jansvoboda11 added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Serialization/ModuleFile.h:72
+  bool TopLevel;
+  bool ModuleMap;
benlangmuir wrote:
> Is there something using this new split? It seems like every user is using 
> `&&` for these
You're right. I recall needing this on (now probably abandoned) patch, so I 
thought I might as well add the extra bit now, sine I'm changing the format 
anyways. I'm fine with removing this.

Comment at: clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp:2411
   bool Transient = FI.Transient;
-  StringRef Filename = FI.Filename;
+  StringRef Filename = FI.FilenameAsRequested;
   uint64_t StoredContentHash = FI.ContentHash;
benlangmuir wrote:
> It's not clear to me why this one changed
This actually maintains the same semantics - `FI.Filename` was previously the 
as-requested path, now it's the on-disk path. Without changing this line, 
`FileManager::getFileRef()` would get called with the on-disk path, meaning 
consumers of this function would get the incorrect path when calling 
`FileEntryRef::getNameAsRequested()` on the returned file. I recall one 
clang-scan-deps test failing because of it.

Comment at: clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp:9323
+void ASTReader::visitInputFileInfos(
+    serialization::ModuleFile &MF, bool IncludeSystem,
benlangmuir wrote:
> Can we rewrite `visitInputFiles` on top of this?
I can try consolidating these in a follow-up if you're fine with that.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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