.
+     auto LangOptContractMode = LO.getDefaultFPContractMode();
+     if (LangOptContractMode == LangOptions::FPM_FastHonorPragmas)
+       LangOptContractMode = LangOptions::FPM_Fast;
+     setFPContractMode(LangOptContractMode);
+     setRoundingMath(LO.RoundingMath);
+     setConstRoundingMode(LangOptions::RoundingMode::Dynamic);
+     setSpecifiedExceptionMode(LO.getFPExceptionMode());
+     setAllowFPReassociate(LO.AllowFPReassoc);
+     setNoHonorNaNs(LO.NoHonorNaNs);
+     setNoHonorInfs(LO.NoHonorInfs);
+     setNoSignedZero(LO.NoSignedZero);
+     setAllowReciprocal(LO.AllowRecip);
+     setAllowApproxFunc(LO.ApproxFunc);
+     if (getFPContractMode() == LangOptions::FPM_On &&
+         getRoundingMode() == llvm::RoundingMode::Dynamic &&
+         getExceptionMode() == LangOptions::FPE_Strict)
+       // If the FP settings are set to the "strict" model, then
+       // FENV access is set to true. (ffp-model=strict)
+       setAllowFEnvAccess(true);
+     else
+       setAllowFEnvAccess(LangOptions::FPM_Off);
+   }
+   bool allowFPContractWithinStatement() const {
+     return getFPContractMode() == LangOptions::FPM_On;
+   }
+   void setAllowFPContractWithinStatement() {
+     setFPContractMode(LangOptions::FPM_On);
+   }
+   bool allowFPContractAcrossStatement() const {
+     return getFPContractMode() == LangOptions::FPM_Fast;
+   }
+   void setAllowFPContractAcrossStatement() {
+     setFPContractMode(LangOptions::FPM_Fast);
+   }
+   bool isFPConstrained() const {
+     return getRoundingMode() != llvm::RoundingMode::NearestTiesToEven ||
+            getExceptionMode() != LangOptions::FPE_Ignore ||
+            getAllowFEnvAccess();
+   }
+   RoundingMode getRoundingMode() const {
+     RoundingMode RM = getConstRoundingMode();
+     if (RM == RoundingMode::Dynamic) {
+       // C2x: 7.6.2p3  If the FE_DYNAMIC mode is specified and FENV_ACCESS is
+       // "off", the translator may assume that the default rounding mode is in
+       // effect.
+       if (!getAllowFEnvAccess() && !getRoundingMath())
+         RM = RoundingMode::NearestTiesToEven;
+     }
+     return RM;
+   }
+   LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind getExceptionMode() const {
+     LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind EM = getSpecifiedExceptionMode();
+     if (EM == LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind::FPE_Default) {
+       if (getAllowFEnvAccess())
+         return LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind::FPE_Strict;
+       else
+         return LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind::FPE_Ignore;
+     }
+     return EM;
+   }
+   bool operator==(FPOptions other) const { return Value == other.Value; }
+   /// Return the default value of FPOptions that's used when trailing
+   /// storage isn't required.
+   static FPOptions defaultWithoutTrailingStorage(const LangOptions &LO);
+   storage_type getAsOpaqueInt() const { return Value; }
+   static FPOptions getFromOpaqueInt(storage_type Value) {
+     FPOptions Opts;
+     Opts.Value = Value;
+     return Opts;
+   }
+   /// Return difference with the given option set.
+   FPOptionsOverride getChangesFrom(const FPOptions &Base) const;
+   // We can define most of the accessors automatically:
+ #define OPTION(NAME, TYPE, WIDTH, PREVIOUS)                                    \
+   TYPE get##NAME() const {                                                     \
+     return static_cast<TYPE>((Value & NAME##Mask) >> NAME##Shift);             \
+   }                                                                            \
+   void set##NAME(TYPE value) {                                                 \
+     Value = (Value & ~NAME##Mask) | (storage_type(value) << NAME##Shift);      \
+   }
+ #include "clang/Basic/FPOptions.def"
+   LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump();
+ };
+ /// Represents difference between two FPOptions values.
+ ///
+ /// The effect of language constructs changing the set of floating point options
+ /// is usually a change of some FP properties while leaving others intact. This
+ /// class describes such changes by keeping information about what FP options
+ /// are overridden.
+ ///
+ /// The integral set of FP options, described by the class FPOptions, may be
+ /// represented as a default FP option set, defined by language standard and
+ /// command line options, with the overrides introduced by pragmas.
+ ///
+ /// The is implemented as a value of the new FPOptions plus a mask showing which
+ /// fields are actually set in it.
+ class FPOptionsOverride {
+   FPOptions Options = FPOptions::getFromOpaqueInt(0);
+   FPOptions::storage_type OverrideMask = 0;
+ public:
+   using RoundingMode = llvm::RoundingMode;
+   /// The type suitable for storing values of FPOptionsOverride. Must be twice
+   /// as wide as bit size of FPOption.
+   using storage_type = uint64_t;
+   static_assert(sizeof(storage_type) >= 2 * sizeof(FPOptions::storage_type),
+                 "Too short type for FPOptionsOverride");
+   /// Bit mask selecting bits of OverrideMask in serialized representation of
+   /// FPOptionsOverride.
+   static constexpr storage_type OverrideMaskBits =
+       (static_cast<storage_type>(1) << FPOptions::StorageBitSize) - 1;
+   FPOptionsOverride() {}
+   FPOptionsOverride(const LangOptions &LO)
+       : Options(LO), OverrideMask(OverrideMaskBits) {}
+   FPOptionsOverride(FPOptions FPO)
+       : Options(FPO), OverrideMask(OverrideMaskBits) {}
+   FPOptionsOverride(FPOptions FPO, FPOptions::storage_type Mask)
+       : Options(FPO), OverrideMask(Mask) {}
+   bool requiresTrailingStorage() const { return OverrideMask != 0; }
+   void setAllowFPContractWithinStatement() {
+     setFPContractModeOverride(LangOptions::FPM_On);
+   }
+   void setAllowFPContractAcrossStatement() {
+     setFPContractModeOverride(LangOptions::FPM_Fast);
+   }
+   void setDisallowFPContract() {
+     setFPContractModeOverride(LangOptions::FPM_Off);
+   }
++  void setDisallowFenvAccess(bool Value) {
++    setRoundingMathOverride(Value);
++  }
+   void setFPPreciseEnabled(bool Value) {
+     setAllowFPReassociateOverride(!Value);
+     setNoHonorNaNsOverride(!Value);
+     setNoHonorInfsOverride(!Value);
+     setNoSignedZeroOverride(!Value);
+     setAllowReciprocalOverride(!Value);
+     setAllowApproxFuncOverride(!Value);
+     if (Value)
+       /* Precise mode implies fp_contract=on and disables ffast-math */
+       setAllowFPContractWithinStatement();
+     else
+       /* Precise mode disabled sets fp_contract=fast and enables ffast-math */
+       setAllowFPContractAcrossStatement();
+   }
+   storage_type getAsOpaqueInt() const {
+     return (static_cast<storage_type>(Options.getAsOpaqueInt())
+             << FPOptions::StorageBitSize) |
+            OverrideMask;
+   }
+   static FPOptionsOverride getFromOpaqueInt(storage_type I) {
+     FPOptionsOverride Opts;
+     Opts.OverrideMask = I & OverrideMaskBits;
+     Opts.Options = FPOptions::getFromOpaqueInt(I >> FPOptions::StorageBitSize);
+     return Opts;
+   }
+   FPOptions applyOverrides(FPOptions Base) {
+     FPOptions Result =
+         FPOptions::getFromOpaqueInt((Base.getAsOpaqueInt() & ~OverrideMask) |
+                                      (Options.getAsOpaqueInt() & OverrideMask));
+     return Result;
+   }
+   FPOptions applyOverrides(const LangOptions &LO) {
+     return applyOverrides(FPOptions(LO));
+   }
+   bool operator==(FPOptionsOverride other) const {
+     return Options == other.Options && OverrideMask == other.OverrideMask;
+   }
+   bool operator!=(FPOptionsOverride other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ #define OPTION(NAME, TYPE, WIDTH, PREVIOUS)                                    \
+   bool has##NAME##Override() const {                                           \
+     return OverrideMask & FPOptions::NAME##Mask;                               \
+   }                                                                            \
+   TYPE get##NAME##Override() const {                                           \
+     assert(has##NAME##Override());                                             \
+     return Options.get##NAME();                                                \
+   }                                                                            \
+   void clear##NAME##Override() {                                               \
+     /* Clear the actual value so that we don't have spurious differences when  \
+      * testing equality. */                                                    \
+     Options.set##NAME(TYPE(0));                                                \
+     OverrideMask &= ~FPOptions::NAME##Mask;                                    \
+   }                                                                            \
+   void set##NAME##Override(TYPE value) {                                       \
+     Options.set##NAME(value);                                                  \
+     OverrideMask |= FPOptions::NAME##Mask;                                     \
+   }
+ #include "clang/Basic/FPOptions.def"
+   LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump();
+ };
+ inline FPOptionsOverride FPOptions::getChangesFrom(const FPOptions &Base) const {
+   if (Value == Base.Value)
+     return FPOptionsOverride();
+   return getChangesSlow(Base);
+ }
+ /// Describes the kind of translation unit being processed.
