donat.nagy added a comment.

The results on open-source projects are depressing, but acceptable. This 
checker is looking for a serious defect, so it doesn't find any true positives 
on stable versions of open-source projects; however it produces a steady 
trickle of false positives because the Clang SA engine regularly misinterprets 
complicated code. As this patch allows this checker to analyze more situations, 
it introduces no true positives and a manageable amount of false positives (on 
average ~1/project).

Table of raw results:

| memcached | New reports 
                           | Lost reports 
                           | no change                                          
| tmux      | New reports 
                                         | Lost reports 
                                         | no change                            
| twin      | New reports 
                                   | Lost reports 
                                   | no change                                  
| vim       | New reports 
                               | Lost reports 
                               | no change                                      
| openssl   | New reports 
 | Lost reports 
 | no change                                                               |
| sqlite    | New reports 
               | Lost reports 
               | no change                                                      
| ffmpeg    | New reports 
                               | Lost reports 
                               | four new reports (probably FPs), two of them 
are from the same macro    |
| postgres  | New reports 
                       | Lost reports 
                       | two new false positives                                
| tinyxml2  | New reports 
                             | Lost reports 
                             | no change                                        
| libwebm   | New reports 
         | Lost reports 
         | no change                                                            
| xerces    | New reports 
                               | Lost reports 
                               | no change                                      
| bitcoin   | New reports 
                           | Lost reports 
                           | no change                                          
| protobuf  | New reports 
                         | Lost reports 
                         | seven new FPs, but six of them are caused by 
incorrect config of our CI |
| qtbase    | New reports 
                               | Lost reports 
                               | one new FP and one new result of 
UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult          |
| contour   | New reports 
                     | Lost reports 
                     | no change                                                

(In protobuf, our CI misconfigures the build of protobuf, so the preprocessor 
handles an assert-like macro incorrectly and six of the seven new false 
positives are on "assume that this assertion fails, then we have underflow" 
branches. On qtbase I don't understand why did the 
UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult report appear [perhaps unpredictable changes of 
graph traversal?] but it's technically a true positive.)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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