capfredf marked an inline comment as not done.
capfredf added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Interpreter/CodeCompletion.cpp:84
+  std::string AllCodeText =
+      MainInterp.getAllInput() + "\nvoid dummy(){\n" + Buffer.str() + "}";
+  auto Lines = std::count(AllCodeText.begin(), AllCodeText.end(), '\n') + 1;
capfredf wrote:
> v.g.vassilev wrote:
> > I am not sure why we need to wrap this code. Can we teach the 
> > `TopLevelStmtDecl` to work with the code completion logic?
> I think the problem has less to do with the TopLevelStmtDecl. Usually, a 
> `TopLevelStmtDecl` instance is a successful result from `ParseXXXXX`,  but 
> when `CodeCompletion` is triggered during parsing, nothing meaning comes out 
> from `ParseXXXX`.  
> We need to wrap our input because we need `Sema::CodeCompleteOrdinaryName` to 
> work on code from the REPL in a different completion context than the same 
> code from a regular source file.
> In a regular C++ file, 
> ```
> int foo = 42;
> f_
> ```
> Since top-level expressions are not supported, `foo` should not be an option. 
> But in a REPL session,
> ```
> clang-repl> int foo = 42;
> clang-repl> f_
> ```
> we are allowed to use `foo` to make a statement like `foo + 84;`.
> Since the argument for `CompletionContext` to `CodeCompleteOrdinaryName` is 
> controlled by the parsing process, ie. there is no way to configure it from 
> outside, I think faking context is a straightforward solution. 
> Alternatively, we can check if the compiler is in incremental mode and call 
> `CodeCompleteOrdinaryName` with the context we want in parsing. Something 
> like:
> ```
> if (PP.isIncrementalProcessingEnabled() {
>   Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(), Sema::PCC_Statement);
> } else {
>   Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(), Sema::PCC_Namespace);
> }
> ```
> I personally think both solutions are extensionally equivalent, but the 
> alternative is a bit intrusive. 
I think the combination of checking `isIncrementalProcessingEnabled` and adding 
a new PCC might be better since it is really a different context at the REPL

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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