+ enum TranslationUnitKind {
+   /// The translation unit is a complete translation unit.
+   TU_Complete,
+   /// The translation unit is a prefix to a translation unit, and is
+   /// not complete.
+   TU_Prefix,
+   /// The translation unit is a module.
+   TU_Module,
+   /// The translation unit is a is a complete translation unit that we might
+   /// incrementally extend later.
+   TU_Incremental
+ };
+ } // namespace clang
+diff --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
+index 0b76c041bcd7..0c35f395621a 100644
+--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
++++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
+@@ -1,1445 +1,1447 @@
+ //===--- SemaAttr.cpp - Semantic Analysis for Attributes ------------------===//
+ //
+ // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+ // See for license information.
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ // This file implements semantic analysis for non-trivial attributes and
+ // pragmas.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
+ #include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
+ #include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
+ #include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
+ #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
+ #include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
+ #include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
+ #include <optional>
+ using namespace clang;
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Pragma 'pack' and 'options align'
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ Sema::PragmaStackSentinelRAII::PragmaStackSentinelRAII(Sema &S,
+                                                        StringRef SlotLabel,
+                                                        bool ShouldAct)
+     : S(S), SlotLabel(SlotLabel), ShouldAct(ShouldAct) {
+   if (ShouldAct) {
+     S.VtorDispStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Push, SlotLabel);
+     S.DataSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Push, SlotLabel);
+     S.BSSSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Push, SlotLabel);
+     S.ConstSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Push, SlotLabel);
+     S.CodeSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Push, SlotLabel);
+     S.StrictGuardStackCheckStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Push, SlotLabel);
+   }
+ }
+ Sema::PragmaStackSentinelRAII::~PragmaStackSentinelRAII() {
+   if (ShouldAct) {
+     S.VtorDispStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Pop, SlotLabel);
+     S.DataSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Pop, SlotLabel);
+     S.BSSSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Pop, SlotLabel);
+     S.ConstSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Pop, SlotLabel);
+     S.CodeSegStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Pop, SlotLabel);
+     S.StrictGuardStackCheckStack.SentinelAction(PSK_Pop, SlotLabel);
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::AddAlignmentAttributesForRecord(RecordDecl *RD) {
+   AlignPackInfo InfoVal = AlignPackStack.CurrentValue;
+   AlignPackInfo::Mode M = InfoVal.getAlignMode();
+   bool IsPackSet = InfoVal.IsPackSet();
+   bool IsXLPragma = getLangOpts().XLPragmaPack;
+   // If we are not under mac68k/natural alignment mode and also there is no pack
+   // value, we don't need any attributes.
+   if (!IsPackSet && M != AlignPackInfo::Mac68k && M != AlignPackInfo::Natural)
+     return;
+   if (M == AlignPackInfo::Mac68k && (IsXLPragma || InfoVal.IsAlignAttr())) {
+     RD->addAttr(AlignMac68kAttr::CreateImplicit(Context));
+   } else if (IsPackSet) {
+     // Check to see if we need a max field alignment attribute.
+     RD->addAttr(MaxFieldAlignmentAttr::CreateImplicit(
+         Context, InfoVal.getPackNumber() * 8));
+   }
+   if (IsXLPragma && M == AlignPackInfo::Natural)
+     RD->addAttr(AlignNaturalAttr::CreateImplicit(Context));
+   if (AlignPackIncludeStack.empty())
+     return;
+   // The #pragma align/pack affected a record in an included file, so Clang
+   // should warn when that pragma was written in a file that included the
+   // included file.
+   for (auto &AlignPackedInclude : llvm::reverse(AlignPackIncludeStack)) {
+     if (AlignPackedInclude.CurrentPragmaLocation !=
+         AlignPackStack.CurrentPragmaLocation)
+       break;
+     if (AlignPackedInclude.HasNonDefaultValue)
+       AlignPackedInclude.ShouldWarnOnInclude = true;
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::AddMsStructLayoutForRecord(RecordDecl *RD) {
+   if (MSStructPragmaOn)
+     RD->addAttr(MSStructAttr::CreateImplicit(Context));
+   // FIXME: We should merge AddAlignmentAttributesForRecord with
+   // AddMsStructLayoutForRecord into AddPragmaAttributesForRecord, which takes
+   // all active pragmas and applies them as attributes to class definitions.
+   if (VtorDispStack.CurrentValue != getLangOpts().getVtorDispMode())
+     RD->addAttr(MSVtorDispAttr::CreateImplicit(
+         Context, unsigned(VtorDispStack.CurrentValue)));
+ }
+ template <typename Attribute>
+ static void addGslOwnerPointerAttributeIfNotExisting(ASTContext &Context,
+                                                      CXXRecordDecl *Record) {
+   if (Record->hasAttr<OwnerAttr>() || Record->hasAttr<PointerAttr>())
+     return;
+   for (Decl *Redecl : Record->redecls())
+     Redecl->addAttr(Attribute::CreateImplicit(Context, /*DerefType=*/nullptr));
+ }
+ void Sema::inferGslPointerAttribute(NamedDecl *ND,
+                                     CXXRecordDecl *UnderlyingRecord) {
+   if (!UnderlyingRecord)
+     return;
+   const auto *Parent = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(ND->getDeclContext());
+   if (!Parent)
+     return;
+   static llvm::StringSet<> Containers{
+       "array",
+       "basic_string",
+       "deque",
+       "forward_list",
+       "vector",
+       "list",
+       "map",
+       "multiset",
+       "multimap",
+       "priority_queue",
+       "queue",
+       "set",
+       "stack",
+       "unordered_set",
+       "unordered_map",
+       "unordered_multiset",
+       "unordered_multimap",
+   };
+   static llvm::StringSet<> Iterators{"iterator", "const_iterator",
+                                      "reverse_iterator",
+                                      "const_reverse_iterator"};
+   if (Parent->isInStdNamespace() && Iterators.count(ND->getName()) &&
+       Containers.count(Parent->getName()))
+     addGslOwnerPointerAttributeIfNotExisting<PointerAttr>(Context,
+                                                           UnderlyingRecord);
+ }
+ void Sema::inferGslPointerAttribute(TypedefNameDecl *TD) {
+   QualType Canonical = TD->getUnderlyingType().getCanonicalType();
+   CXXRecordDecl *RD = Canonical->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
+   if (!RD) {
+     if (auto *TST =
+             dyn_cast<TemplateSpecializationType>(Canonical.getTypePtr())) {
+       RD = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXRecordDecl>(
+           TST->getTemplateName().getAsTemplateDecl()->getTemplatedDecl());
+     }
+   }
+   inferGslPointerAttribute(TD, RD);
+ }
+ void Sema::inferGslOwnerPointerAttribute(CXXRecordDecl *Record) {
+   static llvm::StringSet<> StdOwners{
+       "any",
+       "array",
+       "basic_regex",
+       "basic_string",
+       "deque",
+       "forward_list",
+       "vector",
+       "list",
+       "map",
+       "multiset",
+       "multimap",
+       "optional",
+       "priority_queue",
+       "queue",
+       "set",
+       "stack",
+       "unique_ptr",
+       "unordered_set",
+       "unordered_map",
+       "unordered_multiset",
+       "unordered_multimap",
+       "variant",
+   };
+   static llvm::StringSet<> StdPointers{
+       "basic_string_view",
+       "reference_wrapper",
+       "regex_iterator",
+   };
+   if (!Record->getIdentifier())
+     return;
+   // Handle classes that directly appear in std namespace.
+   if (Record->isInStdNamespace()) {
+     if (Record->hasAttr<OwnerAttr>() || Record->hasAttr<PointerAttr>())
+       return;
+     if (StdOwners.count(Record->getName()))
+       addGslOwnerPointerAttributeIfNotExisting<OwnerAttr>(Context, Record);
+     else if (StdPointers.count(Record->getName()))
+       addGslOwnerPointerAttributeIfNotExisting<PointerAttr>(Context, Record);
+     return;
+   }
+   // Handle nested classes that could be a gsl::Pointer.
+   inferGslPointerAttribute(Record, Record);
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaOptionsAlign(PragmaOptionsAlignKind Kind,
+                                    SourceLocation PragmaLoc) {
+   PragmaMsStackAction Action = Sema::PSK_Reset;
+   AlignPackInfo::Mode ModeVal = AlignPackInfo::Native;
+   switch (Kind) {
+     // For most of the platforms we support, native and natural are the same.
+     // With XL, native is the same as power, natural means something else.
