kadircet added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:85
     auto Task = [FIndex(FIndex), Path(Path.str()), Version(Version.str()),
-                 ASTCtx(std::move(ASTCtx)),
-                 CanonIncludes(CanonIncludes)]() mutable {
+                 ASTCtx(std::move(ASTCtx)), PI]() mutable {
       trace::Span Tracer("PreambleIndexing");
nit: `PI(std::move(PI))`

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:1086
         Callbacks.onPreambleAST(FileName, Inputs.Version, std::move(ASTCtx),
-                                CanonIncludes);
+                                PI);
nit: s/PI/std::move(PI)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp:672
 llvm::StringRef CanonicalIncludes::mapHeader(FileEntryRef Header) const {
   if (!StdSuffixHeaderMapping)
we're no longer using any `FileEntry` pieces of this parameter you can take in 
just a `llvm::StringRef HeaderPath` instead.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.h:40
   /// Adds a file-to-string mapping from \p ID to \p CanonicalPath.
   void addMapping(FileEntryRef Header, llvm::StringRef CanonicalPath);
VitaNuo wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > AFAICT, only users of this endpoint were in `IWYUCommentHandler` (and some 
> > tests). we can also get rid of this one now.
> > 
> > More importantly now this turns into a mapper used only by symbolcollector, 
> > that can be cheaply created at use time (we just copy around a pointer 
> > every time we want to create it). so you can drop `CanonicalIncludes` from 
> > all of the interfaces, including `SymbolCollector::Options` and create one 
> > on demand in `HeaderFileURICache`. all we need is langopts, and it's 
> > available through preprocessor (not necessarily on construction, but at the 
> > time when we want to do the mappings).
> > 
> > As you're already touching all of the interfaces that propagate 
> > `CanonicalIncludes` around, hopefully this change should only make things 
> > simpler (and you already need to touch them when you rebase), but if that 
> > feels like too much churn in this patch feel free to do that in a follow up 
> > as well.
> > ... and create one on demand in HeaderFileURICache. all we need is 
> > langopts, and it's available through preprocessor (not necessarily on 
> > construction, but at the time when we want to do the mappings
> This time sounds a little late, since we don't want to rebuild the system 
> header mapping every time we request a mapping for a particular header. 
> Cache construction time doesn't work, since it happens before the 
> preprocessor is set in the symbol collector (and we need the preprocessor to 
> retrieve language options).
> So far the safe place I've found is right after the preprocessor is set in 
> the symbol collector. Another option is to collect the system header options 
> in the finish() method, but I can't see why we would need to delay until 
> then. 
> This time sounds a little late, since we don't want to rebuild the system 
> header mapping every time we request a mapping for a particular header.

System header mapping is a singleton, we build it statically once on first 
request throughout the whole process and just use that for the rest of the 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/FileIndex.cpp:49
+    const MainFileMacros *MacroRefsToIndex,
+    std::shared_ptr<const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes> PI,
+    bool IsIndexMainAST, llvm::StringRef Version, bool CollectMainFileRefs) {
again you can have a `const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes &` without 
`shared_ptr` here.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/FileIndex.h:118
+                 Preprocessor &PP,
+                 std::shared_ptr<const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes> PI);
   void updatePreamble(IndexFileIn);
you can have a `const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes& PI` directly both in 
here and in `indexHeaderSymbols`.

after building a preamble we always have a non-null PragmaIncludes and these 
functions are always executed synchronously, so no need to extend ownership and 
make the code indirect.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/IndexAction.cpp:230
-  auto Includes = std::make_unique<CanonicalIncludes>();
-  Opts.Includes = Includes.get();
-  return std::make_unique<IndexAction>(
-      std::make_shared<SymbolCollector>(std::move(Opts)), std::move(Includes),
-      IndexOpts, SymbolsCallback, RefsCallback, RelationsCallback,
-      IncludeGraphCallback);
+  auto PragmaIncludes = std::make_shared<include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes>();
+  Opts.PragmaIncludes = PragmaIncludes;
you can have a unique_ptr here instead (once we store a non-owning pointer in 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:407
+    if (auto Verbatim = PI->getPublic(SM.getFileEntryForID(FID));
+        !Verbatim.empty())

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:793
+      S, DefLoc,
+      include_cleaner::Macro{const_cast<IdentifierInfo *>(Name), DefLoc});
you can actually change `include_cleaner::Macro` to have a `const 
IdentifierInfo*` instead of the `const_cast` here. it's mostly an oversight to 
store a non-const `IdentifierInfo` in the first place.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:839
+  if (!Headers.empty())
+    SymbolProviders.insert({S.ID, Headers[0]});
once we have the optional<Header> as the value type you can also rewrite this 
auto [It, Inserted] = SymbolProviders.try_emplace(S.ID);
if (Inserted) {
  auto Providers = include_cleaner::headersForSymbol(Sym, SM, 
  if(!Providers.empty()) It->second = Providers.front();

that way we can get rid of some redundant calls to `headersForSymbol`

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:895
+          !IncludeHeader.empty()) {
+        NewSym.IncludeHeaders.push_back({IncludeHeader, 1, Directives});
+        Symbols.insert(NewSym);
you can move the copy into this branch to make sure we're only doing that when 
necessary, e.g:
if(auto IncludeHeader = ...) {
  Symbol NewSym = *S;

