zyounan updated this revision to Diff 547566.
zyounan added a comment.

Merge changes with function templates from D155370 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang/unittests/Sema/CodeCompleteTest.cpp
--- clang/unittests/Sema/CodeCompleteTest.cpp
+++ clang/unittests/Sema/CodeCompleteTest.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,10 @@
     for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumResults; ++I) {
       auto R = Results[I];
       if (R.Kind == CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration) {
-        if (const auto *FD = llvm::dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(R.getDeclaration())) {
+        auto *ND = R.getDeclaration();
+        if (auto *Template = llvm::dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(ND))
+          ND = Template->getTemplatedDecl();
+        if (const auto *FD = llvm::dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(ND)) {
           CompletedFunctionDecl D;
           D.Name = FD->getNameAsString();
           D.CanBeCall = R.FunctionCanBeCall;
@@ -191,6 +194,10 @@
     struct Foo {
       static int staticMethod();
       int method() const;
+      template <typename T, int U>
+      void generic(T);
+      template <typename T, int U = 3>
+      static T staticGeneric();
       Foo() {
@@ -207,15 +214,25 @@
     struct OtherClass {
       OtherClass() {
         Foo f;
+        Derived d;
+        ; // Prevent parsing as 'f.f'
+        f.Foo::$canBeCall^
+        ;
+        d.Foo::$canBeCall^
     int main() {
       Foo f;
+      Derived d;
+      ; // Prevent parsing as 'f.f'
+      f.Foo::$canBeCall^
+      ;
+      d.Foo::$canBeCall^
@@ -223,12 +240,16 @@
     auto Results = CollectCompletedFunctions(Code.code(), P);
     EXPECT_THAT(Results, Contains(AllOf(named("method"), isStatic(false),
+    EXPECT_THAT(Results, Contains(AllOf(named("generic"), isStatic(false),
+                                        canBeCall(true))));
   for (const auto &P : Code.points("cannotBeCall")) {
     auto Results = CollectCompletedFunctions(Code.code(), P);
     EXPECT_THAT(Results, Contains(AllOf(named("method"), isStatic(false),
+    EXPECT_THAT(Results, Contains(AllOf(named("generic"), isStatic(false),
+                                        canBeCall(false))));
   // static method can always be a call
@@ -236,6 +257,8 @@
     auto Results = CollectCompletedFunctions(Code.code(), P);
     EXPECT_THAT(Results, Contains(AllOf(named("staticMethod"), isStatic(true),
+    EXPECT_THAT(Results, Contains(AllOf(named("staticGeneric"), isStatic(true),
+                                        canBeCall(true))));
Index: clang/test/CodeCompletion/member-access.cpp
--- clang/test/CodeCompletion/member-access.cpp
+++ clang/test/CodeCompletion/member-access.cpp
@@ -341,3 +341,14 @@
   // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-with-fixits -code-completion-at=%s:339:10 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-FIELD-DECLARED-VIA-USING %s
   // CHECK-FIELD-DECLARED-VIA-USING: [#int#]field (requires fix-it: {339:8-339:9} to "->")
+namespace function_can_be_call {
+  struct S {
+    template <typename T, typename U, typename V = int>
+    V foo(T, U);
+  };
+  &S::f
+  // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-at=%s:351:7 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK_FUNCTION_CAN_BE_CALL %s
+  // CHECK_FUNCTION_CAN_BE_CALL: COMPLETION: foo : [#V#]foo<<#typename T#>, <#typename U#>{#, <#typename V#>#}>(<#T#>, <#U#>)
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp
@@ -338,8 +338,11 @@
   /// \param InBaseClass whether the result was found in a base
   /// class of the searched context.
+  ///
+  /// \param BaseType the type of expression that precedes the "." or "->"
+  /// in a member access expression.
   void AddResult(Result R, DeclContext *CurContext, NamedDecl *Hiding,
-                 bool InBaseClass);
+                 bool InBaseClass, QualType BaseType);
   /// Add a new non-declaration result to this result set.
   void AddResult(Result R);
@@ -1262,7 +1265,8 @@
 void ResultBuilder::AddResult(Result R, DeclContext *CurContext,
-                              NamedDecl *Hiding, bool InBaseClass = false) {
+                              NamedDecl *Hiding, bool InBaseClass = false,
+                              QualType BaseType = QualType()) {
   if (R.Kind != Result::RK_Declaration) {
     // For non-declaration results, just add the result.
@@ -1380,11 +1384,13 @@
         OverloadSet.Add(Method, Results.size());
-  // When completing a non-static member function (and not via
-  // dot/arrow member access) and we're not inside that class' scope,
-  // it can't be a call.
+  // Decide whether or not a non-static member function can be a call.
   if (CompletionContext.getKind() == clang::CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Symbol) {
-    const auto *Method = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(R.getDeclaration());
+    const NamedDecl *ND = R.getDeclaration();
+    if (const auto *FuncTmpl = dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(ND)) {
+      ND = FuncTmpl->getTemplatedDecl();
+    }
+    const auto *Method = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(ND);
     if (Method && !Method->isStatic()) {
       // Find the class scope that we're currently in.
