carlosgalvezp added a comment.

Thank you for the contribution! Looks good in general, have minor comments.

Comment at: 
+.. title:: clang-tidy - performance-avoid-endl
Please wrap file to 80 chars

Comment at: 
+Using ``std::endl`` on iostreams can be less efficient than using the newline 
character ``'\n'`` because ``std::endl`` performs two operations: it writes a 
newline character to the output stream and then flushes the stream buffer. 
Writing a single newline character using ``'\n'`` does not trigger a flush, 
which can improve performance. In addition, flushing the stream buffer can 
cause additional overhead when working with streams that are buffered.
Nit: maybe document the rationale for using `'\n'` instead of `"\n"`? 
Readability-wise it's more consistent to always use double-quotes.

Comment at: 
+The ``std::endl`` on line 4 performs two operations: it writes a newline 
character to the ``std::cout`` stream and then flushes the stream buffer. This 
can be less efficient than using the newline character ``'\n'`` instead:
The rendering does not display lines numbers so this can be confusing. I 
believe we can just omit it - it's clear what it's referring too.

Comment at: 
+The ``std::endl`` on line 4 performs two operations: it writes a newline 
character to the ``std::cout`` stream and then flushes the stream buffer. This 
can be less efficient than using the newline character ``'\n'`` instead:
carlosgalvezp wrote:
> The rendering does not display lines numbers so this can be confusing. I 
> believe we can just omit it - it's clear what it's referring too.
This is repetition of the Rationale on line 8, I would just remove it and say 
"this gets transformed into:"

Comment at: 
+  std::cout << "World" << std::endl;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:27: warning: do not use std::endl with 
iostreams; use '\n' instead
+  std::cerr << "World" << std::endl;
Use CHECK-FIXES to also test the fixes.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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