+   case POAK_Native:
+   case POAK_Power:
+     Action = Sema::PSK_Push_Set;
+     break;
+   case POAK_Natural:
+     Action = Sema::PSK_Push_Set;
+     ModeVal = AlignPackInfo::Natural;
+     break;
+     // Note that '#pragma options align=packed' is not equivalent to attribute
+     // packed, it has a different precedence relative to attribute aligned.
+   case POAK_Packed:
+     Action = Sema::PSK_Push_Set;
+     ModeVal = AlignPackInfo::Packed;
+     break;
+   case POAK_Mac68k:
+     // Check if the target supports this.
+     if (!this->Context.getTargetInfo().hasAlignMac68kSupport()) {
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_options_align_mac68k_target_unsupported);
+       return;
+     }
+     Action = Sema::PSK_Push_Set;
+     ModeVal = AlignPackInfo::Mac68k;
+     break;
+   case POAK_Reset:
+     // Reset just pops the top of the stack, or resets the current alignment to
+     // default.
+     Action = Sema::PSK_Pop;
+     if (AlignPackStack.Stack.empty()) {
+       if (AlignPackStack.CurrentValue.getAlignMode() != AlignPackInfo::Native ||
+           AlignPackStack.CurrentValue.IsPackAttr()) {
+         Action = Sema::PSK_Reset;
+       } else {
+         Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_options_align_reset_failed)
+             << "stack empty";
+         return;
+       }
+     }
+     break;
+   }
+   AlignPackInfo Info(ModeVal, getLangOpts().XLPragmaPack);
+   AlignPackStack.Act(PragmaLoc, Action, StringRef(), Info);
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaClangSection(SourceLocation PragmaLoc,
+                                    PragmaClangSectionAction Action,
+                                    PragmaClangSectionKind SecKind,
+                                    StringRef SecName) {
+   PragmaClangSection *CSec;
+   int SectionFlags = ASTContext::PSF_Read;
+   switch (SecKind) {
+     case PragmaClangSectionKind::PCSK_BSS:
+       CSec = &PragmaClangBSSSection;
+       SectionFlags |= ASTContext::PSF_Write | ASTContext::PSF_ZeroInit;
+       break;
+     case PragmaClangSectionKind::PCSK_Data:
+       CSec = &PragmaClangDataSection;
+       SectionFlags |= ASTContext::PSF_Write;
+       break;
+     case PragmaClangSectionKind::PCSK_Rodata:
+       CSec = &PragmaClangRodataSection;
+       break;
+     case PragmaClangSectionKind::PCSK_Relro:
+       CSec = &PragmaClangRelroSection;
+       break;
+     case PragmaClangSectionKind::PCSK_Text:
+       CSec = &PragmaClangTextSection;
+       SectionFlags |= ASTContext::PSF_Execute;
+       break;
+     default:
+       llvm_unreachable("invalid clang section kind");
+   }
+   if (Action == PragmaClangSectionAction::PCSA_Clear) {
+     CSec->Valid = false;
+     return;
+   }
+   if (llvm::Error E = isValidSectionSpecifier(SecName)) {
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_section_invalid_for_target)
+         << toString(std::move(E));
+     CSec->Valid = false;
+     return;
+   }
+   if (UnifySection(SecName, SectionFlags, PragmaLoc))
+     return;
+   CSec->Valid = true;
+   CSec->SectionName = std::string(SecName);
+   CSec->PragmaLocation = PragmaLoc;
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaPack(SourceLocation PragmaLoc, PragmaMsStackAction Action,
+                            StringRef SlotLabel, Expr *alignment) {
+   bool IsXLPragma = getLangOpts().XLPragmaPack;
+   // XL pragma pack does not support identifier syntax.
+   if (IsXLPragma && !SlotLabel.empty()) {
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_pack_identifer_not_supported);
+     return;
+   }
+   const AlignPackInfo CurVal = AlignPackStack.CurrentValue;
+   Expr *Alignment = static_cast<Expr *>(alignment);
+   // If specified then alignment must be a "small" power of two.
+   unsigned AlignmentVal = 0;
+   AlignPackInfo::Mode ModeVal = CurVal.getAlignMode();
+   if (Alignment) {
+     std::optional<llvm::APSInt> Val;
+     Val = Alignment->getIntegerConstantExpr(Context);
+     // pack(0) is like pack(), which just works out since that is what
+     // we use 0 for in PackAttr.
+     if (Alignment->isTypeDependent() || !Val ||
+         !(*Val == 0 || Val->isPowerOf2()) || Val->getZExtValue() > 16) {
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pack_invalid_alignment);
+       return; // Ignore
+     }
+     if (IsXLPragma && *Val == 0) {
+       // pack(0) does not work out with XL.
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_pack_invalid_alignment);
+       return; // Ignore
+     }
+     AlignmentVal = (unsigned)Val->getZExtValue();
+   }
+   if (Action == Sema::PSK_Show) {
+     // Show the current alignment, making sure to show the right value
+     // for the default.
+     // FIXME: This should come from the target.
+     AlignmentVal = CurVal.IsPackSet() ? CurVal.getPackNumber() : 8;
+     if (ModeVal == AlignPackInfo::Mac68k &&
+         (IsXLPragma || CurVal.IsAlignAttr()))
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pack_show) << "mac68k";
+     else
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pack_show) << AlignmentVal;
+   }
+   // MSDN, C/C++ Preprocessor Reference > Pragma Directives > pack:
+   // "#pragma pack(pop, identifier, n) is undefined"
+   if (Action & Sema::PSK_Pop) {
+     if (Alignment && !SlotLabel.empty())
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pack_pop_identifier_and_alignment);
+     if (AlignPackStack.Stack.empty()) {
+       assert(CurVal.getAlignMode() == AlignPackInfo::Native &&
+              "Empty pack stack can only be at Native alignment mode.");
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pop_failed) << "pack" << "stack empty";
+     }
+   }
+   AlignPackInfo Info(ModeVal, AlignmentVal, IsXLPragma);
+   AlignPackStack.Act(PragmaLoc, Action, SlotLabel, Info);
+ }
+ bool Sema::ConstantFoldAttrArgs(const AttributeCommonInfo &CI,
+                                 MutableArrayRef<Expr *> Args) {
+   llvm::SmallVector<PartialDiagnosticAt, 8> Notes;
+   for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < Args.size(); Idx++) {
+     Expr *&E = Args.begin()[Idx];
+     assert(E && "error are handled before");
+     if (E->isValueDependent() || E->isTypeDependent())
+       continue;
+     // FIXME: Use DefaultFunctionArrayLValueConversion() in place of the logic
+     // that adds implicit casts here.
+     if (E->getType()->isArrayType())
+       E = ImpCastExprToType(E, Context.getPointerType(E->getType()),
+                             clang::CK_ArrayToPointerDecay)
+               .get();
+     if (E->getType()->isFunctionType())
+       E = ImplicitCastExpr::Create(Context,
+                                    Context.getPointerType(E->getType()),
+                                    clang::CK_FunctionToPointerDecay, E, nullptr,
+                                    VK_PRValue, FPOptionsOverride());
+     if (E->isLValue())
+       E = ImplicitCastExpr::Create(Context, E->getType().getNonReferenceType(),
+                                    clang::CK_LValueToRValue, E, nullptr,
+                                    VK_PRValue, FPOptionsOverride());
+     Expr::EvalResult Eval;
+     Notes.clear();
+     Eval.Diag = &Notes;
+     bool Result = E->EvaluateAsConstantExpr(Eval, Context);
+     /// Result means the expression can be folded to a constant.
+     /// Note.empty() means the expression is a valid constant expression in the
+     /// current language mode.
+     if (!Result || !Notes.empty()) {
+       Diag(E->getBeginLoc(), diag::err_attribute_argument_n_type)
+           << CI << (Idx + 1) << AANT_ArgumentConstantExpr;
+       for (auto &Note : Notes)
+         Diag(Note.first, Note.second);
+       return false;
+     }
+     assert(Eval.Val.hasValue());
+     E = ConstantExpr::Create(Context, E, Eval.Val);
+   }
+   return true;
+ }
+ void Sema::DiagnoseNonDefaultPragmaAlignPack(PragmaAlignPackDiagnoseKind Kind,
+                                              SourceLocation IncludeLoc) {
+   if (Kind == PragmaAlignPackDiagnoseKind::NonDefaultStateAtInclude) {
+     SourceLocation PrevLocation = AlignPackStack.CurrentPragmaLocation;
+     // Warn about non-default alignment at #includes (without redundant
+     // warnings for the same directive in nested includes).
+     // The warning is delayed until the end of the file to avoid warnings
+     // for files that don't have any records that are affected by the modified
+     // alignment.