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:907
+    auto It = SymbolProviders.find(SID);
+    if (It == SymbolProviders.end())
+      continue;
FWIW, i think we should `assert(It != SymbolProviders.end())` (or 
`IncludeFiles.end()` when you change the outer loop). as we're inserting into 
these maps simultaneously.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:910
+    const auto &H = It->second;
+    llvm::DenseMap<include_cleaner::Header, std::string> HeaderSpelling;
+    const auto [SpellingIt, Inserted] = HeaderSpelling.try_emplace(H);
we're not really getting any caching benefits as this map is inside the loop. 
can you put it outside the loop body?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:913
+    if (!Inserted)
+      continue;
+    switch (H.kind()) {
we shouldn't `continue` here, it just means we can directly use `SpellingIt` to 
figure out what to put into `NewSym.IncludeHeaders`.

maybe something like:

auto [SpellingIt, Inserted] = HeaderSpelling.try_emplace(H);
if (Inserted)
  SpellingIt-> second = getSpelling(H, *PP);
if(!SpellingIt->second.empty()) {
  Symbol NewSym = *S;
  NewSym.IncludeHeaders.push_back({SpellingIt->second, 1, Directives});

std::string getSpelling(const include_cleaner::Header &H, const Preprocessor 
&PP) {
  if(H.kind() == Physical) {
   // Check if we have a mapping for the header in system includes.
   // FIXME: get rid of this once stdlib mapping covers these system headers 
   CanonicalIncludes CI;
    if (auto Canonical = CI.mapHeader(H.physical()->getLastRef()); 
        return Canonical;
    if (!tooling::isSelfContainedHeader(...))
        return "";
  // Otherwise use default spelling strategies in include_cleaner.
  return include_cleaner::spellHeader(H);

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:250
+  // of whether it's an otherwise-good header (header guards etc).
+  llvm::StringRef mapCanonical(FileID FID) {
+    if (SysHeaderMapping) {
VitaNuo wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > let's change the interface here to take in a `FileEntry` instead.
> I believe it has to be `FileEntryRef` instead. This is what the 
> `CanonicalIncludes::mapHeader` expects, and this is also seems right 
> (somewhere in the Clang docs I've read "everything that needs a name should 
> use `FileEntryRef`", and name is exactly what `CanonicalIncludes::mapHeader` 
> needs). 
> For the case of a physical header (i.e., `FileEntry` instance) I've switched 
> to using `getLastRef` now. There's also another API `FileManager::getFileRef` 
> where I could try passing the result of `tryGetRealPathName`. I am not sure I 
> have enough information to judge if any of these options is distinctly better.
yeah `getLastRef` is fine, i was mostly trying to avoid dodgy call to 

you can also pass in just a `llvm::StringRef HeaderPath` now, as we're not 
using anything but file path. which you can retreive with `getName` from both 
FileEntry and FileEntryRef

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:849
+      shouldCollectIncludePath(S.SymInfo.Kind) != Symbol::Invalid)
+    SymbolProviders[S.ID] = std::move(Headers);
VitaNuo wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > because you're taking in `Headers` as `const`, this move is not actually 
> > moving.
> Ok, this is not relevant anymore, but I am not sure I understand why. Am I 
> not allowed to say that I don't need this variable/memory anymore, even 
> though it's `const`?
`std::move` is unfortunately a little bit misleading at times. it is just a 
`cast` that returns an rvalue reference. hence on its own it doesn't actually 
`move` anything.

but it enables picking rvalue versions of constructors/assignment operators. 
(e.g. `Foo(Foo&&)` or `operator=(Foo&&)`) which can be implemented efficiently 
with the assumption that RHS object is being "moved from" and will no longer be 
used. that way certain types implement a move semantics by just consuming the 
RHS object. unfortunately that is not possbile when RHS is `const`, and 
expressions use regular copy semantics instead.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:877
   // We delay this until end of TU so header guards are all resolved.
   for (const auto &[SID, FID] : IncludeFiles) {
     if (const Symbol *S = Symbols.find(SID)) {
VitaNuo wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > let's iterate over `SymbolProviders` instead, as `IncludeFiles` is a legacy 
> > struct now.
> Not sure I'm following. Iterating over `SymbolProviders` means retrieving 
> `include_cleaner::Header`s. How would I handle the entire Obj-C part then, 
> without the FID of the include header? 
we're joining `IncludeFiles` and `SymbolProviders`, as they have the same keys.

right now you're iterating over the keys in `IncludeFiles` and doing a lookup 
into `SymbolProviders` using that key to get providers.
we can also do the iteration over `SymbolProviders` and do the lookup into 
`IncludeFiles` instead to find associated `FID`.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.h:64
+    /// different #include path specified by IWYU pragmas.
+    std::shared_ptr<const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes> PragmaIncludes =
+        nullptr;
no need to have ownership here, we can have just a `const 
include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes* PI`. SymbolCollector shouldn't need to extend 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.h:130
     this->PP = PP.get();
+    SysHeaderMapping.addSystemHeadersMapping(PP->getLangOpts());
+  }
as mentioned above `addSystemHeadersMapping` is cheap after the first call in 
the process, we initialize the mappings only once. so you can just have it as a 
member in `HeaderFileURICache`, and drop it completely from the public 
interface of `SymbolCollector`

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.h:186
+  // The final spelling is calculated in finish().
+  llvm::DenseMap<SymbolID, include_cleaner::Header> SymbolProviders;
can we have a `llvm::DenseMap<SymbolID, 
std::optional<include_cleaner::Header>>`, to indicate there are no providers 
for a symbol, rather than missing the symbol completely from the mapping?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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