pengfei added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Headers/avx2intrin.h:3474
+///   IF __M[j+31] == 1
+///     result[j+31:j] := Load32(__X+(i*4))
+///   ELSE
probinson wrote:
> pengfei wrote:
> > probinson wrote:
> > > pengfei wrote:
> > > > A more intrinsic guide format is `MEM[__X+j:j]`
> > > LoadXX is the syntax in the gather intrinsics, e.g. 
> > > _mm_mask_i32gather_pd. I'd prefer to be consistent.
> > I think the problem here is the measurement is easily confusing.
> > From C point of view, `__X` is a `int` pointer, so we should `+ i` rather 
> > than `i * 4`
> > From the other part of the code, we are measuring in bits, but here `i * 4` 
> > is a byte offset.
> Well, the pseudo-code is clearly not C. If you look at the gather code, it 
> computes a byte address using an offset multiplied by an explicit scale 
> factor. I am doing exactly the same here.
> The syntax `MEM[__X+j:j]` is mixing a byte address with a bit offset, which I 
> think is more confusing. To be fully consistent, using `[]` with bit offsets 
> only, it should be
> ```
> k := __X*8 + i*32
> result[j+31:j] := MEM[k+31:k]
> ```
> which I think obscures more than it explains.
Yeah, it's not C code here. But we are easy to fall into C concepts, e.g., why 
assuming __X is measuring in bytes?
That's why I think it's clear to make both in bits.
I made a mistake here, I wanted to propose `MEM[__X+j+31: __X+j]`. It matches 
with [[,4058,4059,4053,665,3890,5959,5910,3870,4280&text=_mm256_maskload_epi32
 | Intrinsic Guide ]].


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