+     bool HasNonDefaultValue =
+         AlignPackStack.hasValue() &&
+         (AlignPackIncludeStack.empty() ||
+          AlignPackIncludeStack.back().CurrentPragmaLocation != PrevLocation);
+     AlignPackIncludeStack.push_back(
+         {AlignPackStack.CurrentValue,
+          AlignPackStack.hasValue() ? PrevLocation : SourceLocation(),
+          HasNonDefaultValue, /*ShouldWarnOnInclude*/ false});
+     return;
+   }
+   assert(Kind == PragmaAlignPackDiagnoseKind::ChangedStateAtExit &&
+          "invalid kind");
+   AlignPackIncludeState PrevAlignPackState =
+       AlignPackIncludeStack.pop_back_val();
+   // FIXME: AlignPackStack may contain both #pragma align and #pragma pack
+   // information, diagnostics below might not be accurate if we have mixed
+   // pragmas.
+   if (PrevAlignPackState.ShouldWarnOnInclude) {
+     // Emit the delayed non-default alignment at #include warning.
+     Diag(IncludeLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pack_non_default_at_include);
+     Diag(PrevAlignPackState.CurrentPragmaLocation, diag::note_pragma_pack_here);
+   }
+   // Warn about modified alignment after #includes.
+   if (PrevAlignPackState.CurrentValue != AlignPackStack.CurrentValue) {
+     Diag(IncludeLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pack_modified_after_include);
+     Diag(AlignPackStack.CurrentPragmaLocation, diag::note_pragma_pack_here);
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::DiagnoseUnterminatedPragmaAlignPack() {
+   if (AlignPackStack.Stack.empty())
+     return;
+   bool IsInnermost = true;
+   // FIXME: AlignPackStack may contain both #pragma align and #pragma pack
+   // information, diagnostics below might not be accurate if we have mixed
+   // pragmas.
+   for (const auto &StackSlot : llvm::reverse(AlignPackStack.Stack)) {
+     Diag(StackSlot.PragmaPushLocation, diag::warn_pragma_pack_no_pop_eof);
+     // The user might have already reset the alignment, so suggest replacing
+     // the reset with a pop.
+     if (IsInnermost &&
+         AlignPackStack.CurrentValue == AlignPackStack.DefaultValue) {
+       auto DB = Diag(AlignPackStack.CurrentPragmaLocation,
+                      diag::note_pragma_pack_pop_instead_reset);
+       SourceLocation FixItLoc =
+           Lexer::findLocationAfterToken(AlignPackStack.CurrentPragmaLocation,
+                                         tok::l_paren, SourceMgr, LangOpts,
+                                         /*SkipTrailing=*/false);
+       if (FixItLoc.isValid())
+         DB << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(FixItLoc, "pop");
+     }
+     IsInnermost = false;
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSStruct(PragmaMSStructKind Kind) {
+   MSStructPragmaOn = (Kind == PMSST_ON);
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSComment(SourceLocation CommentLoc,
+                                 PragmaMSCommentKind Kind, StringRef Arg) {
+   auto *PCD = PragmaCommentDecl::Create(
+       Context, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), CommentLoc, Kind, Arg);
+   Context.getTranslationUnitDecl()->addDecl(PCD);
+   Consumer.HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef(PCD));
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaDetectMismatch(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Name,
+                                      StringRef Value) {
+   auto *PDMD = PragmaDetectMismatchDecl::Create(
+       Context, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), Loc, Name, Value);
+   Context.getTranslationUnitDecl()->addDecl(PDMD);
+   Consumer.HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef(PDMD));
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFPEvalMethod(SourceLocation Loc,
+                                    LangOptions::FPEvalMethodKind Value) {
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   switch (Value) {
+   default:
+     llvm_unreachable("invalid pragma eval_method kind");
+   case LangOptions::FEM_Source:
+     NewFPFeatures.setFPEvalMethodOverride(LangOptions::FEM_Source);
+     break;
+   case LangOptions::FEM_Double:
+     NewFPFeatures.setFPEvalMethodOverride(LangOptions::FEM_Double);
+     break;
+   case LangOptions::FEM_Extended:
+     NewFPFeatures.setFPEvalMethodOverride(LangOptions::FEM_Extended);
+     break;
+   }
+   if (getLangOpts().ApproxFunc)
+     Diag(Loc, diag::err_setting_eval_method_used_in_unsafe_context) << 0 << 0;
+   if (getLangOpts().AllowFPReassoc)
+     Diag(Loc, diag::err_setting_eval_method_used_in_unsafe_context) << 0 << 1;
+   if (getLangOpts().AllowRecip)
+     Diag(Loc, diag::err_setting_eval_method_used_in_unsafe_context) << 0 << 2;
+   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+   PP.setCurrentFPEvalMethod(Loc, Value);
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFloatControl(SourceLocation Loc,
+                                    PragmaMsStackAction Action,
+                                    PragmaFloatControlKind Value) {
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   if ((Action == PSK_Push_Set || Action == PSK_Push || Action == PSK_Pop) &&
+       !CurContext->getRedeclContext()->isFileContext()) {
+     // Push and pop can only occur at file or namespace scope, or within a
+     // language linkage declaration.
+     Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_fc_pp_scope);
+     return;
+   }
+   switch (Value) {
+   default:
+     llvm_unreachable("invalid pragma float_control kind");
+   case PFC_Precise:
+     NewFPFeatures.setFPPreciseEnabled(true);
+     FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Action, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+     break;
+   case PFC_NoPrecise:
+     if (CurFPFeatures.getExceptionMode() == LangOptions::FPE_Strict)
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_fc_noprecise_requires_noexcept);
+     else if (CurFPFeatures.getAllowFEnvAccess())
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_fc_noprecise_requires_nofenv);
+     else
+       NewFPFeatures.setFPPreciseEnabled(false);
+     FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Action, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+     break;
+   case PFC_Except:
+     if (!isPreciseFPEnabled())
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_fc_except_requires_precise);
+     else
+       NewFPFeatures.setSpecifiedExceptionModeOverride(LangOptions::FPE_Strict);
+     FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Action, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+     break;
+   case PFC_NoExcept:
+     NewFPFeatures.setSpecifiedExceptionModeOverride(LangOptions::FPE_Ignore);
+     FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Action, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+     break;
+   case PFC_Push:
+     FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Sema::PSK_Push_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+     break;
+   case PFC_Pop:
+     if (FpPragmaStack.Stack.empty()) {
+       Diag(Loc, diag::warn_pragma_pop_failed) << "float_control"
+                                               << "stack empty";
+       return;
+     }
+     FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Action, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+     NewFPFeatures = FpPragmaStack.CurrentValue;
+     break;
+   }
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSPointersToMembers(
+     LangOptions::PragmaMSPointersToMembersKind RepresentationMethod,
+     SourceLocation PragmaLoc) {
+   MSPointerToMemberRepresentationMethod = RepresentationMethod;
+   ImplicitMSInheritanceAttrLoc = PragmaLoc;
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSVtorDisp(PragmaMsStackAction Action,
+                                  SourceLocation PragmaLoc,
+                                  MSVtorDispMode Mode) {
+   if (Action & PSK_Pop && VtorDispStack.Stack.empty())
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_pop_failed) << "vtordisp"
+                                                   << "stack empty";
+   VtorDispStack.Act(PragmaLoc, Action, StringRef(), Mode);
+ }
+ template <>
+ void Sema::PragmaStack<Sema::AlignPackInfo>::Act(SourceLocation PragmaLocation,
+                                                  PragmaMsStackAction Action,
+                                                  llvm::StringRef StackSlotLabel,
+                                                  AlignPackInfo Value) {
+   if (Action == PSK_Reset) {
+     CurrentValue = DefaultValue;
+     CurrentPragmaLocation = PragmaLocation;
+     return;
+   }
+   if (Action & PSK_Push)
+     Stack.emplace_back(Slot(StackSlotLabel, CurrentValue, CurrentPragmaLocation,
+                             PragmaLocation));
+   else if (Action & PSK_Pop) {
+     if (!StackSlotLabel.empty()) {
+       // If we've got a label, try to find it and jump there.
+       auto I = llvm::find_if(llvm::reverse(Stack), [&](const Slot &x) {
+         return x.StackSlotLabel == StackSlotLabel;
+       });
+       // We found the label, so pop from there.
+       if (I != Stack.rend()) {
+         CurrentValue = I->Value;
+         CurrentPragmaLocation = I->PragmaLocation;
+         Stack.erase(std::prev(I.base()), Stack.end());
+       }
+     } else if (Value.IsXLStack() && Value.IsAlignAttr() &&
+                CurrentValue.IsPackAttr()) {
+       // XL '#pragma align(reset)' would pop the stack until
+       // a current in effect pragma align is popped.
+       auto I = llvm::find_if(llvm::reverse(Stack), [&](const Slot &x) {
+         return x.Value.IsAlignAttr();
+       });
+       // If we found pragma align so pop from there.
+       if (I != Stack.rend()) {
+         Stack.erase(std::prev(I.base()), Stack.end());
+         if (Stack.empty()) {
+           CurrentValue = DefaultValue;
+           CurrentPragmaLocation = PragmaLocation;
+         } else {
+           CurrentValue = Stack.back().Value;
+           CurrentPragmaLocation = Stack.back().PragmaLocation;
+           Stack.pop_back();
+         }
+       }
+     } else if (!Stack.empty()) {
+       // xl '#pragma align' sets the baseline, and `#pragma pack` cannot pop
+       // over the baseline.
