victorkingi added inline comments.

Comment at: flang/lib/Frontend/FrontendActions.cpp:976-1011
+  void
+  optimizationRemarkHandler(const llvm::DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase &d) {
+    if (d.isPassed()) {
+      // Optimization remarks are active only if the -Rpass flag has a regular
+      // expression that matches the name of the pass name in \p d.
+      if (codeGenOpts.OptimizationRemark.patternMatches(d.getPassName()))
+        emitOptimizationMessage(
awarzynski wrote:
The if statement still needs to return if the pattern doesn't match, should I 
leave it the way it is?

Comment at: flang/lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp:30
 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include <clang/Basic/DiagnosticFrontend.h>
awarzynski wrote:
> No longer needed, right? Also, please use the the format consistent with the 
> other `#include`s.
It's needed in the case of `clang::diag::warn_unknown_diag_option` in 
`emitUnknownDiagWarning` function.

Comment at: flang/lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp:117
+void processWarningOptions(clang::DiagnosticsEngine &diags,
+                           const clang::DiagnosticOptions &opts,
awarzynski wrote:
> awarzynski wrote:
> > ?
> I find this method quite confusing.
> 1. It doesn't process warning options - it processes remarks options (so the 
> name is inaccurate).
> 2. It deals with `-Rpass -Rno-pass` cases (i.e. postive + negative flag), but 
> that's normally done in CompilerInvocation when parsing other options. See 
> e.g. 
>  Why not use that logic instead?
> 3. It's been extracted from Clang - it would be very helpful to note that and 
> highlight the difference between this method and similar method in Clang.
> 4. You can safely trim it to only deal with Remarks (so e.g. update `const 
> clang::DiagnosticOptions &opts,` in the signature)
> Now, I am not requesting any major refactor here - I appreciate that e.g. 
> these remark flags are defined a bit differently to other flags. But this 
> method can be simplified and should be documented.
I found it difficult including it in `CompilerInvocation.cpp` 
`parseCodeGenArgs` function since we are updating the DiagnosticsEngine object 
belonging to CompilerInstance not the other. We would have to expose the 
`DiagnosticsEngine` in `CompilerInvocation` class to do this. Would there be 
another way?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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