       // We could e.g. be inside a lambda, so walk up the DeclContext until we
@@ -1400,10 +1406,24 @@
         return nullptr;
+      // When completing a non-static member function (and not via
+      // dot/arrow member access) and we're not inside that class' scope,
+      // it can't be a call.
       R.FunctionCanBeCall =
           CurrentClassScope &&
           (CurrentClassScope == Method->getParent() ||
+      // If the member access "." or "->" is followed by a qualified Id and the
+      // object type is derived from or the same as that of the Id, then
+      // the candidate functions should be perceived as calls.
+      if (const CXXRecordDecl *MaybeDerived = nullptr;
+          !BaseType.isNull() &&
+          (MaybeDerived = BaseType->getAsCXXRecordDecl())) {
+        auto *MaybeBase = Method->getParent();
+        R.FunctionCanBeCall =
+            MaybeDerived == MaybeBase || MaybeDerived->isDerivedFrom(MaybeBase);
+      }
@@ -1679,7 +1699,7 @@
                  bool InBaseClass) override {
     ResultBuilder::Result Result(ND, Results.getBasePriority(ND), nullptr,
                                  false, IsAccessible(ND, Ctx), FixIts);
-    Results.AddResult(Result, InitialLookupCtx, Hiding, InBaseClass);
+    Results.AddResult(Result, InitialLookupCtx, Hiding, InBaseClass, BaseType);
   void EnteredContext(DeclContext *Ctx) override {
@@ -3550,10 +3570,12 @@
-    if (LastDeducibleArgument) {
+    if (LastDeducibleArgument || !FunctionCanBeCall) {
       // Some of the function template arguments cannot be deduced from a
       // function call, so we introduce an explicit template argument list
       // containing all of the arguments up to the first deducible argument.
+      // Or, if this isn't a call, emit all the template arguments
+      // to disambiguate the (potential) overloads.
       AddTemplateParameterChunks(Ctx, Policy, FunTmpl, Result,
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompletionStringsTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompletionStringsTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompletionStringsTests.cpp
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@
   void computeSignature(const CodeCompletionString &CCS,
                         CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind ResultKind =
-                            CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind::RK_Declaration) {
+                            CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind::RK_Declaration,
+                        bool DropFunctionArguments = false) {
     getSignature(CCS, &Signature, &Snippet, ResultKind,
+                 /*DropFunctionArguments=*/DropFunctionArguments,
@@ -156,6 +158,27 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(Snippet, " ${1:name} = $0;");
+TEST_F(CompletionStringTest, DropFunctionArguments) {
+  Builder.AddTypedTextChunk("foo");
+  Builder.AddChunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftAngle);
+  Builder.AddPlaceholderChunk("typename T");
+  Builder.AddChunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma);
+  Builder.AddPlaceholderChunk("int U");
+  Builder.AddChunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightAngle);
+  Builder.AddChunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen);
+  Builder.AddPlaceholderChunk("arg1");
+  Builder.AddChunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma);
+  Builder.AddPlaceholderChunk("arg2");
+  Builder.AddChunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen);
+  computeSignature(
+      *Builder.TakeString(),
+      /*ResultKind=*/CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind::RK_Declaration,
+      /*DropFunctionArguments=*/true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Signature, "<typename T, int U>(arg1, arg2)");
+  EXPECT_EQ(Snippet, "<${1:typename T}, ${2:int U}>");
 TEST_F(CompletionStringTest, IgnoreInformativeQualifier) {
   Builder.AddInformativeChunk("info ok");
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
@@ -532,45 +532,67 @@
       struct Foo {
         static int staticMethod();
         int method() const;
+        template <typename T, int U>
+        void generic(T);
+        template <typename T, int U = 3>
+        static T staticGeneric();
         Foo() {
-          this->$keepSnippet^
-          $keepSnippet^
-          Foo::$keepSnippet^
+          this->$canBeCall^
+          $canBeCall^
+          Foo::$canBeCall^
       struct Derived : Foo {
         Derived() {
-          Foo::$keepSnippet^
+          Foo::$canBeCall^
       struct OtherClass {
         OtherClass() {
           Foo f;
-          f.$keepSnippet^
-          &Foo::$noSnippet^
+          Derived d;
+          f.$canBeCall^
+          ; // Prevent parsing as 'f.f'
+          f.Foo::$canBeCall^
+          &Foo::$canNotBeCall^
+          ;
+          d.Foo::$canBeCall^
       int main() {
         Foo f;
-        f.$keepSnippet^
-        &Foo::$noSnippet^
+        Derived d;
+        f.$canBeCall^
+        ; // Prevent parsing as 'f.f'
+        f.Foo::$canBeCall^
+        &Foo::$canNotBeCall^
+        ;
+        d.Foo::$canBeCall^
   auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Code.code());
-  for (const auto &P : Code.points("noSnippet")) {
+  for (const auto &P : Code.points("canNotBeCall")) {
     auto Results = completions(TU, P, /*IndexSymbols*/ {}, Opts);