+       if (Value.IsXLStack() && Value.IsPackAttr() && CurrentValue.IsAlignAttr())
+         return;
+       // We don't have a label, just pop the last entry.
+       CurrentValue = Stack.back().Value;
+       CurrentPragmaLocation = Stack.back().PragmaLocation;
+       Stack.pop_back();
+     }
+   }
+   if (Action & PSK_Set) {
+     CurrentValue = Value;
+     CurrentPragmaLocation = PragmaLocation;
+   }
+ }
+ bool Sema::UnifySection(StringRef SectionName, int SectionFlags,
+                         NamedDecl *Decl) {
+   SourceLocation PragmaLocation;
+   if (auto A = Decl->getAttr<SectionAttr>())
+     if (A->isImplicit())
+       PragmaLocation = A->getLocation();
+   auto SectionIt = Context.SectionInfos.find(SectionName);
+   if (SectionIt == Context.SectionInfos.end()) {
+     Context.SectionInfos[SectionName] =
+         ASTContext::SectionInfo(Decl, PragmaLocation, SectionFlags);
+     return false;
+   }
+   // A pre-declared section takes precedence w/o diagnostic.
+   const auto &Section = SectionIt->second;
+   if (Section.SectionFlags == SectionFlags ||
+       ((SectionFlags & ASTContext::PSF_Implicit) &&
+        !(Section.SectionFlags & ASTContext::PSF_Implicit)))
+     return false;
+   Diag(Decl->getLocation(), diag::err_section_conflict) << Decl << Section;
+   if (Section.Decl)
+     Diag(Section.Decl->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at)
+         << Section.Decl->getName();
+   if (PragmaLocation.isValid())
+     Diag(PragmaLocation, diag::note_pragma_entered_here);
+   if (Section.PragmaSectionLocation.isValid())
+     Diag(Section.PragmaSectionLocation, diag::note_pragma_entered_here);
+   return true;
+ }
+ bool Sema::UnifySection(StringRef SectionName,
+                         int SectionFlags,
+                         SourceLocation PragmaSectionLocation) {
+   auto SectionIt = Context.SectionInfos.find(SectionName);
+   if (SectionIt != Context.SectionInfos.end()) {
+     const auto &Section = SectionIt->second;
+     if (Section.SectionFlags == SectionFlags)
+       return false;
+     if (!(Section.SectionFlags & ASTContext::PSF_Implicit)) {
+       Diag(PragmaSectionLocation, diag::err_section_conflict)
+           << "this" << Section;
+       if (Section.Decl)
+         Diag(Section.Decl->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at)
+             << Section.Decl->getName();
+       if (Section.PragmaSectionLocation.isValid())
+         Diag(Section.PragmaSectionLocation, diag::note_pragma_entered_here);
+       return true;
+     }
+   }
+   Context.SectionInfos[SectionName] =
+       ASTContext::SectionInfo(nullptr, PragmaSectionLocation, SectionFlags);
+   return false;
+ }
+ /// Called on well formed \#pragma bss_seg().
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSSeg(SourceLocation PragmaLocation,
+                             PragmaMsStackAction Action,
+                             llvm::StringRef StackSlotLabel,
+                             StringLiteral *SegmentName,
+                             llvm::StringRef PragmaName) {
+   PragmaStack<StringLiteral *> *Stack =
+     llvm::StringSwitch<PragmaStack<StringLiteral *> *>(PragmaName)
+         .Case("data_seg", &DataSegStack)
+         .Case("bss_seg", &BSSSegStack)
+         .Case("const_seg", &ConstSegStack)
+         .Case("code_seg", &CodeSegStack);
+   if (Action & PSK_Pop && Stack->Stack.empty())
+     Diag(PragmaLocation, diag::warn_pragma_pop_failed) << PragmaName
+         << "stack empty";
+   if (SegmentName) {
+     if (!checkSectionName(SegmentName->getBeginLoc(), SegmentName->getString()))
+       return;
+     if (SegmentName->getString() == ".drectve" &&
+         Context.getTargetInfo().getCXXABI().isMicrosoft())
+       Diag(PragmaLocation, diag::warn_attribute_section_drectve) << PragmaName;
+   }
+   Stack->Act(PragmaLocation, Action, StackSlotLabel, SegmentName);
+ }
+ /// Called on well formed \#pragma strict_gs_check().
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSStrictGuardStackCheck(SourceLocation PragmaLocation,
+                                               PragmaMsStackAction Action,
+                                               bool Value) {
+   if (Action & PSK_Pop && StrictGuardStackCheckStack.Stack.empty())
+     Diag(PragmaLocation, diag::warn_pragma_pop_failed) << "strict_gs_check"
+                                                        << "stack empty";
+   StrictGuardStackCheckStack.Act(PragmaLocation, Action, StringRef(), Value);
+ }
+ /// Called on well formed \#pragma bss_seg().
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSSection(SourceLocation PragmaLocation,
+                                 int SectionFlags, StringLiteral *SegmentName) {
+   UnifySection(SegmentName->getString(), SectionFlags, PragmaLocation);
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSInitSeg(SourceLocation PragmaLocation,
+                                 StringLiteral *SegmentName) {
+   // There's no stack to maintain, so we just have a current section.  When we
+   // see the default section, reset our current section back to null so we stop
+   // tacking on unnecessary attributes.
+   CurInitSeg = SegmentName->getString() == ".CRT$XCU" ? nullptr : SegmentName;
+   CurInitSegLoc = PragmaLocation;
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSAllocText(
+     SourceLocation PragmaLocation, StringRef Section,
+     const SmallVector<std::tuple<IdentifierInfo *, SourceLocation>>
+         &Functions) {
+   if (!CurContext->getRedeclContext()->isFileContext()) {
+     Diag(PragmaLocation, diag::err_pragma_expected_file_scope) << "alloc_text";
+     return;
+   }
+   for (auto &Function : Functions) {
+     IdentifierInfo *II;
+     SourceLocation Loc;
+     std::tie(II, Loc) = Function;
+     DeclarationName DN(II);
+     NamedDecl *ND = LookupSingleName(TUScope, DN, Loc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+     if (!ND) {
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_undeclared_use) << II->getName();
+       return;
+     }
+     auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(ND->getCanonicalDecl());
+     if (!FD) {
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_alloc_text_not_function);
+       return;
+     }
+     if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && !FD->isInExternCContext()) {
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_alloc_text_c_linkage);
+       return;
+     }
+     FunctionToSectionMap[II->getName()] = std::make_tuple(Section, Loc);
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaUnused(const Token &IdTok, Scope *curScope,
+                              SourceLocation PragmaLoc) {
+   IdentifierInfo *Name = IdTok.getIdentifierInfo();
+   LookupResult Lookup(*this, Name, IdTok.getLocation(), LookupOrdinaryName);
+   LookupParsedName(Lookup, curScope, nullptr, true);
+   if (Lookup.empty()) {
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_unused_undeclared_var)
+       << Name << SourceRange(IdTok.getLocation());
+     return;
+   }
+   VarDecl *VD = Lookup.getAsSingle<VarDecl>();
+   if (!VD) {
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_pragma_unused_expected_var_arg)
+       << Name << SourceRange(IdTok.getLocation());
+     return;
+   }
+   // Warn if this was used before being marked unused.
+   if (VD->isUsed())
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_used_but_marked_unused) << Name;
+   VD->addAttr(UnusedAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, IdTok.getLocation(),
+                                          AttributeCommonInfo::AS_Pragma,
+                                          UnusedAttr::GNU_unused));
+ }
+ void Sema::AddCFAuditedAttribute(Decl *D) {
+   IdentifierInfo *Ident;
+   SourceLocation Loc;
+   std::tie(Ident, Loc) = PP.getPragmaARCCFCodeAuditedInfo();
+   if (!Loc.isValid()) return;
+   // Don't add a redundant or conflicting attribute.
+   if (D->hasAttr<CFAuditedTransferAttr>() ||
+       D->hasAttr<CFUnknownTransferAttr>())
+     return;
+   AttributeCommonInfo Info(Ident, SourceRange(Loc),
+                            AttributeCommonInfo::AS_Pragma);
+   D->addAttr(CFAuditedTransferAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, Info));
+ }
+ namespace {
+ std::optional<attr::SubjectMatchRule>
+ getParentAttrMatcherRule(attr::SubjectMatchRule Rule) {
+   using namespace attr;
+   switch (Rule) {
+   default:
+     return std::nullopt;
+ #define ATTR_MATCH_RULE(Value, Spelling, IsAbstract)
+ #define ATTR_MATCH_SUB_RULE(Value, Spelling, IsAbstract, Parent, IsNegated)    \
+   case Value:                                                                  \
+     return Parent;
+ #include "clang/Basic/"
+   }
+ }
+ bool isNegatedAttrMatcherSubRule(attr::SubjectMatchRule Rule) {
+   using namespace attr;
+   switch (Rule) {
+   default:
+     return false;
+ #define ATTR_MATCH_RULE(Value, Spelling, IsAbstract)
+ #define ATTR_MATCH_SUB_RULE(Value, Spelling, IsAbstract, Parent, IsNegated)    \
+   case Value:                                                                  \
+     return IsNegated;
+ #include "clang/Basic/"
+   }
+ }
+ CharSourceRange replacementRangeForListElement(const Sema &S,
+                                                SourceRange Range) {
+   // Make sure that the ',' is removed as well.
