aaron.ballman added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D24349#537350, @Eugene.Zelenko wrote:

> Probably check should have options to extend list of containers and also to 
> assume all classes with integer type size() const and bool empty() const as 
> containers. It may be not trivial to find out all custom containers and last 
> option will be helpful to assemble such list.

I think this should actually have two options: one is a list of default-checked 
containers (default is the list of STL containers we previously had), and the 
other is a Boolean option for guessing at what might be a container based on 
function signature (default is true). This gives people a way to silence the 
diagnostic while still being useful. I would document what function signatures 
we use as our heuristic, but note that the function signatures we care about 
may change (for instance, we may decide that const-qualification is 
unimportant, or that we want to require begin()/end() functions, etc). I think 
`<standard integer type> size() const` and `bool empty() const` are a 
reasonable heuristic for a first pass.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/ContainerSizeEmptyCheck.cpp:33
@@ +32,3 @@
+  const auto validContainer = namedDecl(
+      has(functionDecl(
+          isPublic(), hasName("size"), returns(isInteger()),
omtcyfz wrote:
> Thank you!
> Blacklisted these types.
> Actually, I believe if someone has `bool size()` in their codebase there's 
> still a problem...
> Blacklisted these types.

I'm still not certain this is correct. For instance, if someone wants to do 
`uint8_t size() const;`, we shouldn't punish them because `uint8_t` happens to 
be `unsigned char` for their platform. But you are correct that we don't want 
this to work with char32_t, for instance.

I think the best approach is to make a local matcher for the type predicate. We 
want isInteger() unless it's char (that's not explicitly qualified with signed 
or unsigned), bool, wchar_t, char16_t, char32_t, or an enumeration type.

> Actually, I believe if someone has bool size() in their codebase there's 
> still a problem...

Agreed, though not as part of this check. ;-)


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