Fznamznon added a comment.

> Can you explain why the fix fixes the bug?

Sure, let me try. To be honest, I'm not very familiar with the code either, so 
I'll describe how I came to the fix. I'll be using added test 
`clang/test/SemaTemplate/gh61159.cpp` as example of failing code. The issue 
happens when instantiating `X<int>::impl::f`.
So, the original assertion reported by 
https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/61159 happens in a function 
`Sema::BuildExpressionFromIntegralTemplateArgument`, because it expects 
non-type integral argument, but receives type argument:

  7955        Sema::BuildExpressionFromIntegralTemplateArgument(const 
TemplateArgument &Arg,
  7956                                                          SourceLocation 
Loc) {       
  7957          assert(Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Integral &&           
  7958                 "Operation is only valid for integral template 
  (gdb) p Arg.dump()
  int  // that is type argument `int` from outer specialization of struct X.

So, let's see where the argument comes from, for this I went two frames of back 
upper, to function `TemplateInstantiator::TransformTemplateParmRefExpr`:

  1789          TemplateArgument Arg = TemplateArgs(NTTP->getDepth(), 
  NTTP is a NonTypeTemplateParmDecl that represents template parameter ct of 
function f
  (gdb) p NTTP->dump()
  NonTypeTemplateParmDecl 0x14b76380 <t.cpp:8:14, col:18> col:18 referenced 
'int' depth 0 index 0 ct
  TemplateArgs is a MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList - data structure containing 
arguments for current instantiation 
  (gdb) p TemplateArgs.dump()
  NumRetainedOuterLevels: 0
  0: <int>
  1: <17>
  We see it has two arguments - "int" and "17", we should be processing "17" 
but instead end up with "int". Both have same indexes since there is only one 
argument possible, so they should have different depth. For "17" we have zero 
  (gdb) p NTTP->getDepth()
  $8 = 0

So, after that I went to the place where NonTypeTemplateParmDecl is created to 
see why it has depth "0" instead of "1".

  (gdb) b NonTypeTemplateParmDecl::Create
  (gdb) up several times to see where Depth parameters come from
  and it is here:
  130             if (ParseTemplateParameters(TemplateParamScopes,              
  132                                         TemplateParams, LAngleLoc, 
RAngleLoc)) {
  133               // Skip until the semi-colon or a '}'.                      
  134               SkipUntil(tok::r_brace, StopAtSemi | StopBeforeMatch);      
  135               TryConsumeToken(tok::semi);                                 
  136               return nullptr;                                             
  137             }                                                             
  CurTemplateDepthTracker.getDepth() is increased only if template parameter 
list of the declaration being parsed is not empty, i.e. when declaration we 
have is not an explicit specialization:
  139             ExprResult OptionalRequiresClauseConstraintER;
  140             if (!TemplateParams.empty()) {                
  141               isSpecialization = false;                   
  142               ++CurTemplateDepthTracker;                  
  But this is exactly what we have! So we end up having zero depth for our 

I tried increasing depth unconditionally but it broke handful of tests and 
seems zero depth for cases like this is on purpose so that is not the solution. 
So I figured similar test case which doesn't crash:

  template <>
  struct X<int> {
    struct impl {
          template<int ct>
          int f() { return ct; };

And went through the clang code that was failing for the original example:

  7954        ExprResult                                                        
  7955        Sema::BuildExpressionFromIntegralTemplateArgument(const 
TemplateArgument &Arg, 
  7956                                                          SourceLocation 
Loc) {        
  7957          assert(Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Integral &&           
  (gdb) p Arg.dump()
  17 // correct!
  Let's go see corresponding NTTP and MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList :
  1789          TemplateArgument Arg = TemplateArgs(NTTP->getDepth(), 
  (gdb) p NTTP->dump()
  NonTypeTemplateParmDecl 0x14b761b8 <t1.cpp:8:11, col:15> col:15 referenced 
'int' depth 0 index 0 ct // all same
  (gdb) p TemplateArgs.dump()
  NumRetainedOuterLevels: 0
  0: <17>
  TemplateArgs doesn't have "int" paramter at all so all is correct.