+   SourceLocation AfterCommaLoc = Lexer::findLocationAfterToken(
+       Range.getEnd(), tok::comma, S.getSourceManager(), S.getLangOpts(),
+       /*SkipTrailingWhitespaceAndNewLine=*/false);
+   if (AfterCommaLoc.isValid())
+     return CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Range.getBegin(), AfterCommaLoc);
+   else
+     return CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(Range);
+ }
+ std::string
+ attrMatcherRuleListToString(ArrayRef<attr::SubjectMatchRule> Rules) {
+   std::string Result;
+   llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
+   for (const auto &I : llvm::enumerate(Rules)) {
+     if (I.index())
+       OS << (I.index() == Rules.size() - 1 ? ", and " : ", ");
+     OS << "'" << attr::getSubjectMatchRuleSpelling(I.value()) << "'";
+   }
+   return Result;
+ }
+ } // end anonymous namespace
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaAttributeAttribute(
+     ParsedAttr &Attribute, SourceLocation PragmaLoc,
+     attr::ParsedSubjectMatchRuleSet Rules) {
+   Attribute.setIsPragmaClangAttribute();
+   SmallVector<attr::SubjectMatchRule, 4> SubjectMatchRules;
+   // Gather the subject match rules that are supported by the attribute.
+   SmallVector<std::pair<attr::SubjectMatchRule, bool>, 4>
+       StrictSubjectMatchRuleSet;
+   Attribute.getMatchRules(LangOpts, StrictSubjectMatchRuleSet);
+   // Figure out which subject matching rules are valid.
+   if (StrictSubjectMatchRuleSet.empty()) {
+     // Check for contradicting match rules. Contradicting match rules are
+     // either:
+     //  - a top-level rule and one of its sub-rules. E.g. variable and
+     //    variable(is_parameter).
+     //  - a sub-rule and a sibling that's negated. E.g.
+     //    variable(is_thread_local) and variable(unless(is_parameter))
+     llvm::SmallDenseMap<int, std::pair<int, SourceRange>, 2>
+         RulesToFirstSpecifiedNegatedSubRule;
+     for (const auto &Rule : Rules) {
+       attr::SubjectMatchRule MatchRule = attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first);
+       std::optional<attr::SubjectMatchRule> ParentRule =
+           getParentAttrMatcherRule(MatchRule);
+       if (!ParentRule)
+         continue;
+       auto It = Rules.find(*ParentRule);
+       if (It != Rules.end()) {
+         // A sub-rule contradicts a parent rule.
+         Diag(Rule.second.getBegin(),
+              diag::err_pragma_attribute_matcher_subrule_contradicts_rule)
+             << attr::getSubjectMatchRuleSpelling(MatchRule)
+             << attr::getSubjectMatchRuleSpelling(*ParentRule) << It->second
+             << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+                    replacementRangeForListElement(*this, Rule.second));
+         // Keep going without removing this rule as it won't change the set of
+         // declarations that receive the attribute.
+         continue;
+       }
+       if (isNegatedAttrMatcherSubRule(MatchRule))
+         RulesToFirstSpecifiedNegatedSubRule.insert(
+             std::make_pair(*ParentRule, Rule));
+     }
+     bool IgnoreNegatedSubRules = false;
+     for (const auto &Rule : Rules) {
+       attr::SubjectMatchRule MatchRule = attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first);
+       std::optional<attr::SubjectMatchRule> ParentRule =
+           getParentAttrMatcherRule(MatchRule);
+       if (!ParentRule)
+         continue;
+       auto It = RulesToFirstSpecifiedNegatedSubRule.find(*ParentRule);
+       if (It != RulesToFirstSpecifiedNegatedSubRule.end() &&
+           It->second != Rule) {
+         // Negated sub-rule contradicts another sub-rule.
+         Diag(
+             It->second.second.getBegin(),
+             diag::
+                 err_pragma_attribute_matcher_negated_subrule_contradicts_subrule)
+             << attr::getSubjectMatchRuleSpelling(
+                    attr::SubjectMatchRule(It->second.first))
+             << attr::getSubjectMatchRuleSpelling(MatchRule) << Rule.second
+             << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+                    replacementRangeForListElement(*this, It->second.second));
+         // Keep going but ignore all of the negated sub-rules.
+         IgnoreNegatedSubRules = true;
+         RulesToFirstSpecifiedNegatedSubRule.erase(It);
+       }
+     }
+     if (!IgnoreNegatedSubRules) {
+       for (const auto &Rule : Rules)
+         SubjectMatchRules.push_back(attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first));
+     } else {
+       for (const auto &Rule : Rules) {
+         if (!isNegatedAttrMatcherSubRule(attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first)))
+           SubjectMatchRules.push_back(attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first));
+       }
+     }
+     Rules.clear();
+   } else {
+     // Each rule in Rules must be a strict subset of the attribute's
+     // SubjectMatch rules.  I.e. we're allowed to use
+     // `apply_to=variables(is_global)` on an attrubute with SubjectList<[Var]>,
+     // but should not allow `apply_to=variables` on an attribute which has
+     // `SubjectList<[GlobalVar]>`.
+     for (const auto &StrictRule : StrictSubjectMatchRuleSet) {
+       // First, check for exact match.
+       if (Rules.erase(StrictRule.first)) {
+         // Add the rule to the set of attribute receivers only if it's supported
+         // in the current language mode.
+         if (StrictRule.second)
+           SubjectMatchRules.push_back(StrictRule.first);
+       }
+     }
+     // Check remaining rules for subset matches.
+     auto RulesToCheck = Rules;
+     for (const auto &Rule : RulesToCheck) {
+       attr::SubjectMatchRule MatchRule = attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first);
+       if (auto ParentRule = getParentAttrMatcherRule(MatchRule)) {
+         if (llvm::any_of(StrictSubjectMatchRuleSet,
+                          [ParentRule](const auto &StrictRule) {
+                            return StrictRule.first == *ParentRule &&
+                                   StrictRule.second; // IsEnabled
+                          })) {
+           SubjectMatchRules.push_back(MatchRule);
+           Rules.erase(MatchRule);
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   if (!Rules.empty()) {
+     auto Diagnostic =
+         Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_attribute_invalid_matchers)
+         << Attribute;
+     SmallVector<attr::SubjectMatchRule, 2> ExtraRules;
+     for (const auto &Rule : Rules) {
+       ExtraRules.push_back(attr::SubjectMatchRule(Rule.first));
+       Diagnostic << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+           replacementRangeForListElement(*this, Rule.second));
+     }
+     Diagnostic << attrMatcherRuleListToString(ExtraRules);
+   }
+   if (PragmaAttributeStack.empty()) {
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_attr_attr_no_push);
+     return;
+   }
+   PragmaAttributeStack.back().Entries.push_back(
+       {PragmaLoc, &Attribute, std::move(SubjectMatchRules), /*IsUsed=*/false});
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaAttributeEmptyPush(SourceLocation PragmaLoc,
+                                          const IdentifierInfo *Namespace) {
+   PragmaAttributeStack.emplace_back();
+   PragmaAttributeStack.back().Loc = PragmaLoc;
+   PragmaAttributeStack.back().Namespace = Namespace;
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaAttributePop(SourceLocation PragmaLoc,
+                                    const IdentifierInfo *Namespace) {
+   if (PragmaAttributeStack.empty()) {
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_attribute_stack_mismatch) << 1;
+     return;
+   }
+   // Dig back through the stack trying to find the most recently pushed group
+   // that in Namespace. Note that this works fine if no namespace is present,
+   // think of push/pops without namespaces as having an implicit "nullptr"
+   // namespace.
+   for (size_t Index = PragmaAttributeStack.size(); Index;) {
+     --Index;
+     if (PragmaAttributeStack[Index].Namespace == Namespace) {
+       for (const PragmaAttributeEntry &Entry :
+            PragmaAttributeStack[Index].Entries) {
+         if (!Entry.IsUsed) {
+           assert(Entry.Attribute && "Expected an attribute");
+           Diag(Entry.Attribute->getLoc(), diag::warn_pragma_attribute_unused)
+               << *Entry.Attribute;
+           Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::note_pragma_attribute_region_ends_here);
+         }
+       }
+       PragmaAttributeStack.erase(PragmaAttributeStack.begin() + Index);
+       return;
+     }
+   }
+   if (Namespace)
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_attribute_stack_mismatch)
+         << 0 << Namespace->getName();
+   else
+     Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err_pragma_attribute_stack_mismatch) << 1;
+ }
+ void Sema::AddPragmaAttributes(Scope *S, Decl *D) {
+   if (PragmaAttributeStack.empty())
+     return;
+   for (auto &Group : PragmaAttributeStack) {
+     for (auto &Entry : Group.Entries) {
+       ParsedAttr *Attribute = Entry.Attribute;
+       assert(Attribute && "Expected an attribute");
+       assert(Attribute->isPragmaClangAttribute() &&
+              "expected #pragma clang attribute");
+       // Ensure that the attribute can be applied to the given declaration.
+       bool Applies = false;
+       for (const auto &Rule : Entry.MatchRules) {
+         if (Attribute->appliesToDecl(D, Rule)) {
+           Applies = true;
+           break;
+         }
+       }
+       if (!Applies)
+         continue;
+       Entry.IsUsed = true;
+       PragmaAttributeCurrentTargetDecl = D;
+       ParsedAttributesView Attrs;
+       Attrs.addAtEnd(Attribute);
+       ProcessDeclAttributeList(S, D, Attrs);
+       PragmaAttributeCurrentTargetDecl = nullptr;
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::PrintPragmaAttributeInstantiationPoint() {
+   assert(PragmaAttributeCurrentTargetDecl && "Expected an active declaration");
+   Diags.Report(PragmaAttributeCurrentTargetDecl->getBeginLoc(),
+                diag::note_pragma_attribute_applied_decl_here);
+ }
+ void Sema::DiagnoseUnterminatedPragmaAttribute() {
+   if (PragmaAttributeStack.empty())
+     return;
+   Diag(PragmaAttributeStack.back().Loc, diag::err_pragma_attribute_no_pop_eof);
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaOptimize(bool On, SourceLocation PragmaLoc) {
+   if(On)
+     OptimizeOffPragmaLocation = SourceLocation();
+   else
+     OptimizeOffPragmaLocation = PragmaLoc;
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSOptimize(SourceLocation Loc, bool IsOn) {
+   if (!CurContext->getRedeclContext()->isFileContext()) {
+     Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_expected_file_scope) << "optimize";
+     return;
+   }
+   MSPragmaOptimizeIsOn = IsOn;
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaMSFunction(
+     SourceLocation Loc, const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &NoBuiltins) {
+   if (!CurContext->getRedeclContext()->isFileContext()) {
+     Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_expected_file_scope) << "function";
+     return;
+   }
+   MSFunctionNoBuiltins.insert(NoBuiltins.begin(), NoBuiltins.end());
+ }
+ void Sema::AddRangeBasedOptnone(FunctionDecl *FD) {
+   // In the future, check other pragmas if they're implemented (e.g. pragma
+   // optimize 0 will probably map to this functionality too).
+   if(OptimizeOffPragmaLocation.isValid())
+     AddOptnoneAttributeIfNoConflicts(FD, OptimizeOffPragmaLocation);
+ }
+ void Sema::AddSectionMSAllocText(FunctionDecl *FD) {
+   if (!FD->getIdentifier())
+     return;
+   StringRef Name = FD->getName();
+   auto It = FunctionToSectionMap.find(Name);
+   if (It != FunctionToSectionMap.end()) {
+     StringRef Section;
+     SourceLocation Loc;
+     std::tie(Section, Loc) = It->second;
+     if (!FD->hasAttr<SectionAttr>())
+       FD->addAttr(SectionAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, Section));
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::ModifyFnAttributesMSPragmaOptimize(FunctionDecl *FD) {
+   // Don't modify the function attributes if it's "on". "on" resets the
+   // optimizations to the ones listed on the command line
+   if (!MSPragmaOptimizeIsOn)
+     AddOptnoneAttributeIfNoConflicts(FD, FD->getBeginLoc());
+ }
+ void Sema::AddOptnoneAttributeIfNoConflicts(FunctionDecl *FD,
+                                             SourceLocation Loc) {
+   // Don't add a conflicting attribute. No diagnostic is needed.
+   if (FD->hasAttr<MinSizeAttr>() || FD->hasAttr<AlwaysInlineAttr>())
+     return;
+   // Add attributes only if required. Optnone requires noinline as well, but if
+   // either is already present then don't bother adding them.
+   if (!FD->hasAttr<OptimizeNoneAttr>())
+     FD->addAttr(OptimizeNoneAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, Loc));
+   if (!FD->hasAttr<NoInlineAttr>())
+     FD->addAttr(NoInlineAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, Loc));
+ }
+ void Sema::AddImplicitMSFunctionNoBuiltinAttr(FunctionDecl *FD) {
+   SmallVector<StringRef> V(MSFunctionNoBuiltins.begin(),
+                            MSFunctionNoBuiltins.end());
+   if (!MSFunctionNoBuiltins.empty())
+     FD->addAttr(NoBuiltinAttr::CreateImplicit(Context,, V.size()));
+ }
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, SourceLocation> > VisStack;
+ enum : unsigned { NoVisibility = ~0U };
+ void Sema::AddPushedVisibilityAttribute(Decl *D) {
+   if (!VisContext)
+     return;
+   NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D);
+   if (ND && ND->getExplicitVisibility(NamedDecl::VisibilityForValue))
+     return;
+   VisStack *Stack = static_cast<VisStack*>(VisContext);
+   unsigned rawType = Stack->back().first;
+   if (rawType == NoVisibility) return;
+   VisibilityAttr::VisibilityType type
+     = (VisibilityAttr::VisibilityType) rawType;
+   SourceLocation loc = Stack->back().second;
+   D->addAttr(VisibilityAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, type, loc));
+ }
+ /// FreeVisContext - Deallocate and null out VisContext.
+ void Sema::FreeVisContext() {
+   delete static_cast<VisStack*>(VisContext);
+   VisContext = nullptr;
+ }
+ static void PushPragmaVisibility(Sema &S, unsigned type, SourceLocation loc) {
+   // Put visibility on stack.
+   if (!S.VisContext)
+     S.VisContext = new VisStack;
+   VisStack *Stack = static_cast<VisStack*>(S.VisContext);
+   Stack->push_back(std::make_pair(type, loc));
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaVisibility(const IdentifierInfo* VisType,
+                                  SourceLocation PragmaLoc) {
+   if (VisType) {
+     // Compute visibility to use.
+     VisibilityAttr::VisibilityType T;
+     if (!VisibilityAttr::ConvertStrToVisibilityType(VisType->getName(), T)) {
+       Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::warn_attribute_unknown_visibility) << VisType;
+       return;
+     }
+     PushPragmaVisibility(*this, T, PragmaLoc);
+   } else {
+     PopPragmaVisibility(false, PragmaLoc);
+   }
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFPContract(SourceLocation Loc,
+                                  LangOptions::FPModeKind FPC) {
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   switch (FPC) {
+   case LangOptions::FPM_On:
+     NewFPFeatures.setAllowFPContractWithinStatement();
+     break;
+   case LangOptions::FPM_Fast:
+     NewFPFeatures.setAllowFPContractAcrossStatement();
+     break;
+   case LangOptions::FPM_Off:
+     NewFPFeatures.setDisallowFPContract();
+     break;
+   case LangOptions::FPM_FastHonorPragmas:
+     llvm_unreachable("Should not happen");
+   }
+   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, Sema::PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFPReassociate(SourceLocation Loc, bool IsEnabled) {
+   if (IsEnabled) {
+     // For value unsafe context, combining this pragma with eval method
+     // setting is not recommended. See comment in function FixupInvocation#506.
+     int Reason = -1;
+     if (getLangOpts().getFPEvalMethod() != LangOptions::FEM_UnsetOnCommandLine)
+       // Eval method set using the option 'ffp-eval-method'.
+       Reason = 1;
+     if (PP.getLastFPEvalPragmaLocation().isValid())
+       // Eval method set using the '#pragma clang fp eval_method'.
+       // We could have both an option and a pragma used to the set the eval
+       // method. The pragma overrides the option in the command line. The Reason
+       // of the diagnostic is overriden too.
+       Reason = 0;
+     if (Reason != -1)
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_setting_eval_method_used_in_unsafe_context)
+           << Reason << 4;
+   }
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   NewFPFeatures.setAllowFPReassociateOverride(IsEnabled);
+   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFEnvRound(SourceLocation Loc, llvm::RoundingMode FPR) {
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   NewFPFeatures.setConstRoundingModeOverride(FPR);
+   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+ }
+ void Sema::setExceptionMode(SourceLocation Loc,
+                             LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind FPE) {
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   NewFPFeatures.setSpecifiedExceptionModeOverride(FPE);
+   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFEnvAccess(SourceLocation Loc, bool IsEnabled) {
+   FPOptionsOverride NewFPFeatures = CurFPFeatureOverrides();
+   if (IsEnabled) {
+     // Verify Microsoft restriction:
+     // You can't enable fenv_access unless precise semantics are enabled.
