daiyousei-qz added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/InlayHints.cpp:578
+    constexpr unsigned HintMinLineLimit = 2;
+    constexpr unsigned HintMaxLengthLimit = 50;
nridge wrote:
> daiyousei-qz wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > We actually already have a configurable inlay hint length limit.
> > > It has the wrong name (`TypeNameLimit`) , but I think we should use it 
> > > anyway (and maybe try to fix the name later).
> > > 
> > > (I'm not sure making this configurable was a great idea, but given that 
> > > it exists, people will expect it to effectively limit the length of hints)
> > `TypeNameLimit` was introduced to limit the length of "DeducedTypes" only. 
> > I don't think using that number for all hints is a good idea because 
> > different hints appear in different contexts. For deduced type hint, it is 
> > displayed in the middle of the actual code, so it must be concise to not 
> > overwhelm the actual code. However, this hint is usually displayed at the 
> > end of an almost empty line. A much larger number of characters should be 
> > allowed.
> > 
> > (I'm not arguing here, but IMO such options are definitely helpful. Not 
> > everybody would fork llvm-project and build their own version of clangd 
> > binary. Without options to configure length of hints, people would disable 
> > "DeducedTypes" entirely if they cannot tolerate the default length limit, 
> > while this feature is definitely a cool thing to turn on. Personally, I 
> > actually think clangd has too little option compared to say rust-analyzer. 
> > But it's just my understanding)
> > For deduced type hint, it is displayed in the middle of the actual code, so 
> > it must be concise to not overwhelm the actual code. However, this hint is 
> > usually displayed at the end of an almost empty line. A much larger number 
> > of characters should be allowed.
> Another consideration besides the location of the hint that is worth keeping 
> in mind, is what type of content is being printed.
> Type names in C++ are composable in ways that identifiers are not (e.g. 
> `vector<basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char>, 
> allocator<basic_string<...>>` etc.), such that there is a need to limit type 
> hints that doesn't really apply to say, parameter hints.
> So, a question I have here is: can template argument lists appear in an 
> end-definition-comment hint?
> For example, for:
> ```
> template <typename T>
> struct S {
>   void foo();
> };
> template <typename T>
> void S::foo() {
> }  // <--- HERE
> ```
> is the hint at the indicated location `S::foo()`, or `S<T>::foo()`? In the 
> latter case, we can imagine the hint getting long due to the type parameters, 
> and we may want to consider either limiting its length, or tweaking the code 
> to not print the type parameters.
Yes, currently this hint is only shown if the total length of hint label is 
less than 60 characters. I believe what we display should be exactly what is 
used to define the symbol. In your example,

template <typename T>
struct S {
  void foo();

template <typename T>
void S<T>::foo() {
}  // S<T>::foo
Basically, "[A]" and "[B]" is the same text (OFC excluding whitespaces).
void [A]() {
} // [B]
The hint won't be displayed if "[B]" is more than 60 characters.

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