So, after that I went to see where `TemplateArgs` is formed. For this I went 
several stack frames and came to

  5075            MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs = 
  5076                Function, /*Final=*/false, nullptr, false, PatternDecl);

So, what `getTemplateInstantiationArgs` does, it goes from the declaration 
we're instantiating `X<int>::impl::f` to the outer contexts gathering required 
template arguments, it does so in a loop:

  334           while (!CurDecl->isFileContextDecl()) {                         
  343             } else if (const auto *ClassTemplSpec =                       
dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(CurDecl)) {               
  345               R = HandleClassTemplateSpec(ClassTemplSpec, Result,         
  346                                           SkipForSpecialization);         
  347             } else if (const auto *Function = 
dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CurDecl)) {               
  348               R = HandleFunction(Function, Result, Pattern, 
  349                                  ForConstraintInstantiation);             
  350             } else if (const auto *Rec = 
dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(CurDecl)) {                   
  351               R = HandleRecordDecl(Rec, Result, Context, 
  352             } else if (const auto *CSD =                                  
dyn_cast<ImplicitConceptSpecializationDecl>(CurDecl)) {             
  354               R = HandleImplicitConceptSpecializationDecl(CSD, Result);   
  355             } else if (const auto *FTD = 
dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(CurDecl)) {            
  356               R = HandleFunctionTemplateDecl(FTD, Result);                

So there is a bunch of handlers for each type of declaration met, for 
non-failing example we go first through `HandleFunctionTemplateDecl`  for `f` 
itself and add "17" to the resulting argument list:

  (gdb) p Result.dump()
  NumRetainedOuterLevels: 0
  0: <17>

then on next step `CurDecl` is `impl`:

  (gdb) p CurDecl->dump()
  CXXRecordDecl 0x14b76468 <t1.cpp:9:3, line:12:3> line:9:10 referenced struct 
impl definition

We go to `HandleRecordDecl` and add nothing since there is no template 
Next  `CurDecl` is `X`:

  (gdb) p CurDecl->dump()
  ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl 0x14b761c8 <t1.cpp:7:1, line:13:1> line:8:8 
struct X definition

We go to `HandleClassTemplateSpec` and add no arguments to the resulting list 
because what we have is explicit specialization of X:

  145         // Add template arguments from a class template instantiation.    
  146         Response                                                          
  147         HandleClassTemplateSpec(const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl 
  148                                 MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList &Result,   
  149                                 bool SkipForSpecialization) {             
  150           if (!ClassTemplSpec->isClassScopeExplicitSpecialization()) {    
  151             // We're done when we hit an explicit specialization.         
  152             if (ClassTemplSpec->getSpecializationKind() == 
TSK_ExplicitSpecialization &&
!isa<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(ClassTemplSpec))            // 
  154               return Response::Done();                                    
                                       // AND WE EXIT HERE WITHOUT ADDING "INT"
  (gdb) p ClassTemplSpec->getSpecializationKind()
  $8 = clang::TSK_ExplicitSpecialization

Ok, how the failing case is different? We end up in `HandleClassTemplateSpec` 
in the same way, but the difference is when you do

  template <>
  struct X<int>::impl {
  instead of
  template <>
  struct X<int> {
    struct impl {

specialization of X<int> becomes implicit:

  (gdb) p ClassTemplSpec->getSpecializationKind()
  $3 = clang::TSK_ImplicitInstantiation

And we don't exit, so adding "int" to resulting template argument list:

  156             if (!SkipForSpecialization)                                   
  157               Result.addOuterTemplateArguments(                           
  158                   const_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl 
  160                   /*Final=*/false);             
  (gdb) p Result.dump()
  NumRetainedOuterLevels: 0
  0: <int>
  1: <17> 

And I think, we shouldn't be adding "int" to the resulting list like we do in 
non-failing case. I don't think it brings any value to the instantiation, it 
just breaks the system. So I figured, we probably should exit somehow. And I 
noticed there is `CXXRecordDecl::getMemberSpecializationInfo` for the case of a 
non-template class member of a class template which we have in failing example. 
And what I understood from looking at it, `MemberSpecializationInfo` returned 
by it normally has `MSInfo->getTemplateSpecializationKind() = 
TSK_ExplicitSpecialization` if the outer template class was explicitly 
specialized somehow. So I inserted an early exit when we process `impl` struct, 
we don't process `X` for the failing case and the bug becomes fixed.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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