+     // Precise semantics can be enabled either by the float_control
+     // pragma, or by using the /fp:precise or /fp:strict compiler options
+     if (!isPreciseFPEnabled())
+       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_fenv_requires_precise);
+   }
+   NewFPFeatures.setAllowFEnvAccessOverride(IsEnabled);
++  if (!IsEnabled)
++    NewFPFeatures.setDisallowFenvAccess(IsEnabled);
+   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
+   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
+ }
+ void Sema::ActOnPragmaFPExceptions(SourceLocation Loc,
+                                    LangOptions::FPExceptionModeKind FPE) {
+   setExceptionMode(Loc, FPE);
+ }
+ void Sema::PushNamespaceVisibilityAttr(const VisibilityAttr *Attr,
+                                        SourceLocation Loc) {
+   // Visibility calculations will consider the namespace's visibility.
+   // Here we just want to note that we're in a visibility context
+   // which overrides any enclosing #pragma context, but doesn't itself
+   // contribute visibility.
+   PushPragmaVisibility(*this, NoVisibility, Loc);
+ }
+ void Sema::PopPragmaVisibility(bool IsNamespaceEnd, SourceLocation EndLoc) {
+   if (!VisContext) {
+     Diag(EndLoc, diag::err_pragma_pop_visibility_mismatch);
+     return;
+   }
+   // Pop visibility from stack
+   VisStack *Stack = static_cast<VisStack*>(VisContext);
+   const std::pair<unsigned, SourceLocation> *Back = &Stack->back();
+   bool StartsWithPragma = Back->first != NoVisibility;
+   if (StartsWithPragma && IsNamespaceEnd) {
+     Diag(Back->second, diag::err_pragma_push_visibility_mismatch);
+     Diag(EndLoc, diag::note_surrounding_namespace_ends_here);
+     // For better error recovery, eat all pushes inside the namespace.
+     do {
+       Stack->pop_back();
+       Back = &Stack->back();
+       StartsWithPragma = Back->first != NoVisibility;
+     } while (StartsWithPragma);
+   } else if (!StartsWithPragma && !IsNamespaceEnd) {
+     Diag(EndLoc, diag::err_pragma_pop_visibility_mismatch);
+     Diag(Back->second, diag::note_surrounding_namespace_starts_here);
+     return;
+   }
+   Stack->pop_back();
+   // To simplify the implementation, never keep around an empty stack.
+   if (Stack->empty())
+     FreeVisContext();
+ }
+ template <typename Ty>
+ static bool checkCommonAttributeFeatures(Sema &S, const Ty *Node,
+                                          const ParsedAttr &A,
+                                          bool SkipArgCountCheck) {
+   // Several attributes carry different semantics than the parsing requires, so
+   // those are opted out of the common argument checks.
+   //
+   // We also bail on unknown and ignored attributes because those are handled
+   // as part of the target-specific handling logic.
+   if (A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::UnknownAttribute)
+     return false;
+   // Check whether the attribute requires specific language extensions to be
+   // enabled.
+   if (!A.diagnoseLangOpts(S))
+     return true;
+   // Check whether the attribute appertains to the given subject.
+   if (!A.diagnoseAppertainsTo(S, Node))
+     return true;
+   // Check whether the attribute is mutually exclusive with other attributes
+   // that have already been applied to the declaration.
+   if (!A.diagnoseMutualExclusion(S, Node))
+     return true;
+   // Check whether the attribute exists in the target architecture.
+   if (S.CheckAttrTarget(A))
+     return true;
+   if (A.hasCustomParsing())
+     return false;
+   if (!SkipArgCountCheck) {
+     if (A.getMinArgs() == A.getMaxArgs()) {
+       // If there are no optional arguments, then checking for the argument
+       // count is trivial.
+       if (!A.checkExactlyNumArgs(S, A.getMinArgs()))
+         return true;
+     } else {
+       // There are optional arguments, so checking is slightly more involved.
+       if (A.getMinArgs() && !A.checkAtLeastNumArgs(S, A.getMinArgs()))
+         return true;
+       else if (!A.hasVariadicArg() && A.getMaxArgs() &&
+                !A.checkAtMostNumArgs(S, A.getMaxArgs()))
+         return true;
+     }
+   }
+   return false;
+ }
+ bool Sema::checkCommonAttributeFeatures(const Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &A,
+                                         bool SkipArgCountCheck) {
+   return ::checkCommonAttributeFeatures(*this, D, A, SkipArgCountCheck);
+ }
+ bool Sema::checkCommonAttributeFeatures(const Stmt *S, const ParsedAttr &A,
+                                         bool SkipArgCountCheck) {
+   return ::checkCommonAttributeFeatures(*this, S, A, SkipArgCountCheck);
+ }
+diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c b/clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c
+index c986d9cff2a1..806da25dcef8 100644
+--- a/clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c
++++ b/clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c
+@@ -1,226 +1,240 @@
+ // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexperimental-strict-floating-point -ffp-exception-behavior=strict -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,STRICT %s
+ // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexperimental-strict-floating-point -ffp-exception-behavior=strict -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm %s -o - -fms-extensions -DMS | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,STRICT %s
+ // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexperimental-strict-floating-point -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,DEFAULT %s
+ float func_00(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_00
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: fadd float
+ #ifdef MS
+ #pragma fenv_access (on)
+ #else
+ #endif
+ float func_01(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_01
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_02(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma float_control(except, off)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_02
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ float func_03(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_03
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ #ifdef MS
+ #pragma fenv_access (off)
+ #else
+ #endif
+ float func_04(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma float_control(except, off)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_04
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ // DEFAULT: fadd float
+ float func_04a(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma float_control(except, on)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_04a
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_05(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_05
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_06(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma float_control(except, off)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_06
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ // DEFAULT: fadd float
+ float func_07(float x, float y) {
+   x -= y;
+   if (x) {
+     #pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON
+     y *= 2.0F;
+   }
+   return y + 4.0F;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_07
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fsub.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fsub.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ float func_08(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_08
+ // CHECK:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.upward", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_09(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_09
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_10(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma clang fp exceptions(ignore)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_10
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ float func_11(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma clang fp exceptions(ignore)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_11
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ // DEFAULT: fadd float
+ float func_12(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma clang fp exceptions(maytrap)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_12
+ // CHECK:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.maytrap")
+ float func_13(float x, float y) {
+   #pragma clang fp exceptions(maytrap)
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_13
+ // CHECK:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.upward", metadata !"fpexcept.maytrap")
+ float func_14(float x, float y, float z) {
+   float res = x * y;
+   {
+     #pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS OFF
+     return res + z;
+   }
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_14
+ // STRICT:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // STRICT:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ float func_15(float x, float y, float z) {
+   float res = x * y;
+   {
+     #pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS OFF
+     return res + z;
+   }
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_15
+ // STRICT:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.towardzero", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // STRICT:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.towardzero", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.towardzero", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32({{.*}}, metadata !"round.towardzero", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ float func_16(float x, float y) {
+   x -= y;
+   {
+     #pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON
+     y *= 2.0F;
+   }
+   {
+     #pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON
+     return y + 4.0F;
+   }
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_16
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fsub.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fsub.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.ignore")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fmul.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_17(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_17
+ // CHECK: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ float func_18(float x, float y) {
+   return x + y;
+ }
+ // CHECK-LABEL: @func_18
+ // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ // DEFAULT: fadd float
++float func_19(float x, float y) {
++  return x + y;
++// CHECK-LABEL: @func_19
++// STRICT:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float %0, float %1, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
++float func_20(float x, float y) {
++  return x + y;
++// CHECK-LABEL: @func_20
++// STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
++// DEFAULT: fadd float
Index: clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c
--- clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c
+++ clang/test/CodeGen/pragma-fenv_access.c
@@ -224,3 +224,17 @@
 // STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
 // DEFAULT: fadd float
+float func_19(float x, float y) {
+  return x + y;
+// CHECK-LABEL: @func_19
+// STRICT:  call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float %0, float %1, metadata !"round.dynamic", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+float func_20(float x, float y) {
+  return x + y;
+// CHECK-LABEL: @func_20
+// STRICT: call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.fadd.f32(float {{.*}}, float {{.*}}, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+// DEFAULT: fadd float
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
@@ -1336,6 +1336,8 @@
       Diag(Loc, diag::err_pragma_fenv_requires_precise);
+  if (!IsEnabled)
+    NewFPFeatures.setDisallowFenvAccess(IsEnabled);
   FpPragmaStack.Act(Loc, PSK_Set, StringRef(), NewFPFeatures);
   CurFPFeatures = NewFPFeatures.applyOverrides(getLangOpts());
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h
@@ -843,6 +843,8 @@
+  void setDisallowFenvAccess(bool Value) { setRoundingMathOverride(Value); }
   void setFPPreciseEnabled(bool Value) {
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