Keenuts added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/unittests/TargetParser/TripleTest.cpp:1307
Anastasia wrote:
> pmatos wrote:
> > Keenuts wrote:
> > > pmatos wrote:
> > > > I am not well-versed in SPIRV for gfx but if we are using 32bits in 
> > > > SPIRV logical, can't we reuse spirv32? Is there some sort of strong 
> > > > reason not to or adding spirv for logical spirv as an alternative to 
> > > > spirv32 and spirv64 is just easier?
> > > This is a very valid question! And I'm not sure of the best option.
> > > My understanding is: in logical SPIR-V, there are no notion of pointer 
> > > size, or architecture size. We cannot offset pointers by a sizeof(), or 
> > > do such things.
> > > 
> > > But the options I had didn't seem to allow this kind of "undefined 
> > > architecture".
> > > I chose 32bits here because the IDs are 32bit. But pointer addresses are 
> > > not, so returning 32bit is not quite right either.
> > > 
> > > 
> > This is a tricky one tbh - I would have to do a bit more research to have a 
> > more insighful reply here. Maybe @mpaszkowski or @Anastasia can add more.
> I think to do this properly in LLVM would require an IR extension or 
> something, it is maybe worth starting RFC to discuss this.
> Out of curiosity do you have any code that can be compiled from any GFX 
> source language that would need a pointer size to be emitted in IR? If there 
> is no code that can be written in such a way then using one fixed pointer 
> width could be ok. Then the SPIR-V backend should just recognise it and lower 
> as required. Otherwise target configurable types might be useful: 
> In general we tried to avoid adding bitwidth neutral SPIR-V triple originally 
> just because LLVM always requires a pointer width. We were thinking of adding 
> vulkan as a component to the existing SPIR-V 34|64 targets 

Thanks for the feedback!
I asked around, and it seems that no, we cannot write code that pointer 
arithmetic or requires the pointer size that I know of.
The code that could require is changes the memory modal to something else, like 
this proposal:
But here, the memory model is PhysicalStorageBuffer64, which tells us pointers 
are 64bit.

We also have the SPV_KHR_variable_pointers extension 
which specifically says pointers have no size or bit pattern...

> Otherwise target configurable types might be useful

Not familiar enough with LLVM/Clang to fully understand, so reformulating we'd 
- the target would return 32-bit, even if we have no pointer size
- the IR would not use classic pointers at all, since their type would be 
- the IR would use this newly created type (let's call is LogicalPointer) 
instead of real pointers.
- the backend would then convert this new type to something else when lowering.

If that's the case, seems fair, I'd follow this advice.

> We were thinking of adding vulkan as a component to the existing SPIR-V 34|64 
> targets
Same idea here, add VulkanX to the OSType part of the triple (replacing the 
ShaderModel used for DXIL).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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