                 Contains(AllOf(named("method"), snippetSuffix(""))));
+        Results.Completions,
+        Contains(AllOf(named("generic"), signature("<typename T, int U>(T)"),
+                       snippetSuffix("<${1:typename T}, ${2:int U}>"))));
-  for (const auto &P : Code.points("keepSnippet")) {
+  for (const auto &P : Code.points("canBeCall")) {
     auto Results = completions(TU, P, /*IndexSymbols*/ {}, Opts);
                 Contains(AllOf(named("method"), snippetSuffix("()"))));
+    EXPECT_THAT(Results.Completions,
+                Contains(AllOf(
+                    named("generic"), signature("<typename T, int U>(T)"),
+                    snippetSuffix("<${1:typename T}, ${2:int U}>(${3:T})"))));
   // static method will always keep the snippet
@@ -578,6 +600,10 @@
     auto Results = completions(TU, P, /*IndexSymbols*/ {}, Opts);
                 Contains(AllOf(named("staticMethod"), snippetSuffix("()"))));
+        Results.Completions,
+        Contains(AllOf(named("staticGeneric"), signature("<typename T>()"),
+                       snippetSuffix("<${1:typename T}>()"))));
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.h
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@
 /// If set, RequiredQualifiers is the text that must be typed before the name.
 /// e.g "Base::" when calling a base class member function that's hidden.
+/// \p DropFunctionArguments indicates that the function call arguments should
+/// be omitted from the \p Snippet. If enabled, the \p Snippet will only contain
+/// function name and template arguments, if any.
 /// When \p ResultKind is RK_Pattern, the last placeholder will be $0,
 /// indicating the cursor should stay there.
 /// Note that for certain \p CursorKind like \p CXCursor_Constructor, $0 won't
@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@
 void getSignature(const CodeCompletionString &CCS, std::string *Signature,
                   std::string *Snippet,
                   CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind ResultKind,
-                  CXCursorKind CursorKind,
+                  CXCursorKind CursorKind, bool DropFunctionArguments = false,
                   std::string *RequiredQualifiers = nullptr);
 /// Assembles formatted documentation for a completion result. This includes
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "clang/AST/RawCommentList.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
 #include "clang/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
 #include <limits>
 #include <utility>
@@ -118,7 +119,8 @@
 void getSignature(const CodeCompletionString &CCS, std::string *Signature,
                   std::string *Snippet,
                   CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind ResultKind,
-                  CXCursorKind CursorKind, std::string *RequiredQualifiers) {
+                  CXCursorKind CursorKind, bool DropFunctionArguments,
+                  std::string *RequiredQualifiers) {
   // Placeholder with this index will be $0 to mark final cursor position.
   // Usually we do not add $0, so the cursor is placed at end of completed text.
   unsigned CursorSnippetArg = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
@@ -138,6 +140,15 @@
   unsigned SnippetArg = 0;
   bool HadObjCArguments = false;
   bool HadInformativeChunks = false;
+  // This variable would be discarded directly at the end of this function. We
+  // store part of the chunks of snippets here if DropFunctionArguments is
+  // enabled. This way, the CCS iteration won't be interrupted, and the
+  // Signature for the function would be preserved.
+  // It is preferable if we don't produce the arguments at the clang site. But
+  // that would also lose the signatures, which could sometimes help users to
+  // understand the context.
+  std::string DiscardedSnippet;
   for (const auto &Chunk : CCS) {
     // Informative qualifier chunks only clutter completion results, skip
     // them.
@@ -244,6 +255,10 @@
     case CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen:
     case CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen:
+      if (DropFunctionArguments &&
+          ResultKind == CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration)
+        Snippet = &DiscardedSnippet;
     case CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftBracket:
     case CodeCompletionString::CK_RightBracket:
     case CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftBrace:
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeComplete.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeComplete.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeComplete.cpp
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@
     bool IsConcept = false;
     if (C.SemaResult) {
       getSignature(*SemaCCS, &S.Signature, &S.SnippetSuffix, C.SemaResult->Kind,
-                   C.SemaResult->CursorKind, &Completion.RequiredQualifier);
-      if (!C.SemaResult->FunctionCanBeCall)
-        S.SnippetSuffix.clear();
+                   C.SemaResult->CursorKind,
+                   /*DropFunctionArguments=*/!C.SemaResult->FunctionCanBeCall,
+                   /*RequiredQualifiers=*/&Completion.RequiredQualifier);
       S.ReturnType = getReturnType(*SemaCCS);
       if (C.SemaResult->Kind == CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration)
         if (const auto *D = C.SemaResult->getDeclaration())
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