aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D158540#4628904 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D158540#4628904>, @NoumanAmir657 

> In D158540#4628860 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D158540#4628860>, @aaron.ballman 
> wrote:
>> In D158540#4628629 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D158540#4628629>, 
>> @NoumanAmir657 wrote:
>>> In D158540#4628310 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D158540#4628310>, 
>>> @aaron.ballman wrote:
>>>> In D158540#4628265 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D158540#4628265>, 
>>>> @NoumanAmir657 wrote:
>>>>> No, I don't have code examples that showcase the importance of the note. 
>>>>> As you said the class context would be obvious whenever we run into this 
>>>>> error.
>>>>> The test files also don't show where the note would be helpful.
>>>> The crux of https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/64843 is about the 
>>>> error diagnostic, and that logic hasn't been changed in this patch -- are 
>>>> there other changes that are missing from the patch? The text of the tests 
>>>> shows that the error diagnostic behavior should have changed as well, but 
>>>> I'm not seeing the functional changes to make that happen.
>>> Can you elaborate further? I did not understand what you mean by functional 
>>> changes. According to my knowledge, I don't think anything else is missing 
>>> from the patch.
>> The only changes I see in the review are the addition of 
>> `note_incorrect_defaulted_constexpr` and emitting that note. However, I see 
>> test cases changing from:
>>   constexpr W() __constant = default; // expected-error {{defaulted 
>> definition of default constructor is not constexpr}}
>> to
>>   constexpr W() __constant = default; // expected-error {{default 
>> constructor cannot be 'constexpr' in a class with virtual base classes}} 
>> expected-note {{see reference to function 'W' in 'W' class}}
>> where the error wording is now different, but I don't see any code changes 
>> to the compiler for the error wording.
> I changed the error wording in the file DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
> "%sub{select_special_member_kind}0 cannot be 'constexpr' in a class with 
> virtual base classes">;

Okay, *now* I am seeing some changes there .. that's really strange, because my 
previous viewing only showed the *note* changing. I'm very sorry for the 
confusing noise; it could be that Phab is a bit flaky (it's considerably slower 
than it usually is).

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td:9396
 def err_incorrect_defaulted_constexpr : Error<
-  "defaulted definition of %sub{select_special_member_kind}0 "
-  "is not constexpr">;
+  "%sub{select_special_member_kind}0 cannot be 'constexpr' in a class with 
virtual base classes">;
+def note_incorrect_defaulted_constexpr : Note<
NoumanAmir657 wrote:
> here is the error wording change
Changes the wording to be singular instead of plural.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td:9397-9398
+  "%sub{select_special_member_kind}0 cannot be 'constexpr' in a class with 
virtual base classes">;
+def note_incorrect_defaulted_constexpr : Note<
+  "see reference to function %1 in %0 class">;
 def err_incorrect_defaulted_consteval : Error<
Let's drop this note entirely (more on this below).

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp:7808-7809
+    if (!MD->isConsteval()) {
+      Diag(MD->getBeginLoc(), diag::note_incorrect_defaulted_constexpr)
+          << RD << MD;
+    }
aaron.ballman wrote:
> I'm not certain I understand how this note helps users -- the note is always 
> attached to the instance method being defaulted, so it will always appear 
> where the class context is obvious. e.g.,
> ```
> struct S {
>   constexpr S() = default; // Can quickly tell we're in class S
>   constexpr S(const S&);
> };
> constexpr S::S(const S&) = default; // Can still quickly tell we're in class S
> ```
> Do you have some code examples where this note helps clarify in ways I'm not 
> seeing from the test coverage?
Instead of issuing this note, I think we should issue 
`diag::note_constexpr_virtual_base_here` and specify the location of a virtual 
base class. This way, the user sees the diagnostic saying "can't do this 
because of a virtual base class" and the note directs the